Model Concept: Bursting

The model is used to investigate mechanisms of neuronal bursting.

  1. 3D model of the olfactory bulb (Migliore et al. 2014)
  2. A detailed Purkinje cell model (Masoli et al 2015)
  3. A Fast Rhythmic Bursting Cell: in vivo cell modeling (Lee 2007)
  4. A four compartmental model for ABPD complex in crustacean pyloric network (Maran et al. 2011)
  5. A model of neuronal bursting using three coupled first order diff. eqs. (Hindmarsh & Rose 1984)
  6. A modified Morris-Lecar with TRPC4 & GIRK (Tian et al. 2022)
  7. A network model of tail withdrawal in Aplysia (White et al 1993)
  8. A network of AOB mitral cells that produces infra-slow bursting (Zylbertal et al. 2017)
  9. A phantom bursting mechanism for episodic bursting (Bertram et al 2008)
  10. A simple integrative electrophysiological model of bursting GnRH neurons (Csercsik et al. 2011)
  11. A single column thalamocortical network model (Traub et al 2005)
  12. A single compartment model of Drosophila motor neuron (Megwa et al 2023)
  13. A spatial model of the intermediate superior colliculus (Moren et. al. 2013)
  14. A spatially extended model for macroscopic spike-wave discharges (Taylor and Baier 2011)
  15. Actions of Rotenone on ionic currents and MEPPs in Mouse Hippocampal Neurons (Huang et al 2018)
  16. Activity dependent conductances in a neuron model (Liu et al. 1998)
  17. Alcohol action in a detailed Purkinje neuron model and an efficient simplified model (Forrest 2015)
  18. Apical Length Governs Computational Diversity of Layer 5 Pyramidal Neurons (Galloni et al 2020)
  19. Ave. neuron model for slow-wave sleep in cortex Tatsuki 2016 Yoshida 2018 Rasmussen 2017 (all et al)
  20. Basal ganglia network model of subthalamic deep brain stimulation (Hahn and McIntyre 2010)
  21. Basal ganglia-thalamic network model for deep brain stimulation (So et al. 2012)
  22. Biophysically detailed model of somatosensory thalamocortical circuit
  23. BK Channels Promote Bursting in Pituitary Cells (Tabak et al 2011)
  24. Burst and tonic firing behaviour in subfornical organ (SFO) neurons (Medlock et al 2018)
  25. Bursting activity of neuron R15 in Aplysia (Canavier et al 1991, Butera et al 1995)
  26. Bursting and oscillations in RD1 Retina driven by AII Amacrine Neuron (Choi et al. 2014)
  27. Bursting and resonance in cerebellar granule cells (D'Angelo et al. 2001)
  28. Bursting in dopamine neurons (Li YX et al 1996)
  29. Bursting respiratory net: clustered architecture gives large phase diff`s (Fietkiewicz et al 2011)
  30. CA1 oriens alveus interneurons: signaling properties (Minneci et al. 2007)
  31. CA1 pyramidal cell: I_NaP and I_M contributions to somatic bursting (Golomb et al 2006)
  32. CA1 pyramidal neuron network model (Ferguson et al 2015)
  33. Ca2+-activated I_CAN and synaptic depression promotes network-dependent oscil. (Rubin et al. 2009)
  34. CA3 pyramidal neuron (Lazarewicz et al 2002)
  35. CA3 Pyramidal Neuron (Migliore et al 1995)
  36. CA3 pyramidal neuron (Safiulina et al. 2010)
  37. CA3 pyramidal neuron: firing properties (Hemond et al. 2008)
  38. Caffeine-induced electrical oscillations in Aplysia neurons (Komendantov, Kononenko 2000)
  39. Cancelling redundant input in ELL pyramidal cells (Bol et al. 2011)
  40. Cerebellar Nucleus Neuron (Steuber, Schultheiss, Silver, De Schutter & Jaeger, 2010)
  41. Cerebellar purkinje cell: K and Ca channels regulate APs (Miyasho et al 2001)
