This is the code implementing the single neuron and spiking neural network dynamics. The network has the dynamic ion concentrations of extracellular potassium and intracellular chloride. The code contains multiple parameter variations to study various mechanisms of the neural excitability in the context of chloride homeostasis.
Model Type: Synapse; Extracellular; Dendrite; Realistic Network; Glia
Region(s) or Organism(s): Hippocampus
Cell Type(s): Hippocampus CA1 pyramidal GLU cell; Hodgkin-Huxley neuron; Hippocampus CA1 PV+ fast-firing interneuron
Currents: KCC2; I Sodium; I Potassium; Na/K pump; I Calcium; I Chloride; I Cl, leak; I M; I Na, leak; I K,leak; I_HCO3; I Na,p
Transmitters: Ions; Gaba; Glutamate
Model Concept(s): Bursting; Epilepsy; Chloride regulation; Activity Patterns; Oscillations; Homeostasis; Potassium buffering; Brain Rhythms; Extracellular Fields
Simulation Environment: MATLAB; XPPAUT
Implementer(s): Buchin, Anatoly [anat.buchin at]
Buchin A, Chizhov A, Huberfeld G, Miles R, Gutkin BS. (2016). Reduced Efficacy of the KCC2 Cotransporter Promotes Epileptic Oscillations in a Subiculum Network Model. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 36 [PubMed]