Model Concept: Calcium dynamics

Models that include accumulation (and dissipation) of calcium.

  1. A Computational Model of Bidirectional Plasticity Regulation by betaCaMKII (Pinto et al. 2019)
  2. A dual-Ca2+-sensor model for neurotransmitter release in a central synapse (Sun et al. 2007)
  3. A kinetic model unifying presynaptic short-term facilitation and depression (Lee et al. 2009)
  4. A mathematical model of a neurovascular unit (Dormanns et al 2015, 2016) (Farrs & David 2011)
  5. A mathematical model of evoked calcium dynamics in astrocytes (Handy et al 2017)
  6. A model of neurovascular coupling and the BOLD response (Mathias et al 2017, Kenny et al 2018)
  7. A multiscale approach to analyze circadian rhythms (Vasalou & Henson, 2010) (CellML)
  8. A multiscale approach to analyze circadian rhythms (Vasalou & Henson, 2010) (SBML)
  9. A set of reduced models of layer 5 pyramidal neurons (Bahl et al. 2012)
  10. A simple integrative electrophysiological model of bursting GnRH neurons (Csercsik et al. 2011)
  11. A synapse model for developing somatosensory cortex (Manninen et al 2020)
  12. Action potential of mouse urinary bladder smooth muscle (Mahapatra et al 2018)
  13. Active dendrites shape signaling microdomains in hippocampal neurons (Basak & Narayanan 2018)
  14. Activity dependent changes in dendritic spine density and spine structure (Crook et al. 2007)
  15. Allen Institute: Gad2-IRES-Cre VISp layer 5 472447460
  16. Allen Institute: Gad2-IRES-Cre VISp layer 5 473561729
  17. Allen Institute: Htr3a-Cre VISp layer 2/3 472352327
  18. Allen Institute: Htr3a-Cre VISp layer 2/3 472421285
  19. Allen Institute: Nr5a1-Cre VISp layer 2/3 473862496
  20. Allen Institute: Nr5a1-Cre VISp layer 4 329322394
  21. Allen Institute: Nr5a1-Cre VISp layer 4 472306544
  22. Allen Institute: Nr5a1-Cre VISp layer 4 472442377
  23. Allen Institute: Nr5a1-Cre VISp layer 4 472451419
  24. Allen Institute: Nr5a1-Cre VISp layer 4 472915634
  25. Allen Institute: Nr5a1-Cre VISp layer 4 473834758
  26. Allen Institute: Nr5a1-Cre VISp layer 4 473863035
  27. Allen Institute: Nr5a1-Cre VISp layer 4 473871429
  28. Allen Institute: Ntsr1-Cre VISp layer 4 472430904
  29. Allen Institute: Pvalb-IRES-Cre VISp layer 2/3 472306616
  30. Allen Institute: Pvalb-IRES-Cre VISp layer 5 471085845
  31. Allen Institute: Pvalb-IRES-Cre VISp layer 5 472349114
  32. Allen Institute: Pvalb-IRES-Cre VISp layer 5 472912177
  33. Allen Institute: Pvalb-IRES-Cre VISp layer 5 473465774
  34. Allen Institute: Pvalb-IRES-Cre VISp layer 5 473862421
  35. Allen Institute: Pvalb-IRES-Cre VISp layer 6a 471081668
  36. Allen Institute: Pvalb-IRES-Cre VISp layer 6a 472301074
  37. Allen Institute: Pvalb-IRES-Cre VISp layer 6a 473860269
  38. Allen Institute: Rbp4-Cre VISp layer 5 472424854
  39. Allen Institute: Rbp4-Cre VISp layer 6a 473871592
  40. Allen Institute: Rorb-IRES2-Cre-D VISp layer 2/3 472299294
  41. Allen Institute: Rorb-IRES2-Cre-D VISp layer 2/3 472434498
  42. Allen Institute: Rorb-IRES2-Cre-D VISp layer 4 473863510
  43. Allen Institute: Rorb-IRES2-Cre-D VISp layer 5 471087975
  44. Allen Institute: Rorb-IRES2-Cre-D VISp layer 5 473561660
  45. Allen Institute: Scnn1a-Tg2-Cre VISp layer 4 472300877
  46. Allen Institute: Scnn1a-Tg2-Cre VISp layer 4 472427533
