Cell Type: Hippocampus CA1 pyramidal GLU cell

The principal neuron of region CA1 of the hippocampus. It gives rise to an apical dendrite and several basal dendrites, which are covered with spines. The spines receive glutamatergic synapses from the axons (Schafer collaterals) pyramidal neurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus. A number of different kinds of interneurons make inhibitory GABAergic synapses at different levels in the dendritic trees. The output is carried in the axon to the nearby subiculum and into the fimbria, to make eventual connection with the mamillary body of the hypothalamus

  1. A 1000 cell network model for Lateral Amygdala (Kim et al. 2013)
  2. A detailed and fast model of extracellular recordings (Camunas-Mesa & Qurioga 2013)
  3. A fast model of voltage-dependent NMDA Receptors (Moradi et al. 2013)
  4. A kinetic model unifying presynaptic short-term facilitation and depression (Lee et al. 2009)
  5. A model of ventral Hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons of Tg2576 AD mice (Spoleti et al. 2021)
  6. A two-stage model of dendritic integration in CA1 pyramidal neurons (Katz et al. 2009)
  7. Action potential-evoked Ca2+ signals in CA1 pyramidal cell presynaptic terminals (Hamid et al 2019)
  8. Active dendrites shape signaling microdomains in hippocampal neurons (Basak & Narayanan 2018)
  9. Adaptive Generalized Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Model (AGLIF) (Marasco et al., 2023)
  10. Age-dependent excitability of CA1 pyramidal neurons in APPPS1 Alzheimer's model (Vitale et al 2021)
  11. Amyloid beta (IA block) effects on a model CA1 pyramidal cell (Morse et al. 2010)
  12. Amyloid-beta effects on release probability and integration at CA3-CA1 synapses (Romani et al. 2013)
  13. Axonal NaV1.6 Sodium Channels in AP Initiation of CA1 Pyramidal Neurons (Royeck et al. 2008)
  14. Axonal spheroids and conduction defects in Alzheimer’s disease (Yuan, Zhang, Tong, et al 2022)
  15. BCM-like synaptic plasticity with conductance-based models (Narayanan Johnston, 2010)
  16. Behavioral time scale synaptic plasticity underlies CA1 place fields (Bittner et al. 2017)
  17. CA1 network model for place cell dynamics (Turi et al 2019)
  18. CA1 network model: interneuron contributions to epileptic deficits (Shuman et al 2020)
  19. CA1 pyr cell: Inhibitory modulation of spatial selectivity+phase precession (Grienberger et al 2017)
  20. CA1 pyr cell: phenomenological NMDAR-based model of synaptic plasticity (Dainauskas et al 2023)
  21. CA1 pyramidal cell receptor dependent cAMP dynamics (Chay et al. 2016)
  22. CA1 pyramidal cell: I_NaP and I_M contributions to somatic bursting (Golomb et al 2006)
  23. CA1 pyramidal cell: reconstructed axonal arbor and failures at weak gap junctions (Vladimirov 2011)
  24. CA1 pyramidal cells, basket cells, ripples (Malerba et al 2016)
  25. CA1 pyramidal neuron (Combe et al 2018)
  26. CA1 pyramidal neuron (Ferguson et al. 2014)
  27. CA1 pyramidal neuron (Migliore et al 1999)
  28. CA1 pyramidal neuron dendritic spine with plasticity (O`Donnell et al. 2011)
  29. CA1 pyramidal neuron synaptic integration (Bloss et al. 2016)
  30. CA1 pyramidal neuron synaptic integration (Jarsky et al. 2005)
  31. CA1 pyramidal neuron synaptic integration (Li and Ascoli 2006, 2008)
  32. CA1 pyramidal neuron to study INaP properties and repetitive firing (Uebachs et al. 2010)
  33. CA1 pyramidal neuron: as a 2-layer NN and subthreshold synaptic summation (Poirazi et al 2003)
  34. CA1 pyramidal neuron: action potential backpropagation (Gasparini & Migliore 2015)
