Transmitter: Dopamine

  1. A 1000 cell network model for Lateral Amygdala (Kim et al. 2013)
  2. A basal ganglia model of aberrant learning (Ursino et al. 2018)
  3. A contracting model of the basal ganglia (Girard et al. 2008)
  4. A kinetic model of dopamine- and calcium-dependent striatal synaptic plasticity (Nakano et al. 2010)
  5. A neural model of Parkinson`s disease (Cutsuridis and Perantonis 2006, Cutsuridis 2006, 2007)
  6. A systems model of Parkinson’s disease using biochemical systems theory (Sasidharakurup et al. 2017)
  7. Acetylcholine-modulated plasticity in reward-driven navigation (Zannone et al 2018)
  8. Application of a common kinetic formalism for synaptic models (Destexhe et al 1994)
  9. Basal Ganglia and Levodopa Pharmacodynamics model for parameter estimation in PD (Ursino et al 2020)
  10. Basal ganglia motor function and the inverse kinematics calculation (Salimi-Badr et al 2017)
  11. Basal Ganglia motor-circuit for kinematic planning of arm movements (Salimi-Badr et al 2017)
  12. Basal ganglia network model of subthalamic deep brain stimulation (Hahn and McIntyre 2010)
  13. Basal ganglia-thalamocortical loop model of action selection (Humphries and Gurney 2002)
  14. Bursting in dopamine neurons (Li YX et al 1996)
  15. Cholinergic and nicotinic regulation of DA neuron firing (Morozova et al 2020)
  16. Cognitive and motor cortico-basal ganglia interactions during decision making (Guthrie et al 2013)
  17. Computational endophenotypes in addiction (Fiore et al 2018)
  18. Cortico-striatal plasticity in medium spiny neurons (Gurney et al 2015)
  19. Dopamine activation of signaling pathways in a medium spiny projection neuron (Oliveira et al. 2012)
  20. Dopamine-modulated medium spiny neuron, reduced model (Humphries et al. 2009)
  21. Dynamic dopamine modulation in the basal ganglia: Learning in Parkinson (Frank et al 2004,2005)
  22. Effect of cortical D1 receptor sensitivity on working memory maintenance (Reneaux & Gupta 2018)
  23. Effects of Dopamine Modulation and KIR Inactivation in NAc Medium Spiny Neurons (Steephen 2011)
  24. Excitability of DA neurons and their regulation by synaptic input (Morozova et al. 2016a, 2016b)
  25. Excitotoxic loss of dopaminergic cells in PD (Muddapu et al 2019)
  26. Gamma genesis in the basolateral amygdala (Feng et al 2019)
  27. Hippocampus CA1: Simulations of LTP signaling pathways (Kim M et al. 2011)
  28. Hippocampus CA1: Temporal sensitivity of signaling pathways underlying LTP (Kim et al. 2010)
  29. Hyperbolic model (Daneshzand et al 2017)
  30. L5 pyr. cell spiking control by oscillatory inhibition in distal apical dendrites (Li et al 2013)
  31. Levodopa-Induced Toxicity in Parkinson's Disease (Muddapu et al, 2022)
  32. Library of biophysically detailed striatal projection neurons (Lindroos and Hellgren Kotaleski 2020)
  33. Low dose of dopamine may stimulate prolactin secretion by increasing K currents (Tabak et al. 2006)
  34. Model of DARPP-32 phosphorylation in striatal medium spiny neurons (Lindskog et al. 2006)
  35. Modeling interactions in Aplysia neuron R15 (Yu et al 2004)
  36. Modeling the effects of dopamine on network synchronization (Komek et al. 2012)
  37. Multiscale model of excitotoxicity in PD (Muddapu and Chakravarthy 2020)
  38. Nicotinic control of dopamine release in nucleus accumbens (Maex et al. 2014)
  39. Nigral dopaminergic neurons: effects of ethanol on Ih (Migliore et al. 2008)
  40. Oxytocin and VIP involvement in prolactin secretion (Egli et al. 2004,2006, Bertram et al. 2006)
  41. Phasic dopamine changes, Hebbian mechs during reversal learning in striatum (Schirru et al in press)
  42. Population-level model of the basal ganglia and action selection (Gurney et al 2001, 2004)
  43. Reinforcement learning of targeted movement (Chadderdon et al. 2012)
  44. Reproducing infra-slow oscillations with dopaminergic modulation (Kobayashi et al 2017)
  45. Roles of subthalamic nucleus and DBS in reinforcement conflict-based decision making (Frank 2006)
  46. Sequential neuromodulation of Hebbian plasticity in reward-based navigation (Brzosko et al 2017)
  47. Signaling pathways In D1R containing striatal spiny projection neurons (Blackwell et al 2018)
  48. Simulations of modulation of HCN channels in L5PCs (Mäki-Marttunen and Mäki-Marttunen, 2022)
  49. Single-cell comprehensive biophysical model of SN pars compacta (Muddapu & Chakravarthy 2021)
  50. Spiking neuron model of the basal ganglia (Humphries et al 2006)
  51. Spiny neuron model with dopamine-induced bistability (Gruber et al 2003)
  52. Striatal D1R medium spiny neuron, including a subcellular DA cascade (Lindroos et al 2018)
  53. Striatal dopamine ramping: an explanation by reinforcement learning with decay (Morita & Kato, 2014)
  54. Striatal FSI and SPN oscillation model (Chartove et al. 2020)
  55. Striatal GABAergic microcircuit, dopamine-modulated cell assemblies (Humphries et al. 2009)
  56. Striatal GABAergic microcircuit, spatial scales of dynamics (Humphries et al, 2010)
  57. Synchronization by D4 dopamine receptor-mediated phospholipid methylation (Kuznetsova, Deth 2008)
  58. Tag Trigger Consolidation (Clopath and Ziegler et al. 2008)
  59. TD2Q reinforcement learning (Blackwell and Doya, 2023)
  60. Zebrafish Mauthner escape circuit with dopamine, gaba, and glycine (Clements et al., 2023)
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