  47. Allen Institute: Scnn1a-Tg2-Cre VISp layer 4 472912107
  48. Allen Institute: Scnn1a-Tg2-Cre VISp layer 4 473465456
  49. Allen Institute: Scnn1a-Tg2-Cre VISp layer 5 472306460
  50. Allen Institute: Scnn1a-Tg3-Cre VISp layer 4 329321704
  51. Allen Institute: Scnn1a-Tg3-Cre VISp layer 4 472363762
  52. Allen Institute: Scnn1a-Tg3-Cre VISp layer 4 473862845
  53. Allen Institute: Scnn1a-Tg3-Cre VISp layer 4 473872986
  54. Allen Institute: Scnn1a-Tg3-Cre VISp layer 5 472455509
  55. Allen Institute: Scnn1a-Tg3-Cre VISp layer 5 473863578
  56. Allen Institute: Scnn1a-Tg3-Cre VISp layer 5 473871773
  57. Allen Institute: Sst-IRES-Cre VISp layer 2/3 471086533
  58. Allen Institute: Sst-IRES-Cre VISp layer 2/3 472304676
  59. Allen Institute: Sst-IRES-Cre VISp layer 4 472304539
  60. Allen Institute: Sst-IRES-Cre VISp layer 5 472299363
  61. Allen Institute: Sst-IRES-Cre VISp layer 5 472450023
  62. Allen Institute: Sst-IRES-Cre VISp layer 5 473835796
  63. Allen Institute: Sst-IRES-Cre VISp layer 6a 472440759
  64. Astrocyte and Blood Vessel Calcium Imaging Tracking code (Haidey et al 2021)
  65. Ave. neuron model for slow-wave sleep in cortex Tatsuki 2016 Yoshida 2018 Rasmussen 2017 (all et al)
  66. BCM-like synaptic plasticity with conductance-based models (Narayanan Johnston, 2010)
  67. Behavioral time scale synaptic plasticity underlies CA1 place fields (Bittner et al. 2017)
  68. Biophysically detailed model of somatosensory thalamocortical circuit
  69. Biophysically detailed model of the mouse sino-atrial node cell (Kharche et al. 2011)
  70. BK - CaV coupling (Montefusco et al. 2017)
  71. Ca(2+) oscillations based on Ca-induced Ca-release (Dupont et al 1991)
  72. Ca+/HCN channel-dependent persistent activity in multiscale model of neocortex (Neymotin et al 2016)
  73. CA1 pyramidal neuron dendritic spine with plasticity (O`Donnell et al. 2011)
  74. CA1 pyramidal neuron: dendritic Ca2+ inhibition (Muellner et al. 2015)
  75. CA1 pyramidal neuron: Dendritic Na+ spikes are required for LTP at distal synapses (Kim et al 2015)
  76. CA1 pyramidal: Stochastic amplification of KCa in Ca2+ microdomains (Stanley et al. 2011)
  77. Ca2+ current versus Ca2+ channel cooperativity of exocytosis (Matveev et al. 2009)
  78. Ca2+ oscillations in single astrocytes (Lavrentovich and Hemkin 2008) (python) (Manninen et al 2017)
  79. Ca2+ Oscillations in Sympathetic neurons (Friel 1995)
  80. Calcium dynamics depend on dendritic diameters (Anwar et al. 2014)
  81. Calcium influx during striatal upstates (Evans et al. 2013)
  82. Calcium response prediction in the striatal spines depending on input timing (Nakano et al. 2013)
  83. Calcium spikes in basal dendrites (Kampa and Stuart 2006)
  84. Calcium waves and mGluR-dependent synaptic plasticity in CA1 pyr. neurons (Ashhad & Narayanan 2013)
  85. Calcium waves in neuroblastoma cells (Fink et al. 2000)
  86. Cardiac Atrial Cell (Courtemanche et al 1998)
  87. Cardiac sarcomere dynamics (Negroni and Lascano 1996)
  88. Cerebellar Golgi cells, dendritic processing, and synaptic plasticity (Masoli et al 2020)
  89. Cerebellar granule cell (Masoli et al 2020)
  90. Cerebellar purkinje cell: interacting Kv3 and Na currents influence firing (Akemann, Knopfel 2006)
