We explore adaptation induced bursting as a mechanism for theta oscillations in hippocampal area CA1. To do this, we have developed a mean-field system for a network of fitted Izhikevich neurons with sparse coupling and heterogeneity. The code contained here runs the mean-field system pointwise or on a two-parameter mesh, in addition to networks of neurons that are smaller then those considered in the paper. The file README.pdf contains instructions on use. Note that the following file (peakfinder): http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/25500-peakfinder-x0--sel--thresh--extrema--includeendpoints--interpolate- is required to compute burst frequencies in the mean-field system and must be downloaded and placed in the same root folder as MFSIMULATOR.mat
Region(s) or Organism(s): Hippocampus
Cell Type(s): Abstract Izhikevich neuron
Model Concept(s): Bursting
Simulation Environment: MATLAB
Implementer(s): Nicola, Wilten [wnicola at uwaterloo.ca]
Ferguson KA, Njap F, Nicola W, Skinner FK, Campbell SA. (2015). Examining the limits of cellular adaptation bursting mechanisms in biologically-based excitatory networks of the hippocampus. Journal of computational neuroscience. 39 [PubMed]