  42. Cholinergic and nicotinic regulation of DA neuron firing (Morozova et al 2020)
  43. Classic model of the Tritonia Swim CPG (Getting, 1989)
  44. Cold-Temperature Coding with Bursting and Spiking Based on TRP Channel Dynamics in Drosophila Larva Sensory Neurons (Maksymchuk, N., A. Sakurai, D.N. Cox, and G.S. Cymbalyuk, 2023)
  45. Collection of simulated data from a thalamocortical network model (Glabska, Chintaluri, Wojcik 2017)
  46. Complex dynamics: reproducing Golgi cell electroresponsiveness (Geminiani et al 2018, 2019ab)
  47. Computer model of clonazepam's effect in thalamic slice (Lytton 1997)
  48. Data-driven, HH-type model of the lateral pyloric (LP) cell in the STG (Nowotny et al. 2008)
  49. Dendritic L-type Ca currents in motoneurons (Carlin et al 2000)
  50. Dendritica (Vetter et al 2001)
  51. Dentate gyrus granule cell: calcium and calcium-dependent conductances (Aradi and Holmes 1999)
  52. Dependence of neuronal firing on astroglial membrane transport mechanisms (Oyehaug et al 2012)
  53. Deterministic chaos in a mathematical model of a snail neuron (Komendantov and Kononenko 1996)
  54. Differential modulation of pattern and rate in a dopamine neuron model (Canavier and Landry 2006)
  55. Dopaminergic cell bursting model (Kuznetsov et al 2006)
  56. Dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neuronal model (Kovalsky et al. 2009)
  57. Dynamic cortical interlaminar interactions (Carracedo et al. 2013)
  58. Dynamical model of olfactory bulb mitral cell (Rubin, Cleland 2006)
  59. Dynamics of ramping bursts in a respiratory pre-Botzinger Complex model (Abdulla et al, 2021)
  60. Evolving simple models of diverse dynamics in hippocampal neuron types (Venkadesh et al 2018)
  61. Excitability of DA neurons and their regulation by synaptic input (Morozova et al. 2016a, 2016b)
  62. Fast-spiking cortical interneuron (Golomb et al. 2007)
  63. Febrile seizure-induced modifications to Ih (Chen et al 2001)
  64. Fully continuous Pinsky-Rinzel model for bifurcation analysis (Atherton et al. 2016)
  65. Gating of steering signals through phasic modulation of reticulospinal neurons (Kozlov et al. 2014)
  66. Generating oscillatory bursts from a network of regular spiking neurons (Shao et al. 2009)
  67. Global structure, robustness, and modulation of neuronal models (Goldman et al. 2001)
  68. Half-center oscillator database of leech heart interneuron model (Doloc-Mihu & Calabrese 2011)
  69. Hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cell demonstrating dynamic mode switching (Berteau & Bullock 2020)
  70. Hippocampal CA3 thorny and a-thorny principal neuron models (Linaro et al in review)
  71. Hodgkin–Huxley model with fractional gating (Teka et al. 2016)
  72. Homeostatic mechanisms may shape oscillatory modulations (Peterson & Voytek 2020)
  73. Impact of dendritic size and topology on pyramidal cell burst firing (van Elburg and van Ooyen 2010)
  74. Inhibition and glial-K+ interaction leads to diverse seizure transition modes (Ho & Truccolo 2016)
  75. Integrated Oscillator Model for pancreatic islet beta-cells (Marinelli et al., 2022)
  76. Ion concentration dynamics as a mechanism for neuronal bursting (Barreto & Cressman 2011)
  77. Ionic mechanisms of bursting in CA3 pyramidal neurons (Xu and Clancy 2008)
  78. Irregular oscillations produced by cyclic recurrent inhibition (Friesen, Friesen 1994)
  79. KV1 channel governs cerebellar output to thalamus (Ovsepian et al. 2013)
  80. Large scale model of the olfactory bulb (Yu et al., 2013)
