import os
import sys
import json
import pickle
from itertools import chain
import argparse as arg

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import minimize, minimize_scalar
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 7})

from neuron import h

from dlutils import utils
from dlutils.cell import Cell, branch_order
from dlutils.synapse import AMPAExp2Synapse, NMDAExp2Synapse
from dlutils.spine import Spine
from dlutils.numerics import double_exp
from dlutils.morpho import Tree
from import plot_tree

progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])

def compute_Rin(seg, I0, do_plot=False):
    stim = h.IClamp(seg)
    stim.delay = 500
    stim.amp = I0
    stim.dur = 200

    rec = {}
    for lbl in 't','V':
        rec[lbl] = h.Vector()

    h.tstop = 1000
    t = np.array(rec['t'])
    V = np.array(rec['V'])
    idx, = np.where(t < stim.delay)
    V0 = V[idx[-10]]
    idx, = np.where(t < stim.delay + stim.dur)
    V1 = V[idx[-10]]
    dV = V1 - V0
    Rin = dV / stim.amp
    if do_plot:
        plt.plot(t, V, 'k')
        plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
        plt.ylabel('Vm (mV)')

    stim.amp = 0
    return Rin

def cost(weights, target_dV, vec, time, EPSP, rec, t_onset):
    locations = list(target_dV.keys())

    for i,k in enumerate(locations):
        for j in range(len(time)):
            vec[k][j] = EPSP[k][j] * weights[i]
    h.tstop = time[-1]
    t = np.array(rec['t'])
    V = {k: np.array(rec[k]) for k in locations}
    t0 = np.min(list(t_onset.values()))
    idx, = np.where(t < t0 - 10)
    V0 = {k: V[k][idx[-1]] for k in locations}
    idx, = np.where((t > t_onset['spine']) & (t < t_onset['spine'] + 50))
    dV = {'spine': np.max(V['spine'][idx]) - V0['spine']}
    if 'dend' in t_onset:
        idx, = np.where((t > t_onset['dend']) & (t < t_onset['dend'] + 50))
        dV['dend'] = np.max(V['dend'][idx]) - V0['dend']
    if False:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        print('cost = {}'.format(np.sum([np.abs(target_dV[k] - dV[k]) for k in locations])))
        plt.plot(t, V['spine'], 'k')
        plt.plot([t[0], t[-1]], V0['spine'] + np.zeros(2), 'g--')
        plt.plot([t[0], t[-1]], V0['spine'] + target_dV['spine'] + np.zeros(2), 'r--')
    return np.sum([np.abs(target_dV[k] - dV[k]) for k in locations])

if __name__ == '__main__':

    parser = arg.ArgumentParser(description='Compute spine EPSP amplitude reduction in a neuron model')
    parser.add_argument('-F','--swc-file', type=str, help='SWC file defining the cell morphology', required=True)
    parser.add_argument('-p','--params-files', type=str, default='',
                        help='JSON file(s) containing the parameters of the model (wildcards are accepted)')
    parser.add_argument('-P','--pickle-file', type=str, default='',
                        help='Pickle file containing the parameters of a population of individuals')
    parser.add_argument('-e','--evaluator-file', type=str, default='evaluator.pkl',
                        help='Pickle file containing the evaluator')
    parser.add_argument('-m','--mech-file', type=str, default=None,
                        help='JSON file containing the mechanisms to be inserted into the cell')
    parser.add_argument('-c','--config-file', type=str, default=None,
                        help='JSON file containing the configuration of the model')
    parser.add_argument('-n','--cell-name', type=str, default=None,
                        help='name of the cell as it appears in the configuration file')
    parser.add_argument('-R','--replace-axon', type=str, default=None,
                        help='whether to replace the axon (accepted values: "yes" or "no")')
    parser.add_argument('-A', '--add-axon-if-missing', type=str, default=None,
                        help='whether to add an axon if the cell does not have one (accepted values: "yes" or "no")')
    parser.add_argument('--model-type', type=str, default='ttx',
                        help='whether to use a passive or active model (accepted values: "TTX" (default), "passive" or "active")')
    parser.add_argument('-o','--output-file', type=str, default=None,
                        help='Pickle file where the results of the optimization will be saved')
    parser.add_argument('-O','--output-dir', type=str, default='.',
                        help='Directory where the results of the optimization will be saved')
    parser.add_argument('-f','--force', action='store_true', help='force overwrite of existing output file')
    parser.add_argument('-q','--quiet', action='store_true', help='do not show plots')
    parser.add_argument('-Q','--spine-only', action='store_true', help='optimize only injection in the spine head')
    parser.add_argument('--Ra', type=str, default='150', help='axial resistivity of the spine (default: 150 Ohm cm)')
    parser.add_argument('--target-dV', type=float, default=10, help='target deflection (default: 10 mV)')
    parser.add_argument('--max-iter', type=int, default=20, help='maximum number of iteration for optimize (default: 20)')
    parser.add_argument('-X','--save-xls', action='store_true', help='save data in an Excel file')
    parser.add_argument('segment', type=str, default='apical[0](0.5)', nargs='?', action='store',
                        help='Segment where the spine will be placed (default: apical[0](0.5))')
    args = parser.parse_args(args=sys.argv[1:])

