The sea slug Hermissenda learns to associate light and hair cell stimulation, but not when the stimuli are temporally uncorrelated...These issues were addressed using a multi-compartmental computer model of phototransduction, calcium dynamics, and ionic currents of the Hermissenda photoreceptor...simulations show that a potassium leak channel, which closes with an increase in calcium, is required to produce both the untrained LLD and the enhanced LLD due to the decrease in voltage dependent potassium currents.
Model Type: Neuron or other electrically excitable cell; Electrogenic pump
Cell Type(s): Hermissenda photoreceptor Type B
Currents: I A; I K,leak; I h; I K,Ca; I Sodium; I Calcium; I Potassium
Transmitters: Gaba
Model Concept(s): Temporal Pattern Generation; Invertebrate; Signaling pathways; Calcium dynamics
Simulation Environment: Chemesis
Implementer(s): Blackwell, Avrama [avrama at]
Blackwell KT. (2004). Paired turbulence and light do not produce a supralinear calcium increase in Hermissenda. Journal of computational neuroscience. 17 [PubMed]