Cell Type: Neocortex spiny stellate cell

  1. A synapse model for developing somatosensory cortex (Manninen et al 2020)
  2. Alpha rhythm in vitro visual cortex (Traub et al 2020)
  3. Contrast invariance by LGN synaptic depression (Banitt et al. 2007)
  4. Data-driven multiscale model of macaque auditory thalamocortical circuits reproduces in vivo dynamics (Dura-Bernal et al., 2023)
  5. Electrodecrements in in vitro model of infantile spasms (Traub et al 2020)
  6. Electrostimulation to reduce synaptic scaling driven progression of Alzheimers (Rowan et al. 2014)
  7. Emergence of physiological oscillation frequencies in neocortex simulations (Neymotin et al. 2011)
  8. Energy-efficient information transfer at thalamocortical synapses (Harris et al 2019)
  9. Grid cell oscillatory interference with noisy network oscillators (Zilli and Hasselmo 2010)
  10. Influence of dendritic structure on neocortical neuron firing patterns (Mainen and Sejnowski 1996)
  11. Large scale neocortical model for PGENESIS (Crone et al 2019)
  12. Large-scale model of neocortical slice in vitro exhibiting persistent gamma (Tomsett et al. 2014)
  13. Nonlinear dendritic processing in barrel cortex spiny stellate neurons (Lavzin et al. 2012)
  14. Parametric computation and persistent gamma in a cortical model (Chambers et al. 2012)
  15. Prosthetic electrostimulation for information flow repair in a neocortical simulation (Kerr 2012)
  16. Synaptic information transfer in computer models of neocortical columns (Neymotin et al. 2010)
  17. Synaptic scaling balances learning in a spiking model of neocortex (Rowan & Neymotin 2013)
  18. Theory of sequence memory in neocortex (Hawkins & Ahmad 2016)
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