  35. CA1 pyramidal neuron: calculation of MRI signals (Cassara et al. 2008)
  36. CA1 pyramidal neuron: conditional boosting of dendritic APs (Watanabe et al 2002)
  37. CA1 pyramidal neuron: dendritic Ca2+ inhibition (Muellner et al. 2015)
  38. CA1 pyramidal neuron: Dendritic Na+ spikes are required for LTP at distal synapses (Kim et al 2015)
  39. CA1 pyramidal neuron: dendritic spike initiation (Gasparini et al 2004)
  40. CA1 pyramidal neuron: depolarization block (Bianchi et al. 2012)
  41. CA1 pyramidal neuron: effects of Ih on distal inputs (Migliore et al 2004)
  42. CA1 pyramidal neuron: effects of Lamotrigine on dendritic excitability (Poolos et al 2002)
  43. CA1 pyramidal neuron: effects of R213Q and R312W Kv7.2 mutations (Miceli et al. 2013)
  44. CA1 pyramidal neuron: functional significance of axonal Kv7 channels (Shah et al. 2008)
  45. CA1 pyramidal neuron: h channel-dependent deficit of theta oscill. resonance (Marcelin et al. 2008)
  46. CA1 pyramidal neuron: Ih current (Migliore et al. 2012)
  47. CA1 pyramidal neuron: integration of subthreshold inputs from PP and SC (Migliore 2003)
  48. CA1 pyramidal neuron: nonlinear a5-GABAAR controls synaptic NMDAR activation (Schulz et al 2018)
  49. CA1 pyramidal neuron: Persistent Na current mediates steep synaptic amplification (Hsu et al 2018)
  50. CA1 pyramidal neuron: rebound spiking (Ascoli et al.2010)
  51. Ca1 pyramidal neuron: reduction model (Marasco et al. 2012)
  52. CA1 pyramidal neuron: schizophrenic behavior (Migliore et al. 2011)
  53. CA1 pyramidal neuron: signal propagation in oblique dendrites (Migliore et al 2005)
  54. CA1 Pyramidal Neuron: slow Na+ inactivation (Migliore 1996)
  55. CA1 pyramidal neuron: synaptic plasticity during theta cycles (Saudargiene et al. 2015)
  56. CA1 Pyramidal Neuron: Synaptic Scaling (London, Segev 2001)
  57. CA1 pyramidal neuron: Synaptic Scaling (Magee, Cook 2000)
  58. CA1 pyramidal neuron: synaptically-induced bAP predicts synapse location (Sterratt et al. 2012)
  59. CA1 pyramidal neurons: binding properties and the magical number 7 (Migliore et al. 2008)
  60. CA1 pyramidal neurons: effect of external electric field from power lines (Cavarretta et al. 2014)
  61. CA1 pyramidal neurons: effects of a Kv7.2 mutation (Miceli et al. 2009)
  62. CA1 pyramidal neurons: effects of Alzheimer (Culmone and Migliore 2012)
  63. CA1 pyramidal neurons: effects of Kv7 (M-) channels on synaptic integration (Shah et al. 2011)
  64. CA1 pyramidal populations after high frequency head impacts (Chapman, et al., 2023)
  65. CA1 pyramidal: Stochastic amplification of KCa in Ca2+ microdomains (Stanley et al. 2011)
  66. Calcium waves and mGluR-dependent synaptic plasticity in CA1 pyr. neurons (Ashhad & Narayanan 2013)
  67. CaMKII system exhibiting bistability with respect to calcium (Graupner and Brunel 2007)
  68. Channel density variability among CA1 neurons (Migliore et al. 2018)
  69. Chirp stimulus responses in a morphologically realistic model (Narayanan and Johnston, 2007)
  70. Cholinergic Modulation Shifts the Response of CA1 Pyramidal Cells to Depolarizing Ramps via TRPM4 Channels with Potential Implications for Place Cell Firing (Combe et al., 2023)
  71. Circadian rhythmicity shapes astrocyte morphology and neuronal function in CA1 (McCauley et al 2020)
  72. Compartmental differences in cAMP signaling pathways in hippocam. CA1 pyr. cells (Luczak et al 2017)
  73. Complex CA1-neuron to study AP initiation (Wimmer et al. 2010)
  74. Computational analysis of NN activity and spatial reach of sharp wave-ripples (Canakci et al 2017)
  75. Computational modelling of channelrhodopsin-2 photocurrent characteristics (Stefanescu et al. 2013)
