Modelling the modulation of cortical Up-Downstate switching by astrocytes Lisa Blum Moyse, Hugues Berry Matlab (.m) and python notebook (.ipynb) files #Rate model: * rate_simu.ipynb : simulations of the rate model * rate_diagram.ipynb : equations to find fixed points #Spiking model: * IAF.ipynb : simulations of the spiking model * fixed_points_with_astro.ipynb : self-consistent equations to find fixed points, with astrocytes * fixed_points_woastro.ipynb : self-consistent equations to find fixed points, without astrocytes * stability.ipynb : stability analysis of the fixed points * UD_analysis.m : analysis of the Up and Down states durations * FP_analysis.m : 3d nullclines to find fixed points, with astrocytes