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Model Type: Connectionist Network; Realistic Network;

  1. Olfactory Bulb Network (Davison et al 2003)
  2. Hopfield and Brody model (Hopfield, Brody 2000)
  3. Thalamocortical and Thalamic Reticular Network (Destexhe et al 1996)
  4. Regulation of a slow STG rhythm (Nadim et al 1998)
  5. Thalamic Reticular Network (Destexhe et al 1994)
  6. Feedforward heteroassociative network with HH dynamics (Lytton 1998)
  7. Hippocampus temporo-septal engram shift model (Lytton 1999)
  8. Thalamic quiescence of spike and wave seizures (Lytton et al 1997)
  9. Computer model of clonazepam's effect in thalamic slice (Lytton 1997)
  10. Leech heart interneuron network model (Hill et al 2001, 2002)
  11. Gamma oscillations in hippocampal interneuron networks (Bartos et al 2002)
  12. Gamma oscillations in hippocampal interneuron networks (Wang, Buzsaki 1996)
  13. Sleep-wake transitions in corticothalamic system (Bazhenov et al 2002)
  14. Irregular oscillations produced by cyclic recurrent inhibition (Friesen, Friesen 1994)
  15. Burst induced synaptic plasticity in Apysia sensorimotor neurons (Phares et al 2003)
  16. A network model of tail withdrawal in Aplysia (White et al 1993)
  17. Thalamocortical augmenting response (Bazhenov et al 1998)
  18. Sparsely connected networks of spiking neurons (Brunel 2000)
  19. Olfactory bulb mitral cell: synchronization by gap junctions (Migliore et al 2005)
  20. The activity phase of postsynaptic neurons (Bose et al 2004)
  21. Large cortex model with map-based neurons (Rulkov et al 2004)
  22. A single column thalamocortical network model (Traub et al 2005)
  23. Network model of the granular layer of the cerebellar cortex (Maex, De Schutter 1998)
  24. Fast oscillations in inhibitory networks (Maex, De Schutter 2003)
  25. Neural model of two-interval discrimination (Machens et al 2005)
  26. Dentate gyrus network model (Santhakumar et al 2005)
  27. S cell network (Moss et al 2005)
  28. Persistent synchronized bursting activity in cortical tissues (Golomb et al 2005)
  29. Coding of stimulus frequency by latency in thalamic networks (Golomb et al 2005)
  30. Inhibitory control by an integral feedback signal in prefrontal cortex (Miller and Wang 2006)
  31. Parallel network simulations with NEURON (Migliore et al 2006)
  32. Biologically-plausible models for spatial navigation (Cannon et al 2003)
  33. A dynamical model of the basal ganglia (Leblois et al 2006)
  34. Learning spatial transformations through STDP (Davison, Frégnac 2006)
  35. Computational Model of a Central Pattern Generator (Cataldo et al 2006)
  36. Excitatory and inhibitory interactions in populations of model neurons (Wilson and Cowan 1972)
  37. Scaling self-organizing maps to model large cortical networks (Bednar et al 2004)
  38. An oscillatory neural model of multiple object tracking (Kazanovich and Borisyuk 2006)
  39. Dynamic dopamine modulation in the basal ganglia: Learning in Parkinson (Frank et al 2004,2005)
  40. Information-processing in lamina-specific cortical microcircuits (Haeusler and Maass 2006)
  41. Computational aspects of feedback in neural circuits (Maass et al 2006)
  42. High dimensional dynamics and low dimensional readouts in neural microcircuits (Haeusler et al 2006)
  43. Irregular spiking in NMDA-driven prefrontal cortex neurons (Durstewitz and Gabriel 2006)
  44. Networks of spiking neurons: a review of tools and strategies (Brette et al. 2007)
  45. A simulation method for the firing sequences of motor units (Jiang et al 2006)
  46. Homosynaptic plasticity in the tail withdrawal circuit (TWC) of Aplysia (Baxter and Byrne 2006)
  47. Prefrontal cortical mechanisms for goal-directed behavior (Hasselmo 2005)
  48. A reinforcement learning example (Sutton and Barto 1998)
  49. Hippocampal context-dependent retrieval (Hasselmo and Eichenbaum 2005)
  50. Fixed point attractor (Hasselmo et al 1995)
  51. Cortex learning models (Weber at al. 2006, Weber and Triesch, 2006, Weber and Wermter 2006/7)
  52. Spiking neuron model of the basal ganglia (Humphries et al 2006)
  53. Population-level model of the basal ganglia and action selection (Gurney et al 2001, 2004)
  54. Basal ganglia-thalamocortical loop model of action selection (Humphries and Gurney 2002)
  55. A theory of ongoing activity in V1 (Goldberg et al 2004)
  56. Linking STDP and Dopamine action to solve the distal reward problem (Izhikevich 2007)
  57. Oscillating neurons in the cochlear nucleus (Bahmer Langner 2006a, b, and 2007)
  58. Slow wave propagation in the guinea-pig gastric antrum (Hirst et al. 2006, Edwards and Hirst 2006)
  59. Cat auditory nerve model (Zilany and Bruce 2006, 2007)
  60. Cochlear implant models (Bruce et al. 1999a, b, c, 2000)
  61. Olfactory bulb network model of gamma oscillations (Bathellier et al. 2006; Lagier et al. 2007)
  62. Updated Tritonia Swim CPG (Calin-Jagemann et al. 2007)
  63. Classic model of the Tritonia Swim CPG (Getting, 1989)
  64. Fast population coding (Huys et al. 2007)
  65. A neural model of Parkinson`s disease (Cutsuridis and Perantonis 2006, Cutsuridis 2006, 2007)
  66. Optimal deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus-a computational study (Feng et al. 2007)
  67. Turtle visual cortex model (Nenadic et al. 2003, Wang et al. 2005, Wang et al. 2006)
  68. Translating network models to parallel hardware in NEURON (Hines and Carnevale 2008)
  69. Olfactory bulb mitral and granule cell: dendrodendritic microcircuits (Migliore and Shepherd 2008)
  70. Study of augmented Rubin and Terman 2004 deep brain stim. model in Parkinsons (Pascual et al. 2006)
  71. Cell splitting in neural networks extends strong scaling (Hines et al. 2008)
  72. Roles of subthalamic nucleus and DBS in reinforcement conflict-based decision making (Frank 2006)
  73. Neuronal population models of intracerebral EEG (Wendling et al. 2005)