  76. Computational neuropharmacology of CA1 pyramidal neuron (Ferrante et al. 2008)
  77. Dendritic mechanisms underlying the formation of a Place Cell (Mazzara et al. 2023)
  78. Dendritica (Vetter et al 2001)
  79. Depolarization Enhacement of Dendritic Spike Propagation (Bock et al 2022)
  80. Dichotomy of action-potential backpropagation in CA1 pyramidal neuron dendrites (Golding et al 2001)
  81. Different responses of mice and rats hippocampus CA1 pyramidal neurons to in vitro and in vivo-like inputs (vitale et al., 2023)
  82. Discrimination on behavioral time-scales mediated by reaction-diffusion in dendrites (Bhalla 2017)
  83. Distance-dependent synaptic strength in CA1 pyramidal neurons (Menon et al. 2013)
  84. Dynamics of ERK signaling pathways during L-LTP induction(Miningou et al 2021)
  85. Early-onset epileptic encephalopathy (Miceli et al. 2015)
  86. Effect of the initial synaptic state on the probability to induce LTP and LTD (Migliore et al. 2015)
  87. Effects of electric fields on cognitive functions (Migliore et al 2016)
  88. Effects of increasing CREB on storage and recall processes in a CA1 network (Bianchi et al. 2014)
  89. Emergent properties of networks of biological signaling pathways (Bhalla, Iyengar 1999)
  90. Encoding and retrieval in a model of the hippocampal CA1 microcircuit (Cutsuridis et al. 2009)
  91. Estimation of conductance in a conductance-based model of quadratic type (Vich & Guillamon 2015)
  92. Extracellular Action Potential Simulations (Gold et al 2007)
  93. Extraction and classification of three cortical neuron types (Mensi et al. 2012)
  94. Febrile seizure-induced modifications to Ih (Chen et al 2001)
  95. Feedforward inhibition in pyramidal cells (Ferrante & Ascoli 2015)
  96. Fully continuous Pinsky-Rinzel model for bifurcation analysis (Atherton et al. 2016)
  97. Functional impact of dendritic branch point morphology (Ferrante et al., 2013)
  98. Gamma and theta rythms in biophysical models of hippocampus circuits (Kopell et al. 2011)
  99. Grid cell-to-place cell transformation model w AD-related synaptic loss (Ness and Schultz 2021)
  100. High frequency oscillations in a hippocampal computational model (Stacey et al. 2009)
  101. Hippocampal CA1 microcircuit model including somatic and dendritic inhibition (Bilash et al, 2023)
  102. Hippocampal CA1 NN with spontaneous theta, gamma: full scale & network clamp (Bezaire et al 2016)
  103. Hippocampal synaptic plasticity in Alzheimer's disease (Dainauskas et al., 2023)
  104. Hippocampus CA1 pyramidal model with Na channel exhibiting slow inactivation (Menon et al. 2009)
  105. Hippocampus CA1: Simulations of LTP signaling pathways (Kim M et al. 2011)
  106. Hippocampus CA1: Temporal sensitivity of signaling pathways underlying LTP (Kim et al. 2010)
  107. Homeostatic synaptic plasticity (Rabinowitch and Segev 2006a,b)
  108. Inhibition of bAPs and Ca2+ spikes in a multi-compartment pyramidal neuron model (Wilmes et al 2016)
  109. LCN-HippoModel: model of CA1 PCs deep-superficial theta firing dynamics (Navas-Olive et al 2020)
  110. Linear vs non-linear integration in CA1 oblique dendrites (Gómez González et al. 2011)
  111. Long time windows from theta modulated inhib. in entorhinal–hippo. loop (Cutsuridis & Poirazi 2015)
  112. Long-Term Inactivation of Na+ Channels as a Mech of Adaptation in CA1 Pyr Cells (Upchurch et al '22)
  113. Model of CA1 activity during working memory task (Spera et al. 2016)
  114. Model of long range transmission of gamma oscillation (Murray 2007)
