Axonal subthreshold voltage signaling along hippocampal mossy fiber (Kamiya 2022)

Subthreshold depolarization of soma passively propagates into the axons for a substantial distance and thereby caused enhancement of the transmitter release from the axon terminals of hippocampal mossy fibers. Here we developed the granule cell-mossy fiber model implemented with axonal sodium potassium and calcium channels and explored the mechanisms underlying analog modulation of the action potential-evoked transmitter release by subthreshold voltage signaling along the axons. Action potential-induced calcium entry to the terminals was reduced, while subthreshold depolarization itself caused small calcium entry.

Model Type: Axon

Region(s) or Organism(s): Hippocampus

Cell Type(s): Dentate gyrus granule GLU cell

Currents: I Calcium; I Sodium; I K

Receptors: AMPA; GabaA

Transmitters: Glutamate; Gaba

Model Concept(s): Action Potentials; Axonal Action Potentials; Analog coding; Subthreshold signaling

Simulation Environment: NEURON

Implementer(s): Kamiya, Haruyuki [kamiya at]


Kamiya H. (2022). Modeling analysis of subthreshold voltage signaling along hippocampal mossy fiber axons Front Cell Neurosci.

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