Readme for Kenyon cells in the honeybee model by Wustenberg et al 2004

This model was used in the publication

Wustenberg DG, Boytcheva M, Grunewald B, Byrne JH, Menzel R, Baxter DA
Current- and voltage-clamp recordings and computer simulations of Kenyon cells in the honeybee.
J Neurophysiol. 2004 Jun 9 (epub ahead of print)

to use:

Download and expand the zip file into a directory that contains no spaces in it's path.
Double click on the SNNAP8.jar file in the SNNAP directory.  Click on Run Simulation, then
on the new window click File --> Load Simulation and select the available file.  Finally
click on HHKenyon.smu and then Start.  The simulation produces a figure similar to fig 9B1.