// Template for a network cell based on the IntFire4 class
// for use with the NetLayer and LayerConn classes.

// if4nc = new IntFire4nc(paramvec)
// paramvec is a 4-element vector containing the values of taum, taue, taui1
// and taui2.

// syn
//   reference to the actual IntFire4. Called syn as the IntFire4 artificial
//   cell acts as both cell and post-synaptic mechanism, i.e. it receives the
//   network events directly.

// spiketimes
//   Vector into which the times of spike in the IntFire4 are recorded.

// set_background(weight)
// set_background(weight,rate)
// set_background(weight,rate,start)
// set_background(weight,rate,start,noise)
// set_background(weight,rate,start,noise,number)
//  All except the first argument optional. Sets parameters of the built-in
//  NetStim. The NetStim is created the first time this procedure is called.
//  rate is in spikes/second, i.e. netstim.interval = 1000.0/rate

// memb_init() 
// memb_init(m_init)
// With no arguments, sets the initial value of m to the stored value
// (default 0). With one argument, changes the stored value and sets
// the initial value to this.

// source
// For external objects to query the source of spike events. For IntFire4
// it is just a reference to syn.

// Andrew Davison, UNIC, CNRS, Aug 2003

begintemplate IntFire4nc
  public syn, spiketimes, set_background
  public memb_init, source, record
  public bg, bgconn // for debugging
  objref syn, spiketimes, bg, bgconn
  objref rec, source, nil, fih, this
  proc init() {
    syn = new IntFire4(0.5)
    syn.taum = $o1.x[0]
    syn.taue = $o1.x[1]
    syn.taui1 = $o1.x[2]
    syn.taui2 = $o1.x[3]
    source = syn
    spiketimes = new Vector()
    //rec = new NetCon(syn,nil)
    fih = new FInitializeHandler("memb_init()",this)
    m_init = 0
  proc record() {
    if ($1 == 1) {
      rec = new NetCon(syn,nil)
    } else {
      objref rec
  proc memb_init() {
    if (numarg() == 1) {
      m_init = $1
    syn.m = m_init
  proc set_background() { local na
    if (!object_id(bg)) { // if the background stimulus does not exist, create it
      bg = new NetStim(0.5)
      bgconn = new NetCon(bg,syn,1,0,0.0)
    bgconn.weight = $1
    na = numarg()
    if (na > 1) {
      if ($2 > 1e-9) {
	bg.interval = 1000.0/$2
      } else {
	bg.interval = 1e12
      if (na > 2) {
	bg.start = $3
	if (na > 3) {
	  bg.noise = $4
	  if (na > 4) {
	    bg.number = $5
endtemplate IntFire4nc