Simulation Environment: C or C++ program (web link to model)

  1. A dynamic model of the canine ventricular myocyte (Hund, Rudy 2004)
  2. A Model of Selection between Stimulus and Place Strategy in a Hawkmoth (Balkenius et al. 2004)
  3. Active dendritic integration in robust and precise grid cell firing (Schmidt-Hieber et al 2017)
  4. Auditory nerve spontaneous rate histograms (Jackson and Carney 2005)
  5. Ca2+-activated I_CAN and synaptic depression promotes network-dependent oscil. (Rubin et al. 2009)
  6. Dynamical patterns underlying response properties of cortical circuits (Keane et al 2018)
  7. Efficient simulation environment for modeling large-scale cortical processing (Richert et al. 2011)
  8. Electrical compartmentalization in neurons (Wybo et al 2019)
  9. Encoding and discrimination of vowel-like sounds (Tan and Carney 2005)
  10. Generating neuron geometries for detailed 3D simulations using AnaMorph (Morschel et al 2017)
  11. Inhibitory control by an integral feedback signal in prefrontal cortex (Miller and Wang 2006)
  12. Integrate and fire model code for spike-based coincidence-detection (Heinz et al. 2001, others)
  13. Lobster STG pyloric network model with calcium sensor (Gunay & Prinz 2010) (Prinz et al. 2004)
  14. Long-term adaptation with power-law dynamics (Zilany et al. 2009)
  15. Model of memory linking through memory allocation (Kastellakis et al. 2016)
  16. Model of neural responses to amplitude-modulated tones (Nelson and Carney 2004)
  17. Models for diotic and dichotic detection (Davidson et al. 2009)
  18. Multimodal stimuli learning in hawkmoths (Balkenius et al. 2008)
  19. Neural mass model of spindle generation in the isolated thalamus (Schellenberger Costa et al. 2016)
  20. Neural mass model of the neocortex under sleep regulation (Costa et al 2016)
  21. Neural mass model of the sleeping cortex (Weigenand et al 2014)
  22. Neural mass model of the sleeping thalamocortical system (Schellenberger Costa et al 2016)
  23. NEUROFIT: fitting HH models to voltage clamp data (Willms 2002)
  24. Polychronization: Computation With Spikes (Izhikevich 2005)
  25. Predicting formant-frequency discrimination in noise (Tan and Carney 2006)
  26. Quantitative assessment of computational models for retinotopic map formation (Hjorth et al. 2015)
  27. Rat phrenic motor neuron (Amini et al 2004)
  28. Response properties of an integrate and fire model (Zhang and Carney 2005)
  29. Reverberatory bursts propagation and synchronization in developing cultured NNs (Huang et al 2016)
  30. Simple model of barrel-specific segregation in cortex (Lu et al 2006)
  31. Towards a virtual C. elegans (Palyanov et al. 2012)
  32. Ventricular cell model (Guinea-pig-type) (Luo, Rudy 1991, +11 other papers!) (C++)
  33. Virtual Retina: biological retina simulator, with contrast gain control (Wohrer and Kornprobst 2009)

The model is written in the C or C++ language.
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