ModelDB - Resources

  • Simulators and Simulator Tools
    • NEURON for empirically-based simulations of neurons and networks of neurons.
    • GENESIS GEneral NEural SImulation System developed at Caltech to provide a standard and flexible means of constructing realistic simulations of biological neural systems. MOOSE is the Multiscale Object-Oriented Simulation Environment. It is the base and numerical core for large, detailed simulations including Computational Neuroscience and Systems Biology. ... MOOSE spans the range from single molecules to subcellular networks, from single cells to neuronal networks, and to still larger systems. it is backwards-compatible with GENESIS, and forward compatible with Python and XML-based model definition standards like SBML and MorphML.
    • MCell makes it possible to incorporate high resolution ultrastructure into models of ligand diffusion and signaling, and has evolved from experimental and theoretical work of the MCell group: Joel Stiles (Biomedical Applications, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center), Miriam Salpeter (Neurobiology & Behavior, Cornell University), Edwin Salpeter (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Cornell University), and Thomas Bartol and Terrence Sejnowski (Computational Neurobiology Laboratory, Salk Institute).
    • Virtual Cell Environment ... "The user can build complex models with a web-based Java interface to specify compartmental topology and geometry, molecular characteristics, and relevant interaction parameters. The Virtual Cell automatically converts the biological description into a corresponding mathematical system of ordinary and/or partial differential equations. Distinct biological and mathematical frameworks are encompassed within a single graphical interface. The mathematic-savy user may directly specify the complete mathematical description of the model, bypassing the schematic interface. The Virtual Cell will then solve the equations by applying numerical solvers and generate appropriate software code to perform and analyze simulations. Results can be displayed and analyzed on-line or downloaded to the users computer in a variety of formats." There are almost 200 published models of chemical pathways.
    • The Surf-Hippo neuron simulator is a public domain package written in Lisp for Unix workstations and PCs that is used to investigate morphometrically and biophysically detailed compartmental models of single neurons and networks of neurons. Surf-Hippo allows ready construction of cells and networks using built-in functions and various anatomical file formats (NTS, Rodney Douglas, and Rocky Nevin formats, using a modified version of the anatomy file conversion program ntscable by JC Wathey; Neurolucida).
    • NEST - The Neural Simulation Technology Initiative is a collaborative effort to advance simulation technology for large, biologically realistic networks of spiking neurons. ...
      The main goals of the collaboration are: 1) development of new simulation methods and algorithms, 2) development of new analysis and visualization tools, as well as the 3) collection of information and resources related to neural simulations. These goals are expressed in the joint development of a simulation system for biologically realistic neuronal networks. This groups software was previously called BLISS and SYNOD.
    • XPP-Aut X-windows phase plane analysis program by Bard Ermentrout. Designed to solve dynamical systems problems that take several different forms: (i) ordinary differential equations (ODEs); (ii) delay differential equations (DDEs); (iii) differential-algebraic equations (DAEs); (iv) Volterra integro-differential equations (IDEs); (v) discrete dynamical systems (MAPs); (vi) boundary value problems (BVP). Includes "locbif" (locate bifurcations), a phase plane analysis tool. Runs under Windows or Unix.
    • DsTool is a computer program for the interactive investigation of dynamical systems on computers using unix and the X window system. The aims of the program are described in an article entitled dstool: Computer Assisted Exploration of Dynamical Systems (Notices of the American Mathemtical Society, 39, 303--309, 1992). Originally written at Cornell by Mark Myers, Rick Wicklin and Patrick Worfolk, it has been improved and modified by contributions from Allen Back and the staff of the former Geometry Center at the University of Minneapolis.
    • A list of dynamical system tools This comprehensive list is part of an interesting and informative nonlinear science FAQ (math) site maintained by James Meiss.
    • Electrophysiology - Simulation programs by Fransisco (Pancho) Bezanilla. This page contain several simulation program  written as applets and can be run across the web.
    • Nonlinear Solvers and Differential Equations (NSDE) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). This page (NSDE) contains a link to an excellent list of publications in numerical analysis that includes manuscript pdfs.
