Find models by simulation environment

Click on a link to show a list of models implemented in that simulation environment or programming language.

Simulation Environment Hosted Links Total
AnimatLab v1 3 0 3
BETSE 0 1 1
BioNet 0 1 1
BioPAX 0 1 1
BluePyOpt 4 0 4
Brain Dynamics Toolbox 1 1 2
Brian 35 15 50
Brian 2 22 5 27
C or C++ program 125 33 158
C# 1 0 1
CalC Calcium Calculator 1 7 8
Catacomb 0 1 1
CellDesigner 4 0 4
CellExcite 1 0 1
CellML 0 13 13
Chemesis 2 0 2
cirsiumNeuron 1 0 1
CNrun 1 0 1
COMSOL 2 2 4
COPASI 1 0 1
CSIM 1 3 4
Cx3Dp 1 0 1
Cython 4 0 4
Dynamics Solver 1 0 1
DynaSim 2 1 3
EDLUT 3 0 3
eFEL 2 0 2
Emergent/PDP++ 3 0 3
ERNST (Event Related Neuronal Simulation Tool) 0 1 1
FNS Neural Simulator 1 0 1
FORTRAN 19 1 20
GENESIS 42 7 49
GNUstep NeXTStep/OpenStep 1 0 1
HSPICE 1 0 1
IDL 1 0 1
IGOR Pro 4 1 5
IonChannelLab 1 0 1
Java 10 5 15
Javascript 1 0 1
Julia 1 3 4
KInNeSS 1 1 2
KNPsim 0 1 1
LCG 1 0 1
LFPy 5 1 6
LibRoadRunner 1 0 1
Lua 1 0 1
MadSim 2 0 2
Mathematica 8 3 11
MATLAB 386 82 468
MCell 6 0 6
MVASpike 1 0 1
MySQL 0 1 1
NCS 1 0 1
Nengo 2 0 2
NEST 20 3 23
NetPyNE 12 0 12
Network 5 0 5
Neural Field Simulator 1 0 1
neuroConstruct 2 4 6
NeuroDevSim 1 0 1
NeuroGPU 1 0 1
neurolib 0 1 1
NeuroML 3 5 8
NEURON 796 57 853
NeuronC 0 1 1
NeuronetExperimenter 0 1 1
Neuronify 0 1 1
Neuronvisio 0 1 1
NeuroRD 7 0 7
ngspice 1 0 1
Norns - Neural Net Studio 2 0 2
NSM 0 1 1
Octave 2 0 2
parplex 2 0 2
Pascal 0 1 1
Pascal/Delphi 3 0 3
PCSIM 1 0 1
pHHotoreceptor 1 0 1
PSICS 1 0 1
PSpice 2 0 2
PyNN 7 0 7
Python 271 52 323
QBasic/QuickBasic/Turbo Basic/VBA 3 0 3
QuB 1 0 1
R 7 3 10
ReMoto 0 1 1
SABER 1 0 1
SBML 2 3 5
SciLab 2 0 2
Scilab 0 2 2
Simulink 13 0 13
SNNAP 22 0 22
Snudda 0 1 1
SpiNNaker 2 0 2
SPLIT 1 0 1
Sspice Symbolic SPICE 1 0 1
STEPS 8 2 10
T2N 0 1 1
The Virtual Brain 0 1 1
The Virtual Mouse Brain (TVMB) 0 1 1
Topographica 1 1 2
Trentool 2 0 2
VERTEX 1 0 1
Virtual Cell 0 4 4
XML 0 4 4
XPPAUT 126 17 143
Yale HMM 1 0 1
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