  74. Fronto-parietal visuospatial WM model with HH cells (Edin et al 2007)
  75. Studies of stimulus parameters for seizure disruption using NN simulations (Anderson et al. 2007)
  76. Temporal integration by stochastic recurrent network (Okamoto et al. 2007)
  77. Tonic-clonic transitions in a seizure simulation (Lytton and Omurtag 2007)
  78. JitCon: Just in time connectivity for large spiking networks (Lytton et al. 2008)
  79. A microcircuit model of the frontal eye fields (Heinzle et al. 2007)
  80. Thalamic transformation of pallidal input (Hadipour-Niktarash 2006)
  81. Activity constraints on stable neuronal or network parameters (Olypher and Calabrese 2007)
  82. Gap-junction coupled network activity depends on coupled dendrites diameter (Gansert et al. 2007)
  83. Two-cell inhibitory network bursting dynamics captured in a one-dimensional map (Matveev et al 2007)
  84. Spikes,synchrony,and attentive learning by laminar thalamocort. circuits (Grossberg & Versace 2007)
  85. Synchronization by D4 dopamine receptor-mediated phospholipid methylation (Kuznetsova, Deth 2008)
  86. Stability of complex spike timing-dependent plasticity in cerebellar learning (Roberts 2007)
  87. Distributed representation of perceptual categories in the auditory cortex (Kim and Bao 2008)
  88. MEG of Somatosensory Neocortex (Jones et al. 2007)
  89. KInNeSS : a modular framework for computational neuroscience (Versace et al. 2008)
  90. Hippocampal basket cell gap junction network dynamics (Saraga et al. 2006)
  91. Axonal gap junctions produce fast oscillations in cerebellar Purkinje cells (Traub et al. 2008)
  92. Laminar connectivity matrix simulation (Weiler et al 2008)
  93. Olfactory bulb mitral and granule cell column formation (Migliore et al. 2007)
  94. Human Attentional Networks: A Connectionist Model (Wang and Fan 2007)
  95. Neural modeling of an internal clock (Yamazaki and Tanaka 2008)
  96. Polychronization: Computation With Spikes (Izhikevich 2005)
  97. Lateral dendrodenditic inhibition in the Olfactory Bulb (David et al. 2008)
  98. Modulation of septo-hippocampal theta activity by GABAA receptors (Hajos et al. 2004)
  99. Robust Reservoir Generation by Correlation-Based Learning (Yamazaki & Tanaka 2008)
  100. Broadening of activity with flow across neural structures (Lytton et al. 2008)
  101. Reward modulated STDP (Legenstein et al. 2008)
  102. The virtual slice setup (Lytton et al. 2008)
  103. High frequency stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus (Rubin and Terman 2004)
  104. A spiking model of cortical broadcast and competition (Shanahan 2008)
  105. Synaptic plasticity can produce and enhance direction selectivity (Carver et al, 2008)
  106. Working memory circuit with branched dendrites (Morita 2008)
  107. Numerical Integration of Izhikevich and HH model neurons (Stewart and Bair 2009)
  108. Competition for AP initiation sites in a circuit controlling simple learning (Cruz et al. 2007)
  109. Simulation system of spinal cord motor nuclei and assoc. nerves and muscles (Cisi and Kohn 2008)
  110. A model of the femur-tibia control system in stick insects (Stein et al. 2008)
  111. Multisensory integration in the superior colliculus: a neural network model (Ursino et al. 2009)
  112. Gap junction coupled network of striatal fast spiking interneurons (Hjorth et al. 2009)
  113. Phase oscillator models for lamprey central pattern generators (Varkonyi et al. 2008)
  114. Odor supported place cell model and goal navigation in rodents (Kulvicius et al. 2008)
  115. Virtual Retina: biological retina simulator, with contrast gain control (Wohrer and Kornprobst 2009)
  116. Response properties of neocort. neurons to temporally modulated noisy inputs (Koendgen et al. 2008)
  117. Loss of phase-locking in non-weakly coupled inhib. networks of type-I neurons (Oh and Matveev 2009)
  118. STDP promotes synchrony of inhibitory networks in the presence of heterogeneity (Talathi et al 2008)
  119. Multistability of clustered states in a globally inhibitory network (Chandrasekaran et al. 2009)
  120. Contribution of ATP-sensitive potassium channels in the neuronal network (Huang et al. 2009)
  121. Generating oscillatory bursts from a network of regular spiking neurons (Shao et al. 2009)
  122. Mechanisms of very fast oscillations in axon networks coupled by gap junctions (Munro, Borgers 2010)
  123. Electrically-coupled Retzius neurons (Vazquez et al. 2009)
  124. Small world networks of Type I and Type II Excitable Neurons (Bogaard et al. 2009)
  125. Software for teaching neurophysiology of neuronal circuits (Grisham et al. 2008)
  126. Investigation of different targets in deep brain stimulation for Parkinson`s (Pirini et al. 2009)
  127. Encoding and retrieval in a model of the hippocampal CA1 microcircuit (Cutsuridis et al. 2009)
  128. Na channel mutations in the dentate gyrus (Thomas et al. 2009)
  129. Oscillations, phase-of-firing coding and STDP: an efficient learning scheme (Masquelier et al. 2009)
  130. Oscillation and coding in a proposed NN model of insect olfaction (Horcholle-Bossavit et al. 2007)
  131. Neural model of frog ventilatory rhythmogenesis (Horcholle-Bossavit and Quenet 2009)
  132. A network model of the vertebrate retina (Publio et al. 2009)
  133. A contracting model of the basal ganglia (Girard et al. 2008)
  134. Dentate Gyrus Feed-forward inhibition (Ferrante et al. 2009)
  135. Alternative time representation in dopamine models (Rivest et al. 2009)
  136. Epilepsy may be caused by very small functional changes in ion channels (Thomas et al. 2009)
  137. Dentate gyrus (Morgan et al. 2007, 2008, Santhakumar et al. 2005, Dyhrfjeld-Johnsen et al. 2007)
  138. Simulation studies on mechanisms of levetiracetam-mediated inhibition of IK(DR) (Huang et al. 2009)
  139. Maximum entropy model to predict spatiotemporal spike patterns (Marre et al. 2009)
  140. Respiratory central pattern generator network in mammalian brainstem (Rubin et al. 2009)
