This code implements a model for adult neurogenesis of granule cells in the olfactory system. The granule cells receive sensory input via the mitral cells and top-down input from a cortical area. That cortical area also receives olfactory input from the mitral cells as well as contextual input. This plasticity leads to a network structure consisting of bidirectional connections between bulbar and cortical odor representations. The top-down input enhances stimulus discrimination based on contextual input.
Model Type: Realistic Network
Region(s) or Organism(s): Olfactory bulb; Olfactory cortex
Cell Type(s): Abstract integrate-and-fire neuron
Model Concept(s): Activity Patterns; Neurogenesis; Memory; Olfaction; Pattern Separation; Sensory processing; Top-down input
Simulation Environment: MATLAB
Implementer(s): Riecke, Hermann [h-riecke at]
Adams W, Graham JN, Han X, Riecke H. (2019). Top-down inputs drive neuronal network rewiring and context-enhanced sensory processing in olfaction. PLoS computational biology. 15 [PubMed]