  81. Leech Heart (HE) Motor Neuron conductances contributions to NN activity (Lamb & Calabrese 2013)
  82. Leech heart interneuron network model (Hill et al 2001, 2002)
  83. Linking dynamics of the inhibitory network to the input structure (Komarov & Bazhenov 2016)
  84. Lobster STG pyloric network model with calcium sensor (Gunay & Prinz 2010) (Prinz et al. 2004)
  85. Low dose of dopamine may stimulate prolactin secretion by increasing K currents (Tabak et al. 2006)
  86. Low Threshold Calcium Currents in TC cells (Destexhe et al 1998)
  87. Low Threshold Calcium Currents in TC cells (Destexhe et al 1998) (Brian)
  88. LP neuron model database (Zang and Marder 2023)
  89. Maximal firing rate in midbrain dopamine neurons (Knowlton et al., 2021)
  90. Mean-field systems and small scale neural networks (Ferguson et al. 2015)
  91. Mechanisms of fast rhythmic bursting in a layer 2/3 cortical neuron (Traub et al 2003)
  92. Mitral cell activity gating by respiration and inhibition in an olfactory bulb NN (Short et al 2016)
  93. Mixed mode oscillations as a mechanism for pseudo-plateau bursting (Vo et al. 2010)
  94. Model for K-ATP mediated bursting in mSNc DA neurons (Knowlton et al 2018)
  95. Model for pancreatic beta-cells (Law et al. 2020)
  96. Model for pancreatic beta-cells with two isoforms of PFK (Marinelli et al., 2022)
  97. Modeling interactions in Aplysia neuron R15 (Yu et al 2004)
  98. Morris-Lecar model of the barnacle giant muscle fiber (Morris, Lecar 1981)
  99. Multi-timescale adaptive threshold model (Kobayashi et al 2009)
  100. Multi-timescale adaptive threshold model (Kobayashi et al 2009) (NEURON)
  101. Multifunctional control of feeding in Aplysia (Webster-Wood et al. 2020)
  102. Multiple dynamical modes of thalamic relay neurons (Wang XJ 1994)
  103. Multiple modes of a conditional neural oscillator (Epstein, Marder 1990)
  104. Multiscale model of excitotoxicity in PD (Muddapu and Chakravarthy 2020)
  105. Multiscale modeling of epileptic seizures (Naze et al. 2015)
  106. MyFirstNEURON (Houweling, Sejnowski 1997)
  107. Neocortical Layer I: I-A and I-K (Zhou, Hablitz 1996)
  108. Network bursts in cultured NN result from different adaptive mechanisms (Masquelier & Deco 2013)
  109. Network model with neocortical architecture (Anderson et al 2007,2012; Azhar et al 2012)
  110. Nigral dopaminergic neurons: effects of ethanol on Ih (Migliore et al. 2008)
  111. NMDA spikes in basal dendrites of L5 pyramidal neurons (Polsky et al. 2009)
  112. Norns - Neural Network Studio (Visser & Van Gils 2014)
  113. Olfactory bulb mitral cell gap junction NN model: burst firing and synchrony (O`Connor et al. 2012)
  114. Pacemaker neurons and respiratory rhythm generation (Purvis et al 2007)
  115. Paradoxical GABA-mediated excitation (Lewin et al. 2012)
  116. Parallel STEPS: Large scale stochastic spatial reaction-diffusion simulat. (Chen & De Schutter 2017)
  117. Persistent synchronized bursting activity in cortical tissues (Golomb et al 2005)
  118. Phase plane reveals two slow variables in midbrain dopamine neuron bursts (Yu and Canavier, 2015)
  119. PreBotzinger Complex inspiratory neuron with NaP and CAN currents (Park and Rubin 2013)
  120. Principles of Computational Modelling in Neuroscience (Book) (Sterratt et al. 2011)
  121. Purkinje cell: Synaptic activation predicts voltage control of burst-pause (Masoli & D'Angelo 2017)
  122. Pyramidal Neuron Deep: Constrained by experiment (Dyhrfjeld-Johnsen et al. 2005)