  141. Ca2+-activated I_CAN and synaptic depression promotes network-dependent oscil. (Rubin et al. 2009)
  142. Huntington`s disease model (Gambazzi et al. 2010)
  143. Spike-Timing-Based Computation in Sound Localization (Goodman and Brette 2010)
  144. Asynchronous irregular and up/down states in excitatory and inhibitory NNs (Destexhe 2009)
  145. Formation of synfire chains (Jun and Jin 2007)
  146. Network topologies for producing limited sustained activation (Kaiser and Hilgetag 2010)
  147. A model of the temporal pattern generator of C. elegans egg-laying behavior (Zhang et. al 2010)
  148. Basal ganglia network model of subthalamic deep brain stimulation (Hahn and McIntyre 2010)
  149. Generating coherent patterns of activity from chaotic neural networks (Sussillo and Abbott 2009)
  150. Olfactory bulb cluster formation (Migliore et al. 2010)
  151. Rapid desynchronization of an electrically coupled Golgi cell network (Vervaeke et al. 2010)
  152. Grid cell oscillatory interference with noisy network oscillators (Zilli and Hasselmo 2010)
  153. Medial reticular formation of the brainstem: anatomy and dynamics (Humphries et al. 2006, 2007)
  154. Striatal GABAergic microcircuit, dopamine-modulated cell assemblies (Humphries et al. 2009)
  155. High frequency oscillations in a hippocampal computational model (Stacey et al. 2009)
  156. Network recruitment to coherent oscillations in a hippocampal model (Stacey et al. 2011)
  157. Modelling enteric neuron populations and muscle fed-state motor patterns (Chambers et al. 2011)
  158. Synaptic information transfer in computer models of neocortical columns (Neymotin et al. 2010)
  159. Neocort. pyramidal cells subthreshold somatic voltage controls spike propagation (Munro Kopell 2012)
  160. Modeling local field potentials (Bedard et al. 2004)
  161. Neural transformations on spike timing information (Tripp and Eliasmith 2007)
  162. STDP allows fast rate-modulated coding with Poisson-like spike trains (Gilson et al. 2011)
  163. Population models of temporal differentiation (Tripp and Eliasmith 2010)
  164. Biophysically realistic neural modeling of the MEG mu rhythm (Jones et al. 2009)
  165. Striatal GABAergic microcircuit, spatial scales of dynamics (Humphries et al, 2010)
  166. Model of long range transmission of gamma oscillation (Murray 2007)
  167. Sensory feedback in an oscillatory interference model of place cell activity (Monaco et al. 2011)
  168. Laminar analysis of excitatory circuits in vibrissal motor and sensory cortex (Hooks et al. 2011)
  169. Spike exchange methods for a Blue Gene/P supercomputer (Hines et al., 2011)
  170. Emergence of physiological oscillation frequencies in neocortex simulations (Neymotin et al. 2011)
  171. Gamma and theta rythms in biophysical models of hippocampus circuits (Kopell et al. 2011)
  172. Modular grid cell responses as a basis for hippocampal remapping (Monaco and Abbott 2011)
  173. A Neural mass computational model of the Thalamocorticothalamic circuitry (Bhattacharya et al. 2011)
  174. Bursting respiratory net: clustered architecture gives large phase diff`s (Fietkiewicz et al 2011)
  175. Ketamine disrupts theta modulation of gamma in a computer model of hippocampus (Neymotin et al 2011)
  176. Cerebellar cortex oscil. robustness from Golgi cell gap jncs (Simoes de Souza and De Schutter 2011)
  177. Hyperconnectivity, slow synapses in PFC mental retardation and autism model (Testa-Silva et al 2011)
  178. Cancelling redundant input in ELL pyramidal cells (Bol et al. 2011)
  179. Computational Surgery (Lytton et al. 2011)
  180. Event-related simulation of neural processing in complex visual scenes (Mihalas et al. 2011)
  181. Relative spike time coding and STDP-based orientation selectivity in V1 (Masquelier 2012)
  182. Engaging distinct oscillatory neocortical circuits (Vierling-Claassen et al. 2010)
  183. Prosthetic electrostimulation for information flow repair in a neocortical simulation (Kerr 2012)
  184. Network model with neocortical architecture (Anderson et al 2007,2012; Azhar et al 2012)
  185. Basal ganglia-thalamic network model for deep brain stimulation (So et al. 2012)
  186. Efficient simulation environment for modeling large-scale cortical processing (Richert et al. 2011)
  187. Hippocampal CA3 network and circadian regulation (Stanley et al. 2013)
  188. Rate model of a cortical RS-FS-LTS network (Hayut et al. 2011)
  189. FRAT: An amygdala-centered model of fear conditioning (Krasne et al. 2011)
  190. Fisher and Shannon information in finite neural populations (Yarrow et al. 2012)
  191. Phase precession through acceleration of local theta rhythm (Castro & Aguiar 2011)
  192. Simulations of oscillations in piriform cortex (Wilson & Bower 1992)
  193. Principles of Computational Modelling in Neuroscience (Book) (Sterratt et al. 2011)
  194. Thalamic network model of deep brain stimulation in essential tremor (Birdno et al. 2012)
  195. Competition model of pheromone ratio detection (Zavada et al. 2011)
  196. Grid cell spatial firing models (Zilli 2012)
  197. Epileptic seizure model with Morris-Lecar neurons (Beverlin and Netoff 2011)
  198. Perturbation sensitivity implies high noise and suggests rate coding in cortex (London et al. 2010)
  199. Synchrony by synapse location (McTavish et al. 2012)
  200. Surround Suppression in V1 via Withdraw of Balanced Local Excitation in V1 (Shushruth 2012)
  201. Lobster STG pyloric network model with calcium sensor (Gunay & Prinz 2010) (Prinz et al. 2004)
  202. CA1 pyramidal cell: reconstructed axonal arbor and failures at weak gap junctions (Vladimirov 2011)
  203. A Moth MGC Model-A HH network with quantitative rate reduction (Buckley & Nowotny 2011)
  204. Cerebellar gain and timing control model (Yamazaki & Tanaka 2007)(Yamazaki & Nagao 2012)
  205. Connection-set Algebra (CSA) for the representation of connectivity in NN models (Djurfeldt 2012)