    from dlutils.utils import individuals_from_pickle, extract_mechanisms

    if not os.path.isfile(args.swc_file):
        print('{}: {}: no such file.'.format(progname,args.swc_file))

    if args.model_type.lower() == 'ttx':
        passive = False
        with_TTX = True
    elif args.model_type.lower() == 'passive':
        passive = True
        with_TTX = False
    elif args.model_type.lower() == 'active':
        passive = False
        with_TTX = False
        print('Unknown value for --model option: "{}".'.format(args.model_type))

    if args.mech_file is not None:
        if not os.path.isfile(args.mech_file):
            print('{}: {}: no such file.'.format(progname,args.mech_file))
        mechanisms = json.load(open(args.mech_file,'r'))
        cell_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(swc_file))[0]
    elif args.config_file is not None:
        if not os.path.isfile(args.config_file):
            print('{}: {}: no such file.'.format(progname,args.config_file))
        if args.cell_name is None:
            print('--cell-name must be present with --config-file option.')
        mechanisms = utils.extract_mechanisms(args.config_file, args.cell_name)
        cell_name = args.cell_name

    if '*' in args.params_files:
        import glob
        params_files = glob.glob(args.params_files)
        params_files = args.params_files.split(',')
    if params_files[0] == '':
        params_files = []

    if args.pickle_file == '':
        population = [json.load(open(params_file,'r')) for params_file in params_files]
        individual_ids = [int(os.path.splitext(params_file)[0].split('_')[1]) for params_file in params_files]
        if len(params_files) > 0:
            print('You cannot simultaneously specify parameter and pickle files.')
        population,individual_ids = individuals_from_pickle(args.pickle_file, args.config_file, cell_name, args.evaluator_file)

    if cell_name[-1] == '_':
        cell_name = cell_name[:-1]

        sim_pars = pickle.load(open('simulation_parameters.pkl','rb'))
        sim_pars = None

    if args.replace_axon is None:
        if sim_pars is None:
            replace_axon = False
            replace_axon = sim_pars['replace_axon']
            print('Setting replace_axon = {} as per original optimization.'.format(replace_axon))
        if args.replace_axon.lower() in ('y','yes'):
            replace_axon = True
        elif args.replace_axon.lower() in ('n','no'):
            replace_axon = False
            print('Unknown value for --replace-axon: "{}".'.format(args.replace_axon))

    if args.add_axon_if_missing is None:
        if sim_pars is None:
            add_axon_if_missing = True
            add_axon_if_missing = not sim_pars['no_add_axon']
            print('Setting add_axon_if_missing = {} as per original optimization.'.format(add_axon_if_missing))
        if args.add_axon_if_missing.lower() in ('y','yes'):
            add_axon_if_missing = True
        elif args.add_axon_if_missing.lower() in ('n','no'):
            add_axon_if_missing = False
            print('Unknown value for --add-axon-if-missing: "{}".'.format(args.add_axon_if_missing))

    if '[' in args.segment:
        ss = args.segment.split('[')
        dendrite = ss[0]
        ss = ss[1].split(']')
        section_num = int(ss[0])
        segment_x = float(ss[1][1:-1])
        # segment selection mode: section x
        seg_sel_mode = 'sec_x'
    elif '{' in args.segment:
        ss = args.segment.split('{')
        dendrite = ss[0]
        segment_num = int(ss[1][:-1])
        # segment selection mode: sequential
        seg_sel_mode = 'seq'
        print('Unable to interpret `{}`.'.format(args.segment))

    if dendrite not in ('apical','basal','soma'):
        print('segment must be located either on basal or apical dendrites or in the soma.')