    • NSL, Neural Simulation Language , is a simulation system for large-scale general neural networks. NSL provides a simulation environment simplifying the task of modeling neural networks. In particular, NSL supports neural models having as basic data structure neural layers with similar properties and similar connection patterns, where neurons are modeled as leaky integrators with connections subject to diverse learning rules.
    • MATCONT is a graphical MATLAB package for the interactive numerical study of dynamical systems. It is developed in parallel with the command line continuation toolbox CL_MATCONT. Both MATCONT and CL_MATCONT allow to compute curves of equilibria, limit points, Hopf points, limit cycles and bifurcation points of limit cycles. See A. DHOOGE, W. GOVAERTS, YU. A. KUZNETSOV. MATCONT: A MATLAB package for numerical bifurcation analysis of ODEs A. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 29, No. 2, June 2003, Pages 141-164. for an introduction and brief software survey.
    • Emergent (formerly PDP++) is a neural-network simulation system written in Go. It represents the next generation of the PDP software originally released with the McClelland and Rumelhart "Explorations in Parallel Distributed Processing Handbook", MIT Press, 1987. It is easy enough for novice users, but very powerful and flexible for research use.
    • SpikeShaper is a new simple tool for exploring Hodgkin-Huxley models recently published in Neuroinformatics
    • "Brian is a simulator for spiking neural networks available on almost all platforms. The motivation for this project is that a simulator should not only save the time of processors, but also the time of scientists. Brian is easy to learn and use, highly flexible and easily extensible. The Brian package itself and simulations using it are all written in the Python programming language, which is an easy, concise and highly developed language with many advanced features and development tools, excellent documentation and a large community of users providing support and extension packages. ..."
    • "QUB is a software package for Markov analysis of single-molecule kinetics, especially ion channel records. With QuB's user-friendly graphical interfaces, you can
      • simulate single-channel currents for any model
      • calculate rate constants and voltage-dependence without fitting histograms
      • detect current transitions in the presence of noise
      • filter data, correct baseline, and select subintervals
      • test all possible model topologies
      • fit data to any function or system of ODEs
      • (more...)
  • Morphology Modeling
    • is a centrally curated inventory of digitally reconstructed neurons. NeuroMorpho.Org contains contributions from over two-dozen labs and is continuously updated as new morphological reconstructions are collected, published, and shared, with the goal of densely covering all available data.
    • L-NEURON A modeling tool for the efficient generation and parsimonious description of dendritic morphology.
    • TREES toolbox analyzes neuronal morphologies and can generate synthetic morphologies.
  • HBP Links
    • The Cell Image Library (formerly cell centered database CCDB) was created to house the types of high resolution 3D light and electron microscopic reconstructions produced at the National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research . It contains structural and protein distribution information derived from confocal, multiphoton and electron microscopy, including correlated microscopy. Many of the data sets are derived from electron tomography. Electron tomography is similar in concept to medical imaging techniques like CAT scans and MRI in that it derives a 3D volume from a series of 2D projections through a structure. In this case, the structures are contained in sections prepared for electron microscopy which are tilted through a limited angular range. Many of the data sets in the CCDB come from studies of the nervous system, although the CCDB is not restricted to neuronal information.
    • NeuroML is an emerging declarative standard for representing computational neuroscience models.
    • The GENESIS Neural Database and Modeler's Workspace Project Vision: Develop an easy-to-use tool for computational neuroscientists that facilitates the following tasks: creating, editing and visualizing models and other objects; interacting with neuronal databases; interacting with simulation systems such as GENESIS; and collaborating with other modelers using simultaneous shared editing and visualization.
    • CellML supports both quantitative and qualitative pathway models. The CellML 1.0 Specification defines any model which defines the change in the concentration of a chemical species involved in a reaction, as a quantitative pathway model. Here we adapt that definition to include both pathway and electrophysiological models. CellML has plans to build a simulator to execute CellML models which are now just a specification.
  • Databases of Neuroscience Databases and Lists of Databases
  • Computational neuroscience and related laboratory lists
  • Electronic Library
  • Miscellaneous
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