  206. Functional consequences of cortical circuit abnormalities on gamma in schizophrenia (Spencer 2009)
  207. Inferior Olive, subthreshold oscillations (Torben-Nielsen, Segev, Yarom 2012)
  208. Duration-tuned neurons from the inferior colliculus of the big brown bat (Aubie et al. 2009)
  209. Duration-tuned neurons from the inferior colliculus of vertebrates (Aubie et al. 2012)
  210. Half-center oscillator database of leech heart interneuron model (Doloc-Mihu & Calabrese 2011)
  211. Reinforcement learning of targeted movement (Chadderdon et al. 2012)
  212. Hopfield and Brody model (Hopfield, Brody 2000) (NEURON+python)
  213. Computing with neural synchrony (Brette 2012)
  214. Large scale model of the olfactory bulb (Yu et al., 2013)
  215. Parametric computation and persistent gamma in a cortical model (Chambers et al. 2012)
  216. Modulation of hippocampal rhythms by electric fields and network topology (Berzhanskaya et al. 2013)
  217. Network model with dynamic ion concentrations (Ullah et al. 2009)
  218. Olfactory bulb mitral cell gap junction NN model: burst firing and synchrony (O`Connor et al. 2012)
  219. Mean Field Equations for Two-Dimensional Integrate and Fire Models (Nicola and Campbell, 2013)
  220. Reconstrucing sleep dynamics with data assimilation (Sedigh-Sarvestani et al., 2012)
  221. Nonlinear dendritic processing in barrel cortex spiny stellate neurons (Lavzin et al. 2012)
  222. Olfactory bulb network: neurogenetic restructuring and odor decorrelation (Chow et al. 2012)
  223. Modeling the effects of dopamine on network synchronization (Komek et al. 2012)
  224. ACh modulation in olfactory bulb and piriform cortex (de Almeida et al. 2013;Devore S, et al. 2014)
  225. Motor cortex microcircuit simulation based on brain activity mapping (Chadderdon et al. 2014)
  226. Motion Clouds: Synthesis of random textures for motion perception (Leon et al. 2012)
  227. A large-scale model of the functioning brain (spaun) (Eliasmith et al. 2012)
  228. Structure-dynamics relationships in bursting neuronal networks revealed (Mäki-Marttunen et al. 2013)
  229. Synaptic scaling balances learning in a spiking model of neocortex (Rowan & Neymotin 2013)
  230. Biophysical model for field potentials of networks of I&F neurons (beim Graben & Serafim 2013)
  231. Composite spiking network/neural field model of Parkinsons (Kerr et al 2013)
  232. Storing serial order in intrinsic excitability: a working memory model (Conde-Sousa & Aguiar 2013)
  233. A detailed and fast model of extracellular recordings (Camunas-Mesa & Qurioga 2013)
  234. Human sleep/wake cycle (Rempe et al. 2010)
  235. Development of orientation-selective simple cell receptive fields (Rishikesh and Venkatesh, 2003)
  236. Towards a virtual C. elegans (Palyanov et al. 2012)
  237. Spiking GridPlaceMap model (Pilly & Grossberg, PLoS One, 2013)
  238. Failure of Deep Brain Stimulation in a basal ganglia neuronal network model (Dovzhenok et al. 2013)
  239. State dependent drug binding to sodium channels in the dentate gyrus (Thomas & Petrou 2013)
  240. Olfactory Computations in Mitral-Granule cell circuits (Migliore & McTavish 2013)
  241. A two-layer biophysical olfactory bulb model of cholinergic neuromodulation (Li and Cleland 2013)
  242. Competing oscillator 5-cell circuit and Parameterscape plotting (Gutierrez et al. 2013)
  243. Distributed synaptic plasticity and spike timing (Garrido et al. 2013)
  244. An attractor network model of grid cells and theta-nested gamma oscillations (Pastoll et al 2013)
  245. Distributed cerebellar plasticity implements adaptable gain control (Garrido et al., 2013)
  246. Biologically Constrained Basal Ganglia model (BCBG model) (Lienard, Girard 2014)
  247. Emergence of Connectivity Motifs in Networks of Model Neurons (Vasilaki, Giugliano 2014)
  248. Fast convergence of cerebellar learning (Luque et al. 2015)
  249. A Model Circuit of Thalamocortical Convergence (Behuret et al. 2013)
  250. Sensorimotor cortex reinforcement learning of 2-joint virtual arm reaching (Neymotin et al. 2013)
  251. A 1000 cell network model for Lateral Amygdala (Kim et al. 2013)
  252. Network bursts in cultured NN result from different adaptive mechanisms (Masquelier & Deco 2013)
  253. Spontaneous weakly correlated excitation and inhibition (Tan et al. 2013)
  254. Interaural time difference detection by slowly integrating neurons (Vasilkov Tikidji-Hamburyan 2012)
  255. Synaptic gating at axonal branches, and sharp-wave ripples with replay (Vladimirov et al. 2013)
  256. Single compartment Dorsal Lateral Medium Spiny Neuron w/ NMDA and AMPA (Biddell and Johnson 2013)
  257. Auditory cortex layer IV network model (Beeman 2013)
  258. Model of arrhythmias in a cardiac cells network (Casaleggio et al. 2014)
  259. Dynamic cortical interlaminar interactions (Carracedo et al. 2013)
  260. Grid cells from place cells (Castro & Aguiar, 2014)
  261. Effects of increasing CREB on storage and recall processes in a CA1 network (Bianchi et al. 2014)
  262. Ih tunes oscillations in an In Silico CA3 model (Neymotin et al. 2013)
  263. Gating of steering signals through phasic modulation of reticulospinal neurons (Kozlov et al. 2014)
  264. 3D model of the olfactory bulb (Migliore et al. 2014)
  265. Current Dipole in Laminar Neocortex (Lee et al. 2013)
  266. Statistics of symmetry measure for networks of neurons (Esposito et al. 2014)
  267. Mechanisms for stable, robust, and adaptive development of orientation maps (Stevens et al. 2013)
  268. Olfactory bulb juxtaglomerular models (Carey et al., 2015)
  269. Simulated cortical color opponent receptive fields self-organize via STDP (Eguchi et al., 2014)
  270. I&F recurrent networks with current- or conductance-based synapses (Cavallari et al. 2014)
  271. LGNcircuit: Minimal LGN network model of temporal processing of visual input (Norheim et al. 2012)
  272. Parvalbumin-positive basket cells differentiate among hippocampal pyramidal cells (Lee et al. 2014)