  91. Cerebellar purkinje cell: K and Ca channels regulate APs (Miyasho et al 2001)
  92. Cerebellum Purkinje cell: dendritic ion channels activated by climbing fibre (Ait Ouares et al 2019)
  93. Coincident signals in Olfactory Bulb Granule Cell spines (Aghvami et al 2019)
  94. Computational model of bladder small DRG neuron soma (Mandge & Manchanda 2018)
  95. Computer model of clonazepam's effect in thalamic slice (Lytton 1997)
  96. Computer simulations of neuron-glia interactions mediated by ion flux (Somjen et al. 2008)
  97. Conductance based model for short term plasticity at CA3-CA1 synapses (Mukunda & Narayanan 2017)
  98. Controlling KCa channels with different Ca2+ buffering models in Purkinje cell (Anwar et al. 2012)
  99. Dendritic signals command firing dynamics in a Cerebellar Purkinje Cell model (Genet et al. 2010)
  100. Dendritic spine geometry, spine apparatus organization: spatiotemporal Ca dynamics (Bell et al 2019)
  101. Dentate granule cell: mAHP & sAHP; SK & Kv7/M channels (Mateos-Aparicio et al., 2014)
  102. Dentate gyrus granule cell: calcium and calcium-dependent conductances (Aradi and Holmes 1999)
  103. Depolarization Enhacement of Dendritic Spike Propagation (Bock et al 2022)
  104. Determinants of fast calcium dynamics in dendritic spines and dendrites (Cornelisse et al. 2007)
  105. Deterministic chaos in a mathematical model of a snail neuron (Komendantov and Kononenko 1996)
  106. Differential modulation of pattern and rate in a dopamine neuron model (Canavier and Landry 2006)
  107. Discrimination on behavioral time-scales mediated by reaction-diffusion in dendrites (Bhalla 2017)
  108. Disentangling astroglial physiology with a realistic cell model in silico (Savtchenko et al 2018)
  109. Endocannabinoid dynamics gate spike-timing dependent depression and potentiation (Cui et al 2016)
  110. ERG current in repolarizing plateau potentials in dopamine neurons (Canavier et al 2007)
  111. Excitability of PFC Basal Dendrites (Acker and Antic 2009)
  112. Excitation-contraction coupling/mitochondrial energetics (ECME) model (Cortassa et al. 2006)
  113. Facilitation model based on bound Ca2+ (Matveev et al. 2006)
  114. Facilitation through buffer saturation (Matveev et al. 2004)
  115. Glutamate mediated dendritic and somatic plateau potentials in cortical L5 pyr cells (Gao et al '20)
  116. Glutamate-evoked Ca2+ oscillations in single astrocytes (De Pitta et al. 2009) (Manninen et al 2017)
  117. Glutamate-evoked Ca2+ oscillations in single astrocytes (Modified from Dupont et al. 2011)
  118. HH-type model of fast-spiking parvalbumin interneurons in spinal dorsal horn (Ma et al, 2023)
  119. Intrinsic sensory neurons of the gut (Chambers et al. 2014)
  120. Ionic current model of a Hypoglossal Motoneuron (Purvis & Butera 2005)
  121. Irregular spiking in NMDA-driven prefrontal cortex neurons (Durstewitz and Gabriel 2006)
  122. Lobster STG pyloric network model with calcium sensor (Gunay & Prinz 2010) (Prinz et al. 2004)
  123. Locus Coeruleus blocking model (Chowdhury et al.)
  124. Low Threshold Calcium Currents in TC cells (Destexhe et al 1998)
  125. Low Threshold Calcium Currents in TC cells (Destexhe et al 1998) (Brian)
  126. Mechanisms of fast rhythmic bursting in a layer 2/3 cortical neuron (Traub et al 2003)
