"A robotic arm and hand controlled by simulated neurons is presented. The robot makes use of a biological neuron simulator using a point neural model. ... The robot performs a simple pick-and-place task. ... As another benefit, it is hoped that further work will also lead to a better understanding of human and other animal neural processing, particularly for physical motion. This is a multidisciplinary approach combining cognitive neuroscience, robotics, and psychology."
Model Type: Realistic Network
Cell Type(s): Abstract integrate-and-fire adaptive exponential (AdEx) neuron
Model Concept(s): Methods
Simulation Environment: NEST (web link to model)
Implementer(s): Singh, Nishant [ns1144 at live.mdx.ac.uk]
Jones A, Singh N, Huyck CR, Gandhi V. (2016). Neuron-Based Control Mechanisms for a Robotic Arm and Hand ICMRRS 2017: International Conference on Medical Robotics and Robotics for Surgery, Paris, France. 3(2)