    if args.output_file is not None and len(population) > 1:
        print('You cannot specifiy one output file name and multiple individuals.')

    if not os.path.isdir(args.output_dir):

    weights = np.array([0.05, 0.05])
    for parameters, individual_id, params_file in zip(population, individual_ids, params_files):

        if args.output_file is not None:
            output_file = args.output_file
            output_folder,filename = os.path.split(output_file)
            if output_folder == '':
                output_folder = '.'
            suffix,_ = os.path.splitext(filename)
            output_folder = args.output_dir
            suffix = 'individual_' + str(individual_id) + '_' + args.segment + '_' + args.model_type + \
                     '_Ra=' + args.Ra + '_dV=' + str(args.target_dV)
            output_file = output_folder + '/AR_' + suffix + '.pkl'

        if os.path.isfile(output_file) and not args.force:
            print('{}: file exists, skipping. Use -f to force overwrite.'.format(output_file))

        ### Instantiate the cell
        cell = Cell('CA3_cell_%d' % int(np.random.uniform()*1e5), args.swc_file, parameters, mechanisms)
        cell.instantiate(replace_axon, add_axon_if_missing, force_passive=passive, TTX=with_TTX)

        if seg_sel_mode == 'sec_x':
            if dendrite == 'apical':
                section = cell.morpho.apic[section_num]
                all_segments = cell.apical_segments
            elif dendrite == 'basal':
                section = cell.morpho.dend[section_num]
                all_segments = cell.basal_segments
            elif dendrite == 'soma':
                section = cell.morpho.soma[section_num]
                all_segments = cell.somatic_segments

            segment = section(segment_x)

            for segment_num in range(len(all_segments)):
                if all_segments[segment_num]['seg'] == segment:
                    seg = all_segments[segment_num]
            print(f'{dendrite}[{section_num}]({segment_x}) is {dendrite}_{segment_num}')

        elif seg_sel_mode == 'seq':

            if dendrite == 'apical':
                seg = cell.apical_segments[segment_num]
                all_sections = cell.morpho.apic
            elif dendrite == 'basal':
                seg = cell.basal_segments[segment_num]
                all_sections = cell.morpho.dend
            elif dendrite == 'soma':
                seg = cell.somatic_segments[segment_num]
                all_sections = cell.morpho.soma

            segment = seg['seg']
            section = seg['sec']
            segment_x = segment.x
            for section_num in range(len(all_sections)):
                if all_sections[section_num] == section:
            tmp = '.'.join(str(segment).split('.')[1:])
            print(f'{dendrite}_{segment_num} is {tmp}')
        segment_dst = seg['dst']
        segment_center = seg['center']
        segment_diam = segment.diam
        segment_branch_order = branch_order(section)

        ### Instantiate the spine
        # in the Harnett paper, the head is spherical with a diameter of 0.5 um: a cylinder
        # with diameter and length equal to 0.5 has the same (outer) surface area as the sphere
        if 'x' in args.Ra:
            Ra = float(args.Ra[:-1]) * section.Ra
            Ra = float(args.Ra)

        head_L = 0.5
        head_diam = 0.5
        neck_L = 1.58
        neck_diam = 0.077
        spine = Spine(section, segment.x, head_L, head_diam, neck_L, neck_diam, Ra)

        ### Compute the input resistance of the dendrite
        R_dend = compute_Rin(segment, -0.1, False)
        print('R_dend = {:.1f} MOhm.'.format(R_dend))