  273. Leech Heart (HE) Motor Neuron conductances contributions to NN activity (Lamb & Calabrese 2013)
  274. Striatal dopamine ramping: an explanation by reinforcement learning with decay (Morita & Kato, 2014)
  275. Olfactory bulb microcircuits model with dual-layer inhibition (Gilra & Bhalla 2015)
  276. Fast global oscillations in networks of I&F neurons with low firing rates (Brunel and Hakim 1999)
  277. Sensitivity of noisy neurons to coincident inputs (Rossant et al. 2011)
  278. Stable propagation of synchronous spiking in cortical neural networks (Diesmann et al 1999)
  279. Electrostimulation to reduce synaptic scaling driven progression of Alzheimers (Rowan et al. 2014)
  280. Time-warp-invariant neuronal processing (Gutig & Sompolinsky 2009)
  281. Late emergence of the whisker direction selectivity map in rat barrel cortex (Kremer et al. 2011)
  282. Norns - Neural Network Studio (Visser & Van Gils 2014)
  283. Input strength and time-varying oscillation peak frequency (Cohen MX 2014)
  284. L5 PFC microcircuit used to study persistent activity (Papoutsi et al. 2014, 2013)
  285. Neural mass model based on single cell dynamics to model pathophysiology (Zandt et al 2014)
  286. Self-organized olfactory pattern recognition (Kaplan & Lansner 2014)
  287. Dentate gyrus network model (Tejada et al 2014)
  288. Status epilepticus alters dentate basket cell tonic inhibition (Yu J et al 2013)
  289. A two networks model of connectivity-dependent oscillatory activity (Avella OJ et al. 2014)
  290. Vertical System (VS) tangential cells network model (Trousdale et al. 2014)
  291. Large-scale model of neocortical slice in vitro exhibiting persistent gamma (Tomsett et al. 2014)
  292. Single E-I oscillating network with amplitude modulation (Avella Gonzalez et al. 2012)
  293. Synchronicity of fast-spiking interneurons balances medium-spiny neurons (Damodaran et al. 2014)
  294. Microcircuits of L5 thick tufted pyramidal cells (Hay & Segev 2015)
  295. Bursting and oscillations in RD1 Retina driven by AII Amacrine Neuron (Choi et al. 2014)
  296. Adaptive robotic control driven by a versatile spiking cerebellar network (Casellato et al. 2014)
  297. Distal inhibitory control of sensory-evoked excitation (Egger, Schmitt et al. 2015)
  298. Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex model in Matlab (Clopath at al. 2014)
  299. A spiking neural network model of model-free reinforcement learning (Nakano et al 2015)
  300. Pyramidal neuron, fast, regular, and irregular spiking interneurons (Konstantoudaki et al 2014)
  301. Role for short term plasticity and OLM cells in containing spread of excitation (Hummos et al 2014)
  302. Network models of frequency modulated sweep detection (Skorheim et al. 2014)
  303. Effects of spinal cord stimulation on WDR dorsal horn network (Zhang et al 2014)
  304. Understanding odor information segregation in the olfactory bulb by MC/TCs (Polese et al. 2014)
  305. ELL pyramidal neuron (Simmonds and Chacron 2014)
  306. 3D olfactory bulb: operators (Migliore et al, 2015)
  307. Oscillations emerging from noise-driven NNs (Tchumatchenko & Clopath 2014)
  308. A spatial model of the intermediate superior colliculus (Moren et. al. 2013)
  309. Hierarchical network model of perceptual decision making (Wimmer et al 2015)
  310. Basis for temporal filters in the cerebellar granular layer (Roessert et al. 2015)
  311. Reichardt Model for Motion Detection in the Fly Visual System (Tuthill et al, 2011)
  312. Default mode network model (Matsui et al 2014)
  313. Unsupervised learning of an efficient short-term memory network (Vertechi, Brendel & Machens 2014)
  314. Striatal NN model of MSNs and FSIs investigated effects of dopamine depletion (Damodaran et al 2015)
  315. NMDAR & GABAB/KIR Give Bistable Dendrites: Working Memory & Sequence Readout (Sanders et al., 2013)
  316. Large-scale neuromusculoskeletal model of human upright standing (Elias et al 2014)
  317. Modeling hebbian and homeostatic plasticity (Toyoizumi et al. 2014)
  318. Cerebellar memory consolidation model (Yamazaki et al. 2015)
  319. Model of working memory based on negative derivative feedback (Lim and Goldman, 2013)
  320. Effect of polysynaptic facilitaiton between piriform-hippocampal network stages (Trieu et al 2015)
  321. Model of eupnea and sigh generation in respiratory network (Toporikova et al 2015)
  322. Long time windows from theta modulated inhib. in entorhinal–hippo. loop (Cutsuridis & Poirazi 2015)
  323. Normal ripples, abnormal ripples, and fast ripples in a hippocampal model (Fink et al. 2015)
  324. NETMORPH: creates NNs with realistic neuron morphologies (Koene et al. 2009, van Ooyen et al. 2014)
  325. Inhibitory cells enable sparse coding in V1 model (King et al. 2013)
  326. Models of Vector Navigation with Grid Cells (Bush et al., 2015)
  327. Activity patterns in a subthalamopallidal network of the basal ganglia model (Terman et al 2002)
  328. Orientation selectivity in inhibition-dominated recurrent networks (Sadeh and Rotter, 2015)
  329. Functional balanced networks with synaptic plasticity (Sadeh et al, 2015)
  330. Cortical model with reinforcement learning drives realistic virtual arm (Dura-Bernal et al 2015)
  331. Noise promotes independent control of gamma oscillations and grid firing (Solanka et al 2015)
  332. Quantitative assessment of computational models for retinotopic map formation (Hjorth et al. 2015)
  333. Mitral cell activity gating by respiration and inhibition in an olfactory bulb NN (Short et al 2016)
  334. Diffusive homeostasis in a spiking network model (Sweeney et al. 2015)
  335. PIR gamma oscillations in network of resonators (Tikidji-Hamburyan et al. 2015)
  336. Interaction of leak and IMI conductance on the STG over broad temperature range (Stadele et al 2015)
  337. pre-Bötzinger complex variability (Fietkiewicz et al. 2016)
