Based on recent in vitro data obtained in the mouse embryo, we have built a computational model consisting of two compartments, interconnected through appropriate synapses. One compartment generates sighs and the other produces eupneic bursts. The model reproduces basic features of simultaneous sigh and eupnea generation (two types of bursts differing in terms of shape, amplitude, and frequency of occurrence) and mimics the effect of blocking glycinergic synapses
Model Type: Realistic Network
Currents: I Na,p; I K,leak; I h; I CAN; I Calcium; Ca pump
Model Concept(s): Calcium dynamics
Simulation Environment: Python
Toporikova N, Chevalier M, Thoby-Brisson M. (2015). Sigh and Eupnea Rhythmogenesis Involve Distinct Interconnected Subpopulations: A Combined Computational and Experimental Study eNeuro. 2 [PubMed]