  115. Modeling realistic synaptic inputs of CA1 hippocampal pyramidal neurons and interneurons via Adaptive Generalized Leaky Integrate-and-Fire models (Marascoa et al., 2024)
  116. Modeling single neuron LFPs and extracellular potentials with LFPsim (Parasuram et al. 2016)
  117. Modelling reduced excitability in aged CA1 neurons as a Ca-dependent process (Markaki et al. 2005)
  118. Modulation of hippocampal rhythms by electric fields and network topology (Berzhanskaya et al. 2013)
  119. Modulation of septo-hippocampal theta activity by GABAA receptors (Hajos et al. 2004)
  120. Multiscale interactions between chemical and electric signaling in LTP (Bhalla 2011)
  121. Network recruitment to coherent oscillations in a hippocampal model (Stacey et al. 2011)
  122. Neuronal dendrite calcium wave model (Neymotin et al, 2015)
  123. Neurophysiological impact of inactivation pathways in A-type K+ channels (Fineberg et al 2012)
  124. Non-Weak E-Fields Pyramidal Neurons (Reznik et. al.,2015)
  125. Normal ripples, abnormal ripples, and fast ripples in a hippocampal model (Fink et al. 2015)
  126. Opposing roles for Na+/Ca2+ exchange and Ca2+-activated K+ currents during STDP (O`Halloran 2020)
  127. Paradoxical GABA-mediated excitation (Lewin et al. 2012)
  128. Parvalbumin-positive basket cells differentiate among hippocampal pyramidal cells (Lee et al. 2014)
  129. Place and grid cells in a loop (Rennó-Costa & Tort 2017)
  130. Reconstructed neuron (cerebellar, hippocampal, striatal) sims using predicted diameters (Reed et al)
  131. Reduced-morphology model of CA1 pyramidal cells optimized + validated w/ HippoUnit (Tomko et al '21)
  132. Resonance properties through Chirp stimulus responses (Narayanan Johnston 2007, 2008)
  133. Roles of essential kinases in induction of late hippocampal LTP (Smolen et al., 2006)
  134. Roles of I(A) and morphology in AP prop. in CA1 pyramidal cell dendrites (Acker and White 2007)
  135. Signal integration in a CA1 pyramidal cell (Graham 2001)
  136. Signaling pathways underlying LTP in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells (Jedrzejewska-Szmek et al 2017)
  137. Single excitatory axons form clustered synapses onto CA1 pyramidal cell dendrites (Bloss et al 2018)
  138. Sodium currents activate without a delay (Baranauskas and Martina 2006)
  139. Spatial summation of excitatory and inhibitory inputs in pyramidal neurons (Hao et al. 2010)
  140. Spiking GridPlaceMap model (Pilly & Grossberg, PLoS One, 2013)
  141. Spine neck plasticity controls postsynaptic calcium signals (Grunditz et al. 2008)
  142. STDP and BDNF in CA1 spines (Solinas et al. 2019)
  143. STDP and NMDAR Subunits (Gerkin et al. 2007)
  144. Stochastic ion channels and neuronal morphology (Cannon et al. 2010)
  145. Subiculum network model with dynamic chloride/potassium homeostasis (Buchin et al 2016)
  146. Subthreshold conductances regulate theta-frequency LFPs and spike phase (Sinha and Narayanan, 2015)
  147. Synaptic gating at axonal branches, and sharp-wave ripples with replay (Vladimirov et al. 2013)
  148. Synchronization in a realistic model of CA1 pyramidal neurons (Fiasconaro and Migliore 2024)
  149. Synthesis of spatial tuning functions from theta cell spike trains (Welday et al., 2011)
  150. Tag Trigger Consolidation (Clopath and Ziegler et al. 2008)
  151. The APP in C-terminal domain alters CA1 neuron firing (Pousinha et al 2019)
  152. Theta-gamma phase amplitude coupling in a hippocampal CA1 microcircuit (Ponzi et al. 2023)
  153. Using Strahler's analysis to reduce realistic models (Marasco et al, 2013)
  154. Voltage attenuation in CA1 pyramidal neuron dendrites (Golding et al 2005)
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