This matlab code was used in the papers de Almeida, Idiart and Linster, (2013), Devore S, de Almeida L, Linster C (2014) . This work uses a computational model of the OB and PC and their common cholinergic inputs to investigate how bulbar cholinergic modulation affects cortical odor processing.
Model Type: Realistic Network
Cell Type(s): Olfactory bulb main mitral GLU cell; Piriform cortex anterior pyramidal layer II GLU cell; Olfactory bulb main interneuron periglomerular GABA cell; Olfactory bulb main interneuron granule MC GABA cell; Piriform cortex anterior interneuron superficial GABA cell; Piriform cortex anterior interneuron deep layer GABA cell
Receptors: Nicotinic; Muscarinic; Cholinergic Receptors; Olfactory Receptors
Transmitters: Acetylcholine
Model Concept(s): Oscillations; Synchronization; Synaptic Plasticity; Noise Sensitivity; Olfaction
Simulation Environment: MATLAB
Implementer(s): de Almeida, Licurgo [lbd38 at]
de Almeida L, Idiart M, Linster C. (2013). A model of cholinergic modulation in olfactory bulb and piriform cortex. Journal of neurophysiology. 109 [PubMed]
Devore S, de Almeida L, Linster C. (2014). Distinct roles of bulbar muscarinic and nicotinic receptors in olfactory discrimination learning. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 34 [PubMed]