# Simulation of SDH Network Model To simulate the Spinal Dorsal Horn Network Model: 1. Install python3 (from https://www.python.org/downloads/) Then open the terminal (for Macs) and run the following commands: 2. Install NEURON and NetPyNE: >> pip3 install neuron >> pip3 install netpyne 3. Change to the directory containing SDH model files. Example: >> cd ~/Downloads/SDHmodel 4. Compile the mod files: >> nrnivmodl mods 5. Run the script to initialize the model: >> nrniv -python init_mechanical.py Running the model scripts (Step 5) can also be done in the interative Python (IPython) shell: >> ipython >> run init_mechanical.py 6. Data and figures will save to SDHmodel/data directory The output of this code reproduces the raster plot (Fig. 3A) and synaptic connectivity matrix (Fig. 3D) from Sekiguchi et al. (2021).