" ... Here we model odor supported place cells by using a simple feed-forward network and analyze the impact of olfactory cues on place cell formation and spatial navigation. The obtained place cells are used to solve a goal navigation task by a novel mechanism based on self-marking by odor patches combined with a Q-learning algorithm. We also analyze the impact of place cell remapping on goal directed behavior when switching between two environments. ..."
Model Type: Connectionist Network
Region(s) or Organism(s): Hippocampus
Model Concept(s): Rate-coding model neurons; Reinforcement Learning; Place cell/field; Spatial Navigation; Olfaction
Simulation Environment: MATLAB
Kulvicius T, Tamosiunaite M, Ainge J, Dudchenko P, Wörgötter F. (2008). Odor supported place cell model and goal navigation in rodents. Journal of computational neuroscience. 25 [PubMed]