We have built on earlier models to develop a single-compartment Hodgkin-Huxley type model incorporating NaP and CAN currents, both of which can play important roles in bursting of inspiratory neurons in the PreBotzinger Complex of the mammalian respiratory brain stem. The model tracks the evolution of membrane potential, related (in)activation variables, calcium concentration, and available fraction of IP3 channels. The model can produce several types of bursting, presented and analyzed from a dynamical systems perspective in our paper.
Model Type: Neuron or other electrically excitable cell
Cell Type(s): Respiratory column neuron; PreBotzinger complex neuron
Currents: I Na,p; I K; I CAN; I Sodium
Model Concept(s): Bursting
Simulation Environment: XPPAUT
Implementer(s): Rubin, Jonathan E [jonrubin at pitt.edu]; Park, Choongseok [cpark at ncat.edu]
Park C, Rubin JE. (2013). Cooperation of intrinsic bursting and calcium oscillations underlying activity patterns of model pre-Bötzinger complex neurons. Journal of computational neuroscience. 34 [PubMed]