Cortical feedback alters visual response properties of dLGN relay cells (Martínez-Cañada et al 2018)

Network model that includes biophysically detailed, single-compartment and multicompartment neuron models of relay-cells and interneurons in the dLGN and a population of orientation-selective layer 6 simple cells, consisting of pyramidal cells (PY). We have considered two different arrangements of synaptic feedback from the ON and OFF zones in the visual cortex to the dLGN: phase-reversed (‘push-pull’) and phase-matched (‘push-push’), as well as different spatial extents of the corticothalamic projection pattern. This project is the result of a research work and its associated publication is: (Martínez-Cañada et al 2018). Installation instructions as well as the latest version can be found in the Github repository:

Model Type: Realistic Network

Region(s) or Organism(s): Thalamus

Model Concept(s): Vision

Simulation Environment: LFPy; NEURON; NEST; Python

Implementer(s): Martínez-Cañada, Pablo [pablomc at]


Martínez-Cañada P et al. (2018). Biophysical network modeling of the dLGN circuit: Effects of cortical feedback on spatial response properties of relay cells. PLoS computational biology. 14 [PubMed]

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