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Biological Basis of the Code

The provided code is concerned with visualizing and analyzing the currents and voltages related to neuron activity using computational neuroscience models. Here, I'll explain the biological relevance of some key components of the code:

Currentscape Representation

The primary function of plotCurrentscape is to represent the various ionic currents contributing to the neuron's behavior across time. This visualization method, often known as "currentscape," is akin to a landscape plot showing how different ionic currents are modulating the neuron's membrane potential over time.

Voltage Trace Plotting

Voltage Distributions

Functions like plotVoltageDistributions and plotVoltageDistributionsEnhanceEdges aim to represent the distributions of membrane potentials over time. This approach can inform the analysis of:

Current Share Distributions

The plotCurrentSharesDistributions function visualizes how ionic currents are partitioned across various timescales and across neuron states:


Overall, the code facilitates the analysis of neural dynamics through computational models that mimic biological neuron behavior. By decomposing neuronal activity into currents and potential changes, researchers can better understand how different ion channels contribute to complex neuronal behaviors observed in both in vitro and in vivo settings.