  338. Gamma-beta alternation in the olfactory bulb (David, Fourcaud-Trocmé et al., 2015)
  339. CA1 pyramidal neuron network model (Ferguson et al 2015)
  340. Dentate gyrus network model pattern separation and granule cell scaling in epilepsy (Yim et al 2015)
  341. Olfactory Bulb mitral-granule network generates beta oscillations (Osinski & Kay 2016)
  342. Ca+/HCN channel-dependent persistent activity in multiscale model of neocortex (Neymotin et al 2016)
  343. CA3 Network Model of Epileptic Activity (Sanjay et. al, 2015)
  344. H-currents effect on the fluctuation of gamma/beta oscillations (Avella-Gonzalez et al., 2015)
  345. Hippocampal CA1 NN with spontaneous theta, gamma: full scale & network clamp (Bezaire et al 2016)
  346. Microsaccades and synchrony coding in the retina (Masquelier et al. 2016)
  347. The neocortical microcircuit collaboration portal (Markram et al. 2015)
  348. Parallelizing large networks in NEURON (Lytton et al. 2016)
  349. Multiscale modeling of epileptic seizures (Naze et al. 2015)
  350. CA1 pyramidal cells, basket cells, ripples (Malerba et al 2016)
  351. Multitarget pharmacology for Dystonia in M1 (Neymotin et al 2016)
  352. A detailed data-driven network model of prefrontal cortex (Hass et al 2016)
  353. Functional properties of dendritic gap junctions in Cerebellar Golgi cells (Szoboszlay et al. 2016)
  354. Modeling epileptic seizure induced by depolarization block (Kim & Dykamp 2017)
  355. Multiplication by NMDA receptors in Direction Selective Ganglion cells (Poleg-Polsky & Diamond 2016)
  356. Muscle spindle feedback circuit (Moraud et al, 2016)
  357. Inhibition and glial-K+ interaction leads to diverse seizure transition modes (Ho & Truccolo 2016)
  358. Supervised learning in spiking neural networks with FORCE training (Nicola & Clopath 2017)
  359. Theory of sequence memory in neocortex (Hawkins & Ahmad 2016)
  360. Hippocampal spiking model for context dependent behavior (Raudies & Hasselmo 2014)
  361. Deep belief network learns context dependent behavior (Raudies, Zilli, Hasselmo 2014)
  362. Motor system model with reinforcement learning drives virtual arm (Dura-Bernal et al 2017)
  363. Stochastic and periodic inputs tune ongoing oscillations (Hutt et al. 2016)
  364. Cognitive and motor cortico-basal ganglia interactions during decision making (Guthrie et al 2013)
  365. A dendritic disinhibitory circuit mechanism for pathway-specific gating (Yang et al. 2016)
  366. Cortex-Basal Ganglia-Thalamus network model (Kumaravelu et al. 2016)
  367. A multilayer cortical model to study seizure propagation across microdomains (Basu et al. 2015)
  368. Model of memory linking through memory allocation (Kastellakis et al. 2016)
  369. Large-scale neural model of visual short-term memory (Ulloa, Horwitz 2016; Horwitz, et al. 2005,...)
  370. Continuous lateral oscillations as a mechanism for taxis in Drosophila larvae (Wystrach et al 2016)
  371. Subiculum network model with dynamic chloride/potassium homeostasis (Buchin et al 2016)
  372. Dentate Gyrus model including Granule cells with dendritic compartments (Chavlis et al 2017)
  373. A network of AOB mitral cells that produces infra-slow bursting (Zylbertal et al. 2017)
  374. Parallel cortical inhibition processing enables context-dependent behavior (Kuchibhotla et al. 2016)
  375. Reverberatory bursts propagation and synchronization in developing cultured NNs (Huang et al 2016)
  376. Hybrid oscillatory interference / continuous attractor NN of grid cell firing (Bush & Burgess 2014)
  377. Changes of ionic concentrations during seizure transitions (Gentiletti et al. 2016)
  378. Model of CA1 activity during working memory task (Spera et al. 2016)
  379. CA1 pyr cell: Inhibitory modulation of spatial selectivity+phase precession (Grienberger et al 2017)
  380. COREM: configurable retina simulator (Martínez-Cañada et al., 2016)
  381. A spiking NN for amplification of feature-selectivity with specific connectivity (Sadeh et al 2015)
  382. Neuron-based control mechanisms for a robotic arm and hand (Singh et al 2017)
  383. Collection of simulated data from a thalamocortical network model (Glabska, Chintaluri, Wojcik 2017)
  384. CRH modulates excitatory transmission and network physiology in hippocampus (Gunn et al. 2017)
  385. Linking dynamics of the inhibitory network to the input structure (Komarov & Bazhenov 2016)
  386. A model of antennal lobe of bee (Chen JY et al. 2015)
  387. 5-neuron-model of neocortex for producing realistic extracellular AP shapes (Van Dijck et al. 2012)
  388. Hotspots of dendritic spine turnover facilitates new spines and NN sparsity (Frank et al 2018)
  389. Neuronify: An Educational Simulator for Neural Circuits (Dragly et al 2017)
  390. Cerebellar granular layer (Maex and De Schutter 1998)
  391. Pallidostriatal projections promote beta oscillations (Corbit, Whalen, et al 2016)
  392. Models for cortical UP-DOWN states in a bistable inhibitory-stabilized network (Jercog et al 2017)
  393. L4 cortical barrel NN model receiving thalamic input during whisking or touch (Gutnisky et al. 2017)
  394. Different roles for inhibition in the rhythm-generating respiratory network (Harris et al 2017)
  395. Distance-dependent inhibition in the hippocampus (Strüber et al. 2017)
  396. Gap junction plasticity as a mechanism to regulate network-wide oscillations (Pernelle et al 2018)
  397. Computational analysis of NN activity and spatial reach of sharp wave-ripples (Canakci et al 2017)
  398. Conductance-based model of Layer-4 in the barrel cortex (Argaman et Golomb 2017)
  399. Model of the cerebellar granular network (Sudhakar et al 2017)
  400. 2D model of olfactory bulb gamma oscillations (Li and Cleland 2017)
  401. Modeling dendritic spikes and plasticity (Bono and Clopath 2017)
  402. A unified thalamic model of multiple distinct oscillations (Li, Henriquez and Fröhlich 2017)
  403. Spinal circuits controlling limb coordination and gaits in quadrupeds (Danner et al 2017)
  404. A spiking neural network model of the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (Sen-Bhattacharya et al 2017)
  405. Knox implementation of Destexhe 1998 spike and wave oscillation model (Knox et al 2018)
  406. Mesoscopic dynamics from AdEx recurrent networks (Zerlaut et al JCNS 2018)
  407. Sparse connectivity is required for decorrelation, pattern separation (Cayco-Gajic et al 2017)
  408. Neuromorphic muscle spindle model (Vannucci et al 2017)
  409. The origin of different spike and wave-like events (Hall et al 2017)
  410. Unbalanced peptidergic inhibition in superficial cortex underlies seizure activity (Hall et al 2015)
  411. Cortical oscillations and the basal ganglia (Fountas & Shanahan 2017)