        ### Show where the spine is located on the dendritic tree
        tree = Tree(args.swc_file)
        height = 4
        width = height * tree.xy_ratio
        fig,ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(width, height))
        plot_tree(tree, type_ids=(1,3,4), ax=ax, scalebar_length=100, bounds=[tree.bounds[0,:], tree.bounds[1,:]])
        # label all the sections
        for sec in chain(cell.morpho.apic, cell.morpho.dend):
            if sec in cell.morpho.apic:
                color = 'g'
                color = 'm'
            lbl ='.')[1].split('[')[1][:-1]
            n = sec.n3d()
            sec_coords = np.zeros((n,2))
            for i in range(n):
                sec_coords[i,:] = np.array([sec.x3d(i), sec.y3d(i)])
            middle = int(n / 2)
            plt.text(sec_coords[middle,0], sec_coords[middle,1], lbl, fontsize=3, color=color)
        ax.plot(spine._points[:,0], spine._points[:,1], 'ro', markerfacecolor='r', markersize=2)
        fig.savefig(output_folder + '/spine_' + suffix + '.pdf')
        if not args.quiet:

        ### Optimize the weights to have a comparable deflection in the spine when injecting current in both the spine and the dendrite
        locations = ['spine', 'dend']
        seg = {'spine': spine.head(1), 'dend': spine._sec(0.8)}
        if args.spine_only:
            t_onset = {'spine': 150}
            weights_0 = weights[:1]
            bounds = [(2e-3,1)]
            t_onset = {'spine': 350, 'dend': 150}
            weights_0 = weights
            bounds = [(2e-3,0.4), (2e-3,0.4)]
        t0 = np.min(list(t_onset.values()))

        tr = 1          # [ms] rise time constant
        td = 10         # [ms] decay time constant
        t_end = np.max(list(t_onset.values())) + 200     # [ms]
        dt = 0.1        # [ms]
        time = np.arange(0, t_end, dt)
        EPSP = {k: double_exp(tr, td, t_onset[k], time) for k in t_onset}

        vec = {}
        vec['time'] = h.Vector(time)
        for k in EPSP:
            vec[k] = h.Vector(EPSP[k])

        stimuli = {k: h.IClamp(seg[k]) for k in t_onset}
        rec = {'t': h.Vector(), 'soma': h.Vector()}
        for k in locations:
            rec[k] = h.Vector()

        for k,stim in stimuli.items():
            stim.dur = 10 * t_end
            vec[k].play(stim._ref_amp, vec['time'], 1)

        target_dV = {k: args.target_dV for k in t_onset}
        if args.spine_only:
            xtol = 1e-3
            opt = minimize_scalar(lambda x: cost([x], target_dV, vec, time, EPSP, rec, t_onset), \
                                  bounds = bounds[0], \
                                  method = 'Bounded', \
                                  tol = xtol, \
                                  options = {'maxiter': args.max_iter * 3, 'disp': 3, 'xatol': xtol})
            weights = [opt.x]
            opt = minimize(lambda x: cost(x, target_dV, vec, time, EPSP, rec, t_onset), \
                           weights_0, \
                           bounds = bounds, \
                           options = {'maxiter': args.max_iter, 'disp': True, 'ftol': 0.1})
            weights = opt.x

        # this is also to have the right trace in the plot
        c = cost(weights, target_dV, vec, time, EPSP, rec, t_onset)
        print('Cost: {:.3e}.'.format(c))


        col = {'spine': 'g', 'dend': 'm', 'soma': 'k'}
        fig,ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(3,2))
        for k in locations:
            ax.plot(rec['t'], rec[k], col[k], label=k, linewidth=1)
        ax.set_xlabel('Time (ms)')
        ax.set_ylabel(r'$V_m$ (mV)')
        ax.set_xlim([t0 - 10, t_end])
        v = np.array([np.array(rec[loc]) for loc in ('spine', 'dend', 'soma')])
        v_min = v[:,-1].min()
        v_max = v.max()
        dv = (v_max - v_min) / 15
        v_min -= dv
        v_max += dv
        ax.set_ylim([v_min, v_max])
        v_min = np.ceil(v_min / 5) * 5
        v_max = np.floor(v_max / 5) * 5
        ax.set_yticks(np.r_[v_min : v_max + 1 : 5])
        for side in 'right','top':
        ax.grid(which='major', axis='y', ls=':', lw=0.5, color=[.6,.6,.6])
        fig.savefig(output_folder + '/EPSPs_' + suffix + '.pdf')
        if not args.quiet:

