"Recurrent input to sensory cortex, via long-range reciprocal projections between motor and sensory cortices, is essential for accurate perceptual judgments. GABA levels in sensory cortices correlate with perceptual performance. We simulated a neuron-astrocyte network model to investigate how top-down, feedback signaling from a motor network (Nmot) to a sensory network (Nsen) affects perceptual judgments in association with ambient (extracellular) GABA levels. In the Nsen, astrocytic transporters modulated ambient GABA levels around pyramidal cells. A simple perceptual task was implemented: detection of a feature stimulus presented to the Nsen. ..."
Model Type: Realistic Network; Extracellular
Cell Type(s): Neocortex M1 interneuron basket PV GABA cell; Neocortex U1 interneuron basket PV GABA cell; Astrocyte; Neocortex layer 4 pyramidal cell
Transmitters: Gaba
Simulation Environment: C or C++ program
Implementer(s): Hoshino, Osamu [osamu.hoshino.507 at vc.ibaraki.ac.jp]
Hoshino O, Zheng M, Watanabe K. (2018). Perceptual judgments via sensory-motor interaction assisted by cortical GABA. Journal of computational neuroscience. 44 [PubMed]