  412. Effects of Guanfacine and Phenylephrine on a model of working memory (Duggins et al 2017)
  413. State-dependent rhythmogenesis in a half-center locomotor CPG (Ausborn et al 2017)
  414. Perceptual judgments via sensory-motor interaction assisted by cortical GABA (Hoshino et al 2018)
  415. LFP signature of monosynaptic thalamocortical connection (Hagen et al 2017)
  416. Logarithmic distributions prove that intrinsic learning is Hebbian (Scheler 2017)
  417. Sensory-evoked responses of L5 pyramidal tract neurons (Egger et al 2020)
  418. Phase response theory in sparsely + strongly connected inhibitory NNs (Tikidji-Hamburyan et al 2019)
  419. Vibration-sensitive Honeybee interneurons (Ai et al 2017)
  420. NN for proto-object based contour integration and figure-ground segregation (Hu & Niebur 2017)
  421. Purkinje cell: Synaptic activation predicts voltage control of burst-pause (Masoli & D'Angelo 2017)
  422. A basal ganglia model of aberrant learning (Ursino et al. 2018)
  423. Cortical feedback alters visual response properties of dLGN relay cells (Martínez-Cañada et al 2018)
  424. Parallel odor processing by mitral and middle tufted cells in the OB (Cavarretta et al 2016, 2018)
  425. First-Spike-Based Visual Categorization Using Reward-Modulated STDP (Mozafari et al. 2018)
  426. MDD: the role of glutamate dysfunction on Cingulo-Frontal NN dynamics (Ramirez-Mahaluf et al 2017)
  427. Place and grid cells in a loop (Rennó-Costa & Tort 2017)
  428. Convergence regulates synchronization-dependent AP transfer in feedforward NNs (Sailamul et al 2017)
  429. Modeling brain dynamics in brain tumor patients using the Virtual Brain (Aerts et al 2018)
  430. SHOT-CA3, RO-CA1 Training, & Simulation CODE in models of hippocampal replay (Nicola & Clopath 2019)
  431. An oscillatory neural autoencoder based on frequency modulation and multiplexing (Soman et al 2018)
  432. A full-scale cortical microcircuit spiking network model (Shimoura et al 2018)
  433. Deconstruction of cortical evoked potentials generated by subthalamic DBS (Kumaravelu et al 2018)
  434. Excitotoxic loss of dopaminergic cells in PD (Muddapu et al 2019)
  435. Optimal Localist and Distributed Coding Through STDP (Masquelier & Kheradpisheh 2018)
  436. Acetylcholine-modulated plasticity in reward-driven navigation (Zannone et al 2018)
  437. Hebbian STDP for modelling the emergence of disparity selectivity (Chauhan et al 2018)
  438. Escape response latency in the Giant Fiber System of Drosophila melanogastor (Augustin et al 2019)
  439. Modelling gain modulation in stability-optimised circuits (Stroud et al 2018)
  440. CA1 network model for place cell dynamics (Turi et al 2019)
  441. Neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb controlled by top-down input (Adams et al 2018)
  442. Universal feature of developing networks (Tabak et al 2010)
  443. Visual physiology of the layer 4 cortical circuit in silico (Arkhipov et al 2018)
  444. Gamma genesis in the basolateral amygdala (Feng et al 2019)
  445. Towards a biologically plausible model of LGN-V1 pathways (Lian et al 2019)
  446. A computational model of action selection in the basal ganglia (Suryanarayana et al 2019)
  447. Inhibitory neuron plasticity as a mechanism for ocular dominance plasticity (Bono & Clopath 2019)
  448. Excitatory and inhibitory population activity (Bittner et al 2017) (Litwin-Kumar & Doiron 2017)
  449. Modelling platform of the cochlear nucleus and other auditory circuits (Manis & Compagnola 2018)
  450. Spike burst-pause dynamics of Purkinje cells regulate sensorimotor adaptation (Luque et al 2019)
  451. CA1 network model: interneuron contributions to epileptic deficits (Shuman et al 2020)
  452. Alleviating catastrophic forgetting: context gating and synaptic stabilization (Masse et al 2018)
  453. Modeling and MEG evidence of early consonance processing in auditory cortex (Tabas et al 2019)
  454. A cortico-cerebello-thalamo-cortical loop model under essential tremor (Zhang & Santaniello 2019)
  455. An electrophysiological model of GABAergic double bouquet cells (Chrysanthidis et al. 2019)
  456. Dynamical patterns underlying response properties of cortical circuits (Keane et al 2018)
  457. A computational model of oxytocin modulation of olfactory recognition memory (Linster & Kelsch 2019)
  458. Dynamics of sleep oscillations coupled to brain temperature on multiple scales (Csernai et al 2019)
  459. In silico hippocampal modeling for multi-target pharmacotherapy in schizophrenia (Sherif et al 2020)
  460. GLMCC validation neural network model (Kobayashi et al. 2019)
  461. A computational model of systems memory consolidation and reconsolidation (Helfer & Shultz 2019)
  462. Neural Interactome: interactive simulation of a neuronal system (Kim et al 2019)
  463. Inhibition perturbations reveals dynamical structure of neural processing (Sadeh & Clopath 2020)
  464. Respiratory central pattern generator including Kolliker-Fuse nucleus (Wittman et al 2019)
  465. Hierarchical anti-Hebbian network model for the formation of spatial cells in 3D (Soman et al 2019)
  466. Large scale neocortical model for PGENESIS (Crone et al 2019)
  467. Thalamocortical control of propofol phase-amplitude coupling (Soplata et al 2017)
  468. Reducing variability in motor cortex activity by GABA (Hoshino et al. 2019)
  469. ACnet23 primary auditory cortex model (Beeman et al 2019)
  470. Coding explains development of binocular vision and its failure in Amblyopia (Eckmann et al 2020)
  471. Computational model of the distributed representation of operant reward memory (Costa et al. 2020)
  472. Generation of stable heading representations in diverse visual scenes (Kim et al 2019)
  473. Cortico - Basal Ganglia Loop (Mulcahy et al 2020)
  474. A NN with synaptic depression for testing the effects of connectivity on dynamics (Jacob et al 2019)
  475. Basal Ganglia and Levodopa Pharmacodynamics model for parameter estimation in PD (Ursino et al 2020)
  476. Effect of circuit structure on odor representation in insect olfaction (Rajagopalan & Assisi 2020)
  477. Decoding movement trajectory from simulated grid cell population activity (Bush & Burgess 2019)
  478. Graph-theoretical Derivation of Brain Structural Connectivity (Giacopelli et al 2020)
  479. A computational model of single-neuron perturbations (Sadeh and Clopath 2020)
  480. Cortical Basal Ganglia Network Model during Closed-loop DBS (Fleming et al 2020)
  481. A single-cell spiking model for the origin of grid-cell patterns (D'Albis & Kempter 2017)
  482. Recurrent amplification of grid-cell activity (D'Albis and Kempter 2020)