        ### Compute the amplitude ratio of the EPSPs in the spine and in the dendrite when injecting current in the spine
        t = np.array(rec['t'])
        V = {k: np.array(rec[k]) for k in locations}
        idx, = np.where(t < t0 - 10)
        V0 = {k: V[k][idx[-1]] for k in locations}
        if args.spine_only:
            idx, = np.where(t > t_onset['spine'])
            spine_to_dend_dV = {k: np.max(V[k][idx]) - V0[k] for k in locations}
            dend_to_spine_dV =  {}
            idx, = np.where((t > t_onset['spine']) & (t < t_onset['spine'] + 50))
            spine_to_dend_dV = {k: np.max(V[k][idx]) - V0[k] for k in locations}
            idx, = np.where((t > t_onset['dend']) & (t < t_onset['dend'] + 50))
            dend_to_spine_dV = {k: np.max(V[k][idx]) - V0[k] for k in locations}

        AR = spine_to_dend_dV['spine'] / spine_to_dend_dV['dend']

        R_neck = (AR - 1) * R_dend

        if not args.spine_only:
            print('Current injected in the dendrite:')
            print('   Dendrite deflection: {:.3f} mV.'.format(dend_to_spine_dV['dend']))
            print('      Spine deflection: {:.3f} mV.'.format(dend_to_spine_dV['spine']))
            print('    Somatic deflection: {:.3f} mV.'.format(dend_to_spine_dV['soma']))
        print('Current injected in the spine:')
        print('      Spine deflection: {:.3f} mV.'.format(spine_to_dend_dV['spine']))
        print('   Dendrite deflection: {:.3f} mV.'.format(spine_to_dend_dV['dend']))
        print('    Somatic deflection: {:.3f} mV.'.format(spine_to_dend_dV['soma']))
        print('Amplitude ratio: {:.2f}.'.format(AR))
        print('R_neck: {:.1f} MOhm.'.format(R_neck))

        data = {'dend_to_spine_dV': dend_to_spine_dV, 'spine_to_dend_dV': spine_to_dend_dV,
                'AR': AR, 'R_dend': R_dend, 'R_neck': R_neck, 'target_dV': target_dV, 'model_type': args.model_type,
                'weights': weights, 'cost_fun': c, 'seg_sel_mode': seg_sel_mode, 'dend_center': segment_center,
                'Ra': Ra, 'passive': passive, 'with_TTX': with_TTX, 'target_dV': args.target_dV,
                'head_L': head_L, 'head_diam': head_diam, 'neck_L': neck_L, 'neck_diam': neck_diam,
                'spine_dst': segment_dst, 'dend_diam': segment_diam, 'dend_branch_order': segment_branch_order,
                'swc_file': os.path.abspath(args.swc_file), 'parameters': parameters, 'individual': individual_id,
                'section_num': section_num, 'segment_x': segment_x, 'segment_num': segment_num}

        data['time'] = np.array(rec['t'])
        for loc in locations:
            data['V' + loc] = np.array(rec[loc])

        if len(params_files) > 0:
            data['params_file'] = os.path.abspath(params_file)
            data['pickle_file'] = os.path.abspath(args.pickle_file)

        pickle.dump(data, open(output_file, 'wb'))

        if args.save_xls:
            df1 = pd.DataFrame({'x': segment_center[0], 'y': segment_center[1], 'z': segment_center[2],
                                'dendrite_impedance': R_dend, 'neck_impedance': R_neck, 'amplitude_ratio': AR}, index=[0])
            tmp = {'time': data['time']}
            for loc in locations:
                tmp['V' + loc] = data['V' + loc]
            df2 = pd.DataFrame(tmp)
            df = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=1, ignore_index=True)
            df.columns = 'x', 'y', 'z', 'dendrite_impedance', 'neck_impedance', 'amplitude_ratio', \
                         'Time', 'V' + locations[0], 'V' + locations[1], 'V' + locations[2]
            xls_file = os.path.splitext(output_file)[0] + '.xlsx'
            with pd.ExcelWriter(xls_file) as writer: