Locational influence of dendritic PIC on input-output properties of spinal motoneurons (Kim 2017)

Kim H. (2017). Impact of the localization of dendritic calcium persistent inward current on the input-output properties of spinal motoneuron pool: a computational study. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). 123 [PubMed]

See more from authors: Kim H

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References and models that cite this paper

Kim H. (2020). Linking Motoneuron PIC Location to Motor Function in Closed-Loop Motor Unit System Including Afferent Feedback: A Computational Investigation. eNeuro. 7 [PubMed]

Kim H, Kim M. (2018). PyMUS: Python-Based Simulation Software for Virtual Experiments on Motor Unit System. Frontiers in neuroinformatics. 12 [PubMed]

Kim H, Jones KE, Heckman CJ. (2014). Asymmetry in signal propagation between the soma and dendrites plays a key role in determining dendritic excitability in motoneurons. PloS one. 9 [PubMed]

See more from authors: Kim H · Jones KE · Heckman CJ

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