  483. A gap junction network of Amacrine Cells controls Nitric Oxide release (Jacoby et al 2018)
  484. Complex dynamics: reproducing Golgi cell electroresponsiveness (Geminiani et al 2018, 2019ab)
  485. Multi-area layer-resolved spiking network model of resting-state dynamics in macaque visual cortex
  486. Development and Binocular Matching of Orientation Selectivity in Visual Cortex (Xu et al 2020)
  487. Locust olfactory network with GGN and full KC population in the mushroom body (Ray et al 2020)
  488. Minimal model of interictal and ictal discharges “Epileptor-2” (Chizhov et al 2018)
  489. A neural mass model for critical assessment of brain connectivity (Ursino et al 2020)
  490. Alpha rhythm in vitro visual cortex (Traub et al 2020)
  491. Electrodecrements in in vitro model of infantile spasms (Traub et al 2020)
  492. Emergence of spatiotemporal sequences in spiking neuronal networks (Spreizer et al 2019)
  493. Fully-Asynchronous Cache-Efficient Simulation of Detailed Neural Networks (Magalhaes et al 2019)
  494. Levodopa-Induced Toxicity in Parkinson's Disease (Muddapu et al, 2022)
  495. Dynamics in random NNs with multiple neuron subtypes (Pena et al 2018, Tomov et al 2014, 2016)
  496. V1 and AL spiking neural network for visual contrast response in mouse (Meijer et al. 2020)
  497. Leech Heart Interneuron model (Sharma et al 2020)
  498. Mesoscopic dynamics from AdEx recurrent networks (Zerlaut et al JCNS 2018) (PyNN)
  499. Synaptic Impairment, Robustness of Excitatory NNs w/ Different Topologies (Mirzakhalili et al 2017)
  500. SCN1A gain-of-function in early infantile encephalopathy (Berecki et al 2019)
  501. Mean-field models of neural populations under electrical stimulation (Cakan & Obermayer 2020)
  502. The microcircuits of striatum in silico (Hjorth et al 2020)
  503. Systematic integration of data into multi-scale models of mouse primary V1 (Billeh et al 2020)
  504. A model for focal seizure onset, propagation, evolution, and progression (Liou et al 2020)
  505. Interplay between somatic and dendritic inhibition promotes place fields (Pedrosa & Clopath 2020)
  506. Disrupted information processing in Fmr1-KO mouse layer 4 barrel cortex (Domanski et al 2019)
  507. Single neuron properties shape chaos and signal transmission in random NNs (Muscinelli et al 2019)
  508. Multiscale model of excitotoxicity in PD (Muddapu and Chakravarthy 2020)
  509. Brainstem circuits controlling locomotor frequency and gait (Ausborn et al 2019)
  510. Core respiratory network organization: Insights from optogenetics and modeling (Ausborn et al 2018)
  511. Homeostatic mechanisms may shape oscillatory modulations (Peterson & Voytek 2020)
  512. Syn Plasticity Regulation + Information Processing in Neuron-Astrocyte Networks (Vuillaume et al 21)
  513. Healthy and Epileptic Hippocampal Circuit (Aussel et al 2022)
  514. Human tactile FA1 neurons (Hay and Pruszynski 2020)
  515. Purkinje neuron network (Zang et al. 2020)
  516. Phasic ACh promotes gamma oscillations in E-I networks (Lu et al, 2020)
  517. A cerebellar model of phase-locked tACS for essential tremor (Schreglmann et al., 2021)
  518. Single Trial Sequence learning: a spiking neurons model based on hippocampus (Coppolino et al 2021)
  519. Potjans-Diesmann cortical microcircuit model in NetPyNE (Romaro et al 2021)
  520. Piriform cortex network model with multicompartment neurons for cell assemblies (Traub et al 2021)
  521. Thalamo-cortical microcircuit (TCM) (AmirAli Farokhniaee and Madeleine M. Lowery 2021)
  522. Neural Mass Model for relationship between Brain Rhythms + Functional Connectivity (Ricci et al '21)
  523. Cortical Interneuron & Pyramidal Cell Model of Cortical Spreading Depression (Stein & Harris 2022)
  524. Growth Rules for Repair of Asynch Irregular Networks after Peripheral Lesions (Sinha et al 2021)
  525. PING, ING and CHING network models for Gamma oscillations in cortex (Susin and Destexhe 2021)
  526. Spinal Dorsal Horn Network Model (Medlock et al 2022)
  527. Motor Cortex Connectivity & Event Related Desynchronization Based on Neural Mass Models (Ursino 21)
  528. Distributed working memory in large-scale macaque brain model (Mejias and Wang, 2022)
  529. A model of working memory for encoding multiple items (Ursino et al, in press)
  530. Lateral entorhinal cortex network model (Traub and Whittington, in press)
  531. Cerebellar Model for the Optokinetic Response (Kim and Lim 2021)
  532. MEC PV-positive fast-spiking interneuron network generates theta-nested fast oscillations
  533. Explainable AI for spatial navigation based on hippocampal circuitry (Coppolino + Migliore 2023)
  534. A focal seizure model with ion concentration changes (Gentiletti et al., 2022)
  535. Scaffold model of mouse CA1 hippocampus. (Gandolfi et al 2022)
  536. Realistic barrel cortical column - Matlab (Huang et al., 2022)
  537. Realistic barrel cortical column - NetPyNE (Huang et al., 2022)
  538. Human L5 Cortical Circuit (Guet-McCreight et al, 2023)
  539. Human layer 2/3 cortical microcircuits in health and depression (Yao et al, 2022)
  540. LIP and FEF rhythmic attention model (Aussel et al. 2023)
  541. Biophysically Realistic Network Model of the Wild-Type and Degenerate Retina (Ly et al 2022)
  542. FNS spiking neural simulator; LIFL neuron model, event-driven simulation (Susi et al 2021)
  543. A model of ASIC1a and synaptic cleft pH modulating wind-up in wide dynamic range neurons (Delrocq)
  544. Theta-gamma phase amplitude coupling in a hippocampal CA1 microcircuit (Ponzi et al. 2023)
  545. Stoney vs Histed: Quantifying spatial effects of intracortical microstims (Kumaravelu et al 2022)
  546. Decorrelation in the developing visual thalamus (Tikidji-Hamburyan et al, 2023)
  547. Multiscale model of primary motor cortex circuits predicts in vivo dynamics (Dura-Bernal et al 2023)
  548. Exploring the role of Kӧlliker-Fuse nucleus in breathing variability via mathematical modeling (John et al., 2023)
  549. Frequency-dependent pattern separation in a biophysical model of the dentate gyrus, (Singh et al., 2023)
  550. A neural network model of mathematics anxiety: The role of attention (Rose et al., 2023)
  551. A biophysical model of thalamocortical network switching under propofol (Soplata et al., 2023)
  552. Thalamocortical sleep model (Fink et. al., 2024, and Krishnan et al., 2016)
  553. Cholinergic modulation of resting state networks (Sanda et al., 2024)
  554. Subthreshold conductances regulate theta-frequency LFPs and spike phase (Sinha and Narayanan, 2015)
  555. Data-driven multiscale model of macaque auditory thalamocortical circuits reproduces in vivo dynamics (Dura-Bernal et al., 2023)
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