We used L5 Pyr neuron models fit to electrophysiology data from younger and older individuals to simulate detailed human layer 5 microcircuits. These circuits also included detailed parvalbumin+ (PV), somatostatin+ (SST), and vasoactivate intestinal polypeptide+ (VIP) inhibitory interneuron models.
Model Type: Realistic Network; Neuron or other electrically excitable cell
Region(s) or Organism(s): Human; Neocortex
Cell Type(s): Neocortex U1 interneuron basket PV GABA cell; Neocortex U1 interneuron bipolar VIP/CR GABA cell; Neocortex layer 5 pyramidal cell
Currents: I h; I Na,t; I Na,p; I M; IK Skca; I K
Model Concept(s): Aging/Alzheimer`s
Simulation Environment: NEURON; LFPy
Guet-McCreight A et al. (2023). Age-dependent increased sag amplitude in human pyramidal neurons dampens baseline cortical activity. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 33 [PubMed]