
includes the MATLAB files for generating the results presented in the paper

. main_figure_1BC.m: script for generating Figure 1BC

. main_MC_Cox.m: script for simulating the CaV and BK open probabilities obtained from the 70-state Markov chain model (Cox, 2014) of the 1:1 BK-CaV complex

. monte_carlo_sim_bk_cav_1_n.m: script for simulating the CaV and BK open probabilities obtained from the 3*n*2-state Markov chain model of the 1:n BK-CaV complex, where n is the number of CaV channels in the complex

. main_figure_2B.m: script for generating Figure 2B

. main_figure_2C.m: script for generating Figure 2C

. main_figure_3A.m: script for generating Figure 3A

. main_figure_3B.m: script for generating Figure 3B

. main_figure_3C.m: script for generating Figure 3C

. main_figure_3D.m: script for generating Figure 3D

. main_figure_3E.m: script for generating Figure 3E

. main_figure_3F.m: script for generating Figure 3F

. main_figure_3G.m: script for generating Figure 3G

. main_figure_S4.m: script for generating Figure S4

. main_figure_S5.m: script for generating Figure S5

.data_AP. mat: containing the simulated action potential (AP)

./MC_sim/Cox_model.mat: containing the CaV and BK open probabilities in response to a voltage step from -80 mV to 0 mV, obtained from the 70-state Markov chain model (Cox, 2014) of the 1:1 BK-CaV complex (shown in Figure 1BC)

./MC_sim/Cox_model_voltage_steps.mat: containing the responses to different voltage steps, obtained from the 70-state Markov chain model (Cox, 2014) of the 1:1 BK-CaV complex (shown in Figure S4)

./MC_sim/Cox_model_AP.mat: containing the responses to the simulated AP, obtained from the 70-state Markov chain model (Cox, 2014) of the 1:1 BK-CaV complex (shown in Figure S5)

./MC_sim/6_state_model.mat: containing the CaV and BK open probabilities in response to a voltage step from -80 mV to 0 mV, obtained from the 6-state Markov chain model of the 1:1 BK-CaV complex (shown in Figure 1BC)

./MC_sim/3_4n_2_state_model.mat: containing the BK open probability in response to a voltage step from -80 mV to 0 mV, obtained from the 3*n*2-state Markov chain model of the 1:n BK-CaV complex, where n=4 CaVs (shown in Figure 2C)