Cell Type: Neocortex L2/3 pyramidal GLU cell

The cell bodies (somas) of these projection neurons are in the (superficial) layers 2/3 of cortex, and have a pyramid shape. These cells release glutamate, the most common excitatory neurotransmitter. These are intratelencephalic (project to the cortex, possibly the other hemisphere, or the basal ganglia) however intratelencephalic cells can also have their cell bodies in deeper cortical layers.

  1. A dendritic disinhibitory circuit mechanism for pathway-specific gating (Yang et al. 2016)
  2. A model of optimal learning with redundant synaptic connections (Hiratani & Fukai 2018)
  3. A synapse model for developing somatosensory cortex (Manninen et al 2020)
  4. ACnet23 primary auditory cortex model (Beeman et al 2019)
  5. Action potential-evoked Na+ influx are similar in axon and soma (Fleidervish et al. 2010)
  6. Allen Institute: Nr5a1-Cre VISp layer 2/3 473862496
  7. Allen Institute: Rorb-IRES2-Cre-D VISp layer 2/3 472299294
  8. Allen Institute: Rorb-IRES2-Cre-D VISp layer 2/3 472434498
  9. AP back-prop. explains threshold variability and rapid rise (McCormick et al. 2007, Yu et al. 2008)
  10. Axonal spheroids and conduction defects in Alzheimer’s disease (Yuan, Zhang, Tong, et al 2022)
  11. Biochemically detailed model of post-synaptic plasticity for computational analyses of schizophrenia (Maki-Marttunen et al. in press)
  12. Biophysically realistic neural modeling of the MEG mu rhythm (Jones et al. 2009)
  13. Ca+/HCN channel-dependent persistent activity in multiscale model of neocortex (Neymotin et al 2016)
  14. Collection of simulated data from a thalamocortical network model (Glabska, Chintaluri, Wojcik 2017)
  15. Compartmentalization of GABAergic inhibition by dendritic spines (Chiu et al. 2013)
  16. Comprehensive models of human cortical pyramidal neurons (Eyal et al 2018)
  17. Cortical pyramidal neuron, phase response curve (Stiefel et al 2009)
  18. Dendritic action potentials and computation in human layer 2/3 cortical neurons (Gidon et al 2020)
  19. Dendritic action potentials and computation in human layer 2/3 cortical neurons (Gidon et al 2020)
  20. Dendritic Discrimination of Temporal Input Sequences (Branco et al. 2010)
  21. Distal inhibitory control of sensory-evoked excitation (Egger, Schmitt et al. 2015)
  22. Distinct integration properties of noisy inputs in active dendritic subunits (Poleg-Polsky 2019)
  23. Dynamic cortical interlaminar interactions (Carracedo et al. 2013)
  24. Effects of neural morphology on global and focal NMDA-spikes (Poleg-Polsky 2015)
  25. Electrostimulation to reduce synaptic scaling driven progression of Alzheimers (Rowan et al. 2014)
  26. Emergence of physiological oscillation frequencies in neocortex simulations (Neymotin et al. 2011)
  27. Engaging distinct oscillatory neocortical circuits (Vierling-Claassen et al. 2010)
  28. Fluctuating synaptic conductances recreate in-vivo-like activity (Destexhe et al 2001)
  29. Global and multiplexed dendritic computations under in vivo-like conditions (Ujfalussy et al 2018)
  30. Hodgkin-Huxley models of different classes of cortical neurons (Pospischil et al. 2008)
  31. Human L2/3 pyramidal cells with low Cm values (Eyal et al. 2016)
  32. Influence of dendritic structure on neocortical neuron firing patterns (Mainen and Sejnowski 1996)
  33. Information-processing in lamina-specific cortical microcircuits (Haeusler and Maass 2006)
  34. Inhibitory microcircuits for top-down plasticity of sensory representations (Wilmes & Clopath 2019)
