This is the readme for the model associated with the paper:
Linster C, Kelsch W (2019) A computational model of oxytocin modulation of olfactory recognition memory. eNeuromake -f neuron.mak ./neuron.runLinster and Kelsch Figure 2C and 3C Figure shows AON pyramidal cell simulations under two conditions (control and OXT modulation). OXT modulation decreases pyramidal cell spike rate adaptation and spiking threshold. For control simulations, use (in File bulb.dat; see below)
PYR: input_function ADAPT_INPUT in_par1 100.0 in_par2 0.2 state_function DECAY sta_par 10 output_function SPIKE out_par1 0.5 out_par2 8.0Use ./ to run model. Choose 1. Set up new, 31. Odor stim, 0 don’t learn 0 don’t forget. Once you see the display panel, use “p” in the graphics window to display only pyramidal cells. This displays activities similar to those depicted in Figure 2Ci.
PYR: input_function ADAPT_INPUT in_par1 100.0 in_par2 0.0 state_function DECAY sta_par 10 output_function SPIKE out_par1 0.5 out_par2 4.0Save the file, type 4 (set up new) to create a new network, then 31 (odor stim) or 21 (same input) to run simulation. When graphics display, type “p” into graphics window to display pyramidal cells only. To see mitral cells , use “x” to unselect neurons and then “m” in the graphics window. Figure 3 D and E, 4C and 5 The file save.c has routines to run simulations with a number of odors and to save the neural activities to perform statistics and comparisons. SAVE2 for example compares responses to familiar and novel odors, saves activity vectors and weight matrices and then habituates to a familiar odor, and/or learns this familiar odor in cortex, and save synaptic weights in certain intervals. After learning familiar and novel odors are presented again and activities saved. Then “forgetting” happens, a function in which synaptic weights slowly decay back to their original values. SAVE is set up to compute discrimination and detection indices by comparing activities of different odor stimuli to each other. SAVE_CONC computes responses to a given odor at a range of concentrations for S/N computations.
BULB MOLS 100 RECS 100 GLOMS 100 neurs 1 RECEPTORS: input_function GET_MOLECULES in_par1 0.0 in_par2 0.0 state_function LINEAR sta_par 0.0 output_function SPIKE out_par1 -0.01 out_par2 1.0 PG: input_function SUM_INPUTS in_par1 0.0 in_par2 0.0 state_function DECAY sta_par 2 output_function SPIKE out_par1 0.2 out_par2 4.0 ET input_function SUM_INPUTS in_par1 -0.0 in_par2 0.0 state_function DECAY sta_par 8 output_function SPIKE out_par1 1.0 out_par2 4.0 MITRAL input_function SUM_INPUTS in_par1 -0.0 in_par2 0.0 state_function DECAY sta_par 8 output_function SPIKE out_par1 -0.1 out_par2 8.0 GRANULE: input_function SUM_INPUTS in_par1 -0.0 in_par2 0.0 state_function DECAY sta_par 4 output_function SPIKE out_par1 2.0 out_par2 4.0 PYR: input_function ADAPT_INPUT in_par1 100.0 in_par2 0.2 state_function DECAY sta_par 10 output_function SPIKE out_par1 0.5 out_par2 8.0 AFFERENTS(w/d/N/A): R_M 0.4 1 0.0 1.0 R_PG 0.0 1 1 0.0 1.0 R_ET 0.02 1 0.0 1.0 LOCAL(w/d/N/A/A/B): M_PG 0.0 1 0.0 1.0 PG_M 0.01 1 1.0 0.0 ET_PG 0.0 1 0.0 1.0 ET_M 0.1 1 0.0 1.0 PG_ET 0.0 1 1.0 0.0 BULB(w/d/prob/N/A): M_G 0.25 1 0.2 0.0 1.0 G_M 0.25 1 0.0 0.98 0.02 G_G 0.05 1 1.0 1.0 0.0 CENTRAL(w/d/prob/N/A):| M_P 0.3 1 0.2 0.0 1.0 P_M 0.0 1 0.1 0.0 1.0 P_G 0.2 1 0.2 0.0 1.0 P_E 0.1 1 0.2 0.0 1.0 P_P 0.0 1 0.25 0.0 1.0 max1 1.0 max2 1.0 RATEASS 0.000 RATEMCGC 0.001 RATEPCGC 0.01 FORGETASS 0 FORGETMCGC 10 FORGETPCGC 4500 OXT 1.0Program files (.c) :