  127. Medial vestibular neuron models (Quadroni and Knopfel 1994)
  128. Model for K-ATP mediated bursting in mSNc DA neurons (Knowlton et al 2018)
  129. Model for pancreatic beta-cells (Law et al. 2020)
  130. Model of AngII signaling and membrane electrophysiology (Makadia, Anderson, Fey et al., 2015)
  131. Model of calcium oscillations in olfactory cilia (Reidl et al. 2006)
  132. Model of eupnea and sigh generation in respiratory network (Toporikova et al 2015)
  133. Modelling platform of the cochlear nucleus and other auditory circuits (Manis & Compagnola 2018)
  134. Multiple dynamical modes of thalamic relay neurons (Wang XJ 1994)
  135. Multiscale model of excitotoxicity in PD (Muddapu and Chakravarthy 2020)
  136. Multiscale simulation of the striatal medium spiny neuron (Mattioni & Le Novere 2013)
  137. Multitarget pharmacology for Dystonia in M1 (Neymotin et al 2016)
  138. MyFirstNEURON (Houweling, Sejnowski 1997)
  139. Neocortical pyramidal neuron: deep; effects of dopamine (Durstewitz et al 2000)
  140. Neural mass model of spindle generation in the isolated thalamus (Schellenberger Costa et al. 2016)
  141. Neural mass model of the sleeping thalamocortical system (Schellenberger Costa et al 2016)
  142. New and corrected simulations of synaptic facilitation (Matveev et al. 2002)
  143. NMDA subunit effects on Calcium and STDP (Evans et al. 2012)
  144. Nodose sensory neuron (Schild et al. 1994, Schild and Kunze 1997)
  145. Nonlinear dendritic processing in barrel cortex spiny stellate neurons (Lavzin et al. 2012)
  146. Olfactory bulb mitral cell gap junction NN model: burst firing and synchrony (O`Connor et al. 2012)
  147. Olfactory Bulb mitral-granule network generates beta oscillations (Osinski & Kay 2016)
  148. Opposing roles for Na+/Ca2+ exchange and Ca2+-activated K+ currents during STDP (O`Halloran 2020)
  149. Paired turbulence and light effect on calcium increase in Hermissenda (Blackwell 2004)
  150. Pancreatic Beta Cell signalling pathways (Fridlyand & Philipson 2016) (MATLAB)
  151. Paradoxical GABA-mediated excitation (Lewin et al. 2012)
  152. Parallel STEPS: Large scale stochastic spatial reaction-diffusion simulat. (Chen & De Schutter 2017)
  153. Persistent Spiking in ACC Neurons (Ratte et al 2018)
  154. Phase plane reveals two slow variables in midbrain dopamine neuron bursts (Yu and Canavier, 2015)
  155. Presynaptic calcium dynamics at neuromuscular junction (Stockbridge, Moore 1984)
  156. Principles of Computational Modelling in Neuroscience (Book) (Sterratt et al. 2011)
  157. Pyramidal neuron conductances state and STDP (Delgado et al. 2010)
  158. Pyramidal Neuron: Deep, Thalamic Relay and Reticular, Interneuron (Destexhe et al 1998, 2001)
  159. Quantal neurotransmitter release kinetics with fixed and mobile Ca2+ buffers (Gilmanov et al. 2008)
  160. Rat LGN Thalamocortical Neuron (Connelly et al 2015, 2016)
  161. Realistic barrel cortical column - Matlab (Huang et al., 2022)
  162. Realistic barrel cortical column - NetPyNE (Huang et al., 2022)
  163. Reciprocal regulation of rod and cone synapse by NO (Kourennyi et al 2004)
  164. Reproducibility and comparability of models for astrocyte Ca2+ excitability (Manninen et al 2017)