  35. KInNeSS : a modular framework for computational neuroscience (Versace et al. 2008)
  36. L2/3 V1 Pyramidal Cell model (modified Park et al., 2019; a/n: 231185) (Petousakis et al., 2023)
  37. Laminar connectivity matrix simulation (Weiler et al 2008)
  38. Large scale neocortical model for PGENESIS (Crone et al 2019)
  39. Large-scale model of neocortical slice in vitro exhibiting persistent gamma (Tomsett et al. 2014)
  40. Mechanisms of fast rhythmic bursting in a layer 2/3 cortical neuron (Traub et al 2003)
  41. Modeling hebbian and homeostatic plasticity (Toyoizumi et al. 2014)
  42. Multiscale model of primary motor cortex circuits predicts in vivo dynamics (Dura-Bernal et al 2023)
  43. Neocortical Layer I: I-A and I-K (Zhou, Hablitz 1996)
  44. Network model with neocortical architecture (Anderson et al 2007,2012; Azhar et al 2012)
  45. Neural mass model of the neocortex under sleep regulation (Costa et al 2016)
  46. Neural mass model of the sleeping cortex (Weigenand et al 2014)
  47. Neural mass model of the sleeping thalamocortical system (Schellenberger Costa et al 2016)
  48. Neuronal computation evoked by extra-large spines (Obi-Nagata et al., 2023)
  49. Neuronal dendrite calcium wave model (Neymotin et al, 2015)
  50. NN activity impact on neocortical pyr. neurons integrative properties in vivo (Destexhe & Pare 1999)
  51. Non-Weak E-Fields Pyramidal Neurons (Reznik et. al.,2015)
  52. Orientation preference in L23 V1 pyramidal neurons (Park et al 2019)
  53. Parameter estimation for Hodgkin-Huxley based models of cortical neurons (Lepora et al. 2011)
  54. Parametric computation and persistent gamma in a cortical model (Chambers et al. 2012)
  55. Prosthetic electrostimulation for information flow repair in a neocortical simulation (Kerr 2012)
  56. Pyramidal neuron conductances state and STDP (Delgado et al. 2010)
  57. Relative spike time coding and STDP-based orientation selectivity in V1 (Masquelier 2012)
  58. Rhesus Monkey Layer 3 Pyramidal Neurons: V1 vs PFC (Amatrudo, Weaver et al. 2012)
  59. Rhesus Monkey Layer 3 Pyramidal Neurons: Young vs aged PFC (Coskren et al. 2015)
  60. Rhesus Monkey Young and Aged L3 PFC Pyramidal Neurons (Rumbell et al. 2016)
  61. Selective control of cortical axonal spikes by a slowly inactivating K+ current (Shu et al. 2007)
  62. Short term plasticity of synapses onto V1 layer 2/3 pyramidal neuron (Varela et al 1997)
  63. Sodium currents activate without a delay (Baranauskas and Martina 2006)
  64. Spike repolarization in axon collaterals (Foust et al. 2011)
  65. Spikes,synchrony,and attentive learning by laminar thalamocort. circuits (Grossberg & Versace 2007)
  66. Studies of stimulus parameters for seizure disruption using NN simulations (Anderson et al. 2007)
  67. Surround Suppression in V1 via Withdraw of Balanced Local Excitation in V1 (Shushruth 2012)
  68. Synaptic information transfer in computer models of neocortical columns (Neymotin et al. 2010)
  69. Synaptic scaling balances learning in a spiking model of neocortex (Rowan & Neymotin 2013)
  70. Synchronization by D4 dopamine receptor-mediated phospholipid methylation (Kuznetsova, Deth 2008)
  71. Systematic integration of data into multi-scale models of mouse primary V1 (Billeh et al 2020)
  72. Temporal decorrelation by intrinsic cellular dynamics (Wang et al 2003)
  73. Theory of sequence memory in neocortex (Hawkins & Ahmad 2016)
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