  123. Pyramidal Neuron: Deep, Thalamic Relay and Reticular, Interneuron (Destexhe et al 1998, 2001)
  124. Rat subthalamic projection neuron (Gillies and Willshaw 2006)
  125. Regulation of the firing pattern in dopamine neurons (Komendantov et al 2004)
  126. Reliability of Morris-Lecar neurons with added T, h, and AHP currents (Zeldenrust et al. 2013)
  127. Respiratory pacemaker neurons (Butera et al 1999)
  128. Resurgent Na+ current offers noise modulation in bursting neurons (Venugopal et al 2019)
  129. Reverberatory bursts propagation and synchronization in developing cultured NNs (Huang et al 2016)
  130. Robust and tunable bursting requires slow positive feedback (Franci et al 2018)
  131. Robust modulation of integrate-and-fire models (Van Pottelbergh et al 2018)
  132. Role of Ih in firing patterns of cold thermoreceptors (Orio et al., 2012)
  133. Salamander retinal ganglian cells: morphology influences firing (Sheasby, Fohlmeister 1999)
  134. Simulating ion channel noise in an auditory brainstem neuron model (Schmerl & McDonnell 2013)
  135. Simulations of motor unit discharge patterns (Powers et al. 2011)
  136. Single neuron with dynamic ion concentrations (Cressman et al. 2009)
  137. Spike trains in Hodgkin–Huxley model and ISIs of acupuncture manipulations (Wang et al. 2008)
  138. STDP depends on dendritic synapse location (Letzkus et al. 2006)
  139. Stochastic model for pituitary corticotrophs (Duncan et al., 2022)
  140. Structure-dynamics relationships in bursting neuronal networks revealed (Mäki-Marttunen et al. 2013)
  141. Studies of stimulus parameters for seizure disruption using NN simulations (Anderson et al. 2007)
  142. Subiculum network model with dynamic chloride/potassium homeostasis (Buchin et al 2016)
  143. Substantia Nigra Par Compacta (Ortner et al., 2017)
  144. Sympathetic Preganglionic Neurone (Briant et al. 2014)
  145. Synaptic strengths are critical in creating the proper output phasing in a CPG (Gunay et al 2019)
  146. Temperature-Dependent Pyloric Pacemaker Kernel (Caplan JS et al., 2014)
  147. Thalamic interneuron multicompartment model (Zhu et al. 1999)
  148. Thalamic neuron: Modeling rhythmic neuronal activity (Meuth et al. 2005)
  149. Thalamic reticular neurons: the role of Ca currents (Destexhe et al 1996)
  150. Thalamocortical Relay cell under current clamp in high-conductance state (Zeldenrust et al 2018)
  151. Thalamocortical relay neuron models constrained by experiment and optimization (Iavarone et al 2019)
  152. The activity phase of postsynaptic neurons (Bose et al 2004)
  153. The dynamics underlying pseudo-plateau bursting in a pituitary cell model (Teka et al. 2011)
  154. The relationship between two fast/slow analysis techniques for bursting oscill. (Teka et al. 2012)
  155. The role of ATP-sensitive potassium channels in a hippocampal neuron (Huang et al. 2007)
  156. TRPM8-dependent dynamic response in cold thermoreceptors (Olivares et al. 2015)
  157. Tutorial: Using NEURON for Neuromechanical Simulations (Fietkiewicz et al., 2023)
  158. Two-cell inhibitory network bursting dynamics captured in a one-dimensional map (Matveev et al 2007)
  159. Understanding how fast activating K+ channels promote bursting in pituitary cells (Vo et al 2014)
  160. Updated Tritonia Swim CPG (Calin-Jagemann et al. 2007)
  161. Zebrafish Mauthner-cell model (Watanabe et al 2017)
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