  165. Ribbon Synapse (Sikora et al 2005)
  166. Rod photoreceptor (Barnes and Hille 1989, Publio et al. 2006, Kourennyi and Liu et al. 2004)
  167. Salamander retinal ganglian cells: morphology influences firing (Sheasby, Fohlmeister 1999)
  168. Salamander retinal ganglion cell: ion channels (Fohlmeister, Miller 1997)
  169. Simulated light response in rod photoreceptors (Liu and Kourennyi 2004)
  170. Simulation of calcium signaling in fine astrocytic processes (Denizot et al 2019)
  171. Single-cell comprehensive biophysical model of SN pars compacta (Muddapu & Chakravarthy 2021)
  172. Species-specific wiring for direction selectivity in the mammalian retina (Ding et al 2016)
  173. Spike timing detection in different forms of LTD (Doi et al 2005)
  174. Spine neck plasticity controls postsynaptic calcium signals (Grunditz et al. 2008)
  175. Spiny Projection Neuron Ca2+ based plasticity is robust to in vivo spike train (Dorman&Blackwell)
  176. Spontaneous calcium oscillations in astrocytes (Lavrentovich and Hemkin 2008)
  177. Spontaneous calcium oscillations in single astrocytes (Riera et al. 2011) (Manninen et al 2017)
  178. State dependent drug binding to sodium channels in the dentate gyrus (Thomas & Petrou 2013)
  179. STDP depends on dendritic synapse location (Letzkus et al. 2006)
  180. Stochastic automata network Markov model descriptors of coupled Ca2+ channels (Nguyen et al. 2005)
  181. Stochastic calcium mechanisms cause dendritic calcium spike variability (Anwar et al. 2013)
  182. Stochastic model of the olfactory cilium transduction and adaptation (Antunes et al 2014)
  183. Striatal Spiny Projection Neuron (SPN) plasticity rule (Jedrzejewska-Szmek et al 2016)
  184. Striatal Spiny Projection Neuron, inhibition enhances spatial specificity (Dorman et al 2018)
  185. Striatum D1 Striosome and Matrix Upstates (Prager et al., 2020)
  186. Substantia Nigra Par Compacta (Ortner et al., 2017)
  187. Syn Plasticity Regulation + Information Processing in Neuron-Astrocyte Networks (Vuillaume et al 21)
  188. Synaptic integration in a model of granule cells (Gabbiani et al 1994)
  189. Temporal decorrelation by intrinsic cellular dynamics (Wang et al 2003)
  190. Thalamic quiescence of spike and wave seizures (Lytton et al 1997)
  191. Thalamic Reticular Network (Destexhe et al 1994)
  192. Thalamic reticular neurons: the role of Ca currents (Destexhe et al 1996)
  193. Thalamocortical and Thalamic Reticular Network (Destexhe et al 1996)
  194. The electrodiffusive neuron-extracellular-glia (edNEG) model (Sætra et al. 2021)
  195. Theta phase precession in a model CA3 place cell (Baker and Olds 2007)
  196. Tonic activation of extrasynaptic NMDA-R promotes bistability (Gall & Dupont 2020)
  197. Tonic neuron in spinal lamina I: prolongation of subthreshold depol. (Prescott and De Koninck 2005)
  198. Transmitter release and Ca diffusion models (Yamada and Zucker 1992)
  199. Tutorial: Using NEURON for Neuromechanical Simulations (Fietkiewicz et al., 2023)
  200. Two forms of synaptic depression by neuromodulation of presynaptic Ca2+ channels (Burke et al 2018)
  201. Ventricular cell model (Luo Rudy dynamic model) (Luo Rudy 1994) used in (Wang et al 2006) (XPP)
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