Temporal sensitivity of signaling pathways underlying L-LTP. Single compartment, deterministic model of calcium and dopamine activated pathways, leading to CaMKII and PKA activation. Experimental verification of model prediction.
Model Type: Synapse
Cell Type(s): Hippocampus CA1 pyramidal GLU cell
Receptors: Dopaminergic Receptor
Transmitters: Dopamine
Model Concept(s): Long-term Synaptic Plasticity; Signaling pathways
Simulation Environment: XPPAUT
Implementer(s): Blackwell, Avrama [avrama at gmu.edu]
Kim M, Huang T, Abel T, Blackwell KT. (2010). Temporal sensitivity of protein kinase a activation in late-phase long term potentiation. PLoS computational biology. 6 [PubMed]