#!/usr/local/bin/css -f

void Anal(String fnm) {
  fstream istrm;
  istrm.open(fnm, ios::in);

  fstream ostrm;
  ostrm.open(fnm + ".gort", ios::out);

  int epc;
  int rt_go[3200];
  int  cycle;
  int cycle_max = 200;
  float thal, m1;
  int i, l;
  int settle;
 int cycle_col, thal_col;

  while(!istrm.eof() && istrm.good()) {
    String_Array& col = ReadLine(istrm);
    if(istrm.eof() || istrm.bad()) break;

    if(col[0].contains("_H:")) {
      if (col[7].contains("cycle")) {
	cycle_col =7;  // columns for cycle and thalamus are different 
	thal_col = 12; // in c1 and c4 log files; adjust here
      else {cycle_col = 8; thal_col = 13;}


    cycle = col[cycle_col];
    thal = col[thal_col];
 if (cycle==0) {
   rt_go[i]= cycle_max; //initialize the rt to be maximum
 if (settle==0) { // check if net has settled on resp yet	
   if (thal>.25) { // check if average thal act is > .25, which means that a single unit > .5
     rt_go[i]=cycle; // if so, then set the rt to be this cycle
     settle =1;  // network has settled on response

 if (cycle== (cycle_max -1)) i++;

  for (i=0;i<1600;i++) { 

    if ((rt_go[i]!=0)&&(rt_go[i]!=cycle_max))  
    ostrm << "_D:" << "\t" <<  i << "\t" << rt_go[i] << "\n";
  cout << fnm << ".gort:\n";
  system("more " + fnm + ".gort");
  cout << "\n";

void Main() {
  int i;
  for(i=1;i<argc;i++) {
