A model for recurrent spreading depolarizations (Conte et al. 2017)


alpha0 0.05
alphag 0.5
cae0 3
cl0 110
dact 1
dcytosol 75
der 1000
dinh 0.5
dip3 0.25
eps 0.00003
F 96485
fi 0.01
gcab 6e-06
gclb 6e-06
gkb 2e-05
glui0 1
glut0 0.001
gnab 1e-05
gnagl 3e-05
hr 0.5
imax 5
imin 0.08
ip3 0.3
k0 4
kserca 0.4
minute 60
na0 140
pca 3
pcl 2e-07
pcytosol 0.5
per 0.10
phihp 0.05
phin 0.8
pk 7e-05
pka 4.8e-06
pkl 4e-07
pna 1e-05
pnaa 0.015e-06
pnal 2e-09
pnap 3e-08
pnmda 3e-06
R 8310
s 922
Sa 1600
second 1000
sgn 14.
sig 6
sighp -6
sigm 5.
sigmag 0.001
sigmp 6
sn -12
tau 4
taubar 10000
taun0 0.05
taun1 0.27
tdecay 1
Temp 310.0
thetat -10
thg 0.01
thhp -48
thm -34.
thmp -40
thn -55.
thnt -40
trise 2
vip3 3000
vleak 0.01
vola 2000
voln 2160
vserca 110
vt -49


alphan 0.5
cae0 3
cl0 110
dact 1
dcytosol 75
delta 0.05
der 1000
dg 0.0021
dinh 0.5
dip3 0.25
dk 0.002
dna 0.001333
F 96485
fi 0.01
gcab 3e-05
gclb 6e-06
gkb 2e-05
glui0 1
glut0 0.001
gnab 1e-05
gnagl 3e-05
hr 0.5
imax 5
imaxa[1..4] 0.08
imaxa[10..14] 0.16
imaxa[15..19] 0.2
imaxa[20..25] 0.24
imaxa[5..9] 0.12
ip3 0.3
k0 4
kserca 0.4
minute 60
na0 140
pca 3
pcl 2e-07
pcytosol 0.5
per 0.10
phihp 0.05
phin 0.8
pk 7e-05
pka 6e-06
pkl 4e-07
pna 1e-05
pnaa 0.015e-06
pnal 2e-09
pnap 3e-08
pnmda 3e-06
R 8310
S 922
Sa 1600
second 1000
sgn 14.
sig 6
sighp -6
sigm 5.
sigmag 0.001
sigmp 6
sn -12
tau 4
taubar 10000
taun0 0.05
taun1 0.27
tdecay 1
Temp 310.0
thetat -10
thg 0.01
thhp -48
thm -34.
thmp -40
thn -55.
thnt -40
trise 2
vg 1.0
vip3 3000
vleak 0.01
vola 2000
voln 2160
vserca 110
vt -49
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