Cell Type: Hodgkin-Huxley neuron

  1. A 1000 cell network model for Lateral Amygdala (Kim et al. 2013)
  2. A 3D population model of midget retinal ganglion cells at the human fovea (Italiano et al, 2022)
  3. A biophysical model of thalamocortical network switching under propofol (Soplata et al., 2023)
  4. A model for how correlation depends on the neuronal excitability type (Hong et al. 2012)
  5. A model of antennal lobe of bee (Chen JY et al. 2015)
  6. A Moth MGC Model-A HH network with quantitative rate reduction (Buckley & Nowotny 2011)
  7. A multiphysics neuron model for cellular volume dynamics (Lee et al. 2011)
  8. A neuronal circuit simulator for non Monte Carlo analysis of neuronal noise (Kilinc & Demir 2018)
  9. A phantom bursting mechanism for episodic bursting (Bertram et al 2008)
  10. A single compartment model of Drosophila motor neuron (Megwa et al 2023)
  11. Biophysically detailed model of somatosensory thalamocortical circuit
  12. Burst and tonic firing behaviour in subfornical organ (SFO) neurons (Medlock et al 2018)
  13. C.elegans motor and interneurons (Nicoletti at al. 2024)
  14. Cellular function given parametric variation in the HH model of excitability (Ori et al 2018)
  15. Cholinergic modulation of resting state networks (Sanda et al., accepted)
  16. Competition model of pheromone ratio detection (Zavada et al. 2011)
  17. Concentration dependent nonlinear K+ and Cl- leak current (Huang et al. 2015)
  18. Contribution of ATP-sensitive potassium channels in the neuronal network (Huang et al. 2009)
  19. Convergence regulates synchronization-dependent AP transfer in feedforward NNs (Sailamul et al 2017)
  20. Cortex-Basal Ganglia-Thalamus network model (Kumaravelu et al. 2016)
  21. Cortical Basal Ganglia Network Model during Closed-loop DBS (Fleming et al 2020)
  22. Data-driven, HH-type model of the lateral pyloric (LP) cell in the STG (Nowotny et al. 2008)
  23. Deconstruction of cortical evoked potentials generated by subthalamic DBS (Kumaravelu et al 2018)
  24. Dependence of neuronal firing on astroglial membrane transport mechanisms (Oyehaug et al 2012)
  25. DRt neuron model (Sousa et al., 2014)
  26. Earthworm medial giant fiber conduction velocity across electrical synapses (Heller, Crisp 2016)
  27. Epileptic seizure model with Morris-Lecar neurons (Beverlin and Netoff 2011)
  28. Gamma genesis in the basolateral amygdala (Feng et al 2019)
  29. Healthy and Epileptic Hippocampal Circuit (Aussel et al 2022)
  30. Heterogeneous axon model (Zang et al, accepted)
  31. High frequency oscillations induced in three gap-junction coupled neurons (Tseng et al. 2008)
  32. Hodgkin–Huxley model with fractional gating (Teka et al. 2016)
  33. Homeostatic mechanisms may shape oscillatory modulations (Peterson & Voytek 2020)
  34. Human Cortical L5 Pyramidal Cell (Rich et al. 2021)
  35. Hyperpolarization-activated inward current and dynamic range of electrical synapse (Stein et al '22)
  36. Interaural time difference detection by slowly integrating neurons (Vasilkov Tikidji-Hamburyan 2012)
  37. Ion concentration dynamics as a mechanism for neuronal bursting (Barreto & Cressman 2011)
  38. Knox implementation of Destexhe 1998 spike and wave oscillation model (Knox et al 2018)
  39. Layer-specific pyramidal cell props underlie diverse ACC motor + limbic networks (Medalla et al '21)
  40. Levodopa-Induced Toxicity in Parkinson's Disease (Muddapu et al, 2022)
  41. LIP and FEF rhythmic attention model (Aussel et al. 2023)
  42. Markov Chain-based Stochastic Shielding Hodgkin Huxley Model (Schmandt, Galan 2012)
  43. Model of the hippocampus over the sleep-wake cycle using Hodgkin-Huxley neurons (Aussel et al 2018)
  44. Model of the Xenopus tadpole swimming spinal network (Roberts et al. 2014)
  45. Modeling epileptic seizure induced by depolarization block (Kim & Dykamp 2017)
  46. Multiscale model of primary motor cortex circuits predicts in vivo dynamics (Dura-Bernal et al 2023)
  47. Neural mass model based on single cell dynamics to model pathophysiology (Zandt et al 2014)
  48. NeuroMatic: software for acquisition, analysis and simulation of e-phys data (Rothman & Silver 2018)
  49. Neuromechanical Model of Rat Hindlimb Walking with Two-Layer CPGs (Deng et al, 2019)
  50. Neuroprotective Role of Gap Junctions in a Neuron Astrocyte Network Model (Huguet et al 2016)
  51. NMDAR & GABAB/KIR Give Bistable Dendrites: Working Memory & Sequence Readout (Sanders et al., 2013)
  52. Nodes of Ranvier with left-shifted Nav channels (Boucher et al. 2012)
  53. Numerical Integration of Izhikevich and HH model neurons (Stewart and Bair 2009)
  54. Pallidostriatal projections promote beta oscillations (Corbit, Whalen, et al 2016)
  55. Parallel Tempering MCMC on Liu et al 1998 (Wang et al 2022)
  56. Parallelizing large networks in NEURON (Lytton et al. 2016)
  57. Phase-locking analysis with transcranial magneto-acoustical stimulation (Yuan et al 2017)
  58. Reduction of nonlinear ODE systems possessing multiple scales (Clewley et al. 2005)
  59. Respiratory pacemaker neurons (Butera et al 1999)
  60. Response to correlated synaptic input for HH/IF point neuron vs with dendrite (Górski et al 2018)
  61. Simulated cortical color opponent receptive fields self-organize via STDP (Eguchi et al., 2014)
  62. Simulating ion channel noise in an auditory brainstem neuron model (Schmerl & McDonnell 2013)
  63. Single neuron with ion concentrations to model anoxic depolarization (Zandt et al. 2011)
  64. Sodium potassium ATPase pump (Chapman et al. 1983)
  65. Spectral method and high-order finite differences for nonlinear cable (Omurtag and Lytton 2010)
  66. Squid axon (Hodgkin, Huxley 1952) (LabAXON)
  67. Squid axon (Hodgkin, Huxley 1952) (NEURON)
  68. Squid axon (Hodgkin, Huxley 1952) (SNNAP)
  69. Squid axon: Bifurcation analysis of mode-locking (Lee & Kim 2006) (Gangal & Dar 2014)
  70. Stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley Model: 14x28D Langevin Simulation (Pu and Thomas, 2020).
  71. Stochastic versions of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations (Goldwyn, Shea-Brown 2011)
  72. Stochastic versions of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations (Goldwyn, Shea-Brown 2011) (pylab)
  73. Subiculum network model with dynamic chloride/potassium homeostasis (Buchin et al 2016)
  74. Thalamocortical control of propofol phase-amplitude coupling (Soplata et al 2017)
  75. The neuro-electronic junction (planar and engulfed electrodes) (Massobrio et al 2018)
  76. Touch-Motor Circuit (Gradwell et al., 2024)
  77. Universal feature of developing networks (Tabak et al 2010)
  78. Using NEURON for reaction-diffusion modeling of extracellular dynamics (Newton et al 2018)
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