"... Using a physiological computer model of hippocampus, we investigate random synaptic activity (noise) as a potential initiator of HFOs (high-frequency oscillations). We explore parameters necessary to produce these oscillations and quantify the response using the tools of stochastic resonance (SR) and coherence resonance (CR). ... Our results show that, under normal coupling conditions, synaptic noise was able to produce gamma (30–100 Hz) frequency oscillations. Synaptic noise generated HFOs in the ripple range (100–200 Hz) when the network had parameters similar to pathological findings in epilepsy: increased gap junctions or recurrent synaptic connections, loss of inhibitory interneurons such as basket cells, and increased synaptic noise. ... We propose that increased synaptic noise and physiological coupling mechanisms are sufficient to generate gamma oscillations and that pathologic changes in noise and coupling similar to those in epilepsy can produce abnormal ripples."
Model Type: Realistic Network
Region(s) or Organism(s): Hippocampus
Cell Type(s): Hippocampus CA1 pyramidal GLU cell; Hippocampus CA3 pyramidal GLU cell; Hippocampus CA1 interneuron oriens alveus GABA cell; Hippocampus CA1 basket cell
Currents: I Na,t; I A; I K; I h
Model Concept(s): Oscillations
Simulation Environment: NEURON
Implementer(s): Lazarewicz, Maciej [mlazarew at gmu.edu]; Stacey, William [wstacey at med.umich.edu]
Stacey WC, Lazarewicz MT, Litt B. (2009). Synaptic noise and physiological coupling generate high-frequency oscillations in a hippocampal computational model. Journal of neurophysiology. 102 [PubMed]