The copyrights of this software are owned by Duke University. As such, two licenses for this software are offered:

1. An open-source license under the GPLv2 license for non-commercial use.

2. A custom license with Duke University, for commercial use without the GPLv2 license restrictions. 


As a recipient of this software, you may choose which license to receive the code under. Outside contributions to the Duke-owned code base cannot be accepted unless the contributor transfers the copyright to those changes over to Duke University.

To enter a custom license agreement without the GPLv2 license restrictions, please contact the Digital Innovations department at the Duke Office for Translation & Commercialization (OTC) ( at with reference to “OTC File No. T-007874 in your email. 


Please note that this software is distributed AS IS, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; and without the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.