Transmitter: Acetylcholine

  1. A basal ganglia model of aberrant learning (Ursino et al. 2018)
  2. A biophysical model of thalamocortical network switching under propofol (Soplata et al., 2023)
  3. A two-layer biophysical olfactory bulb model of cholinergic neuromodulation (Li and Cleland 2013)
  4. A unified thalamic model of multiple distinct oscillations (Li, Henriquez and Fröhlich 2017)
  5. Acetylcholine Boosts Dendritic NMDA Spikes in a CA3 Pyramidal Neuron Model (Humphries et al., 2021)
  6. Acetylcholine-modulated plasticity in reward-driven navigation (Zannone et al 2018)
  7. ACh modulation in olfactory bulb and piriform cortex (de Almeida et al. 2013;Devore S, et al. 2014)
  8. Application of a common kinetic formalism for synaptic models (Destexhe et al 1994)
  9. Basal Ganglia and Levodopa Pharmacodynamics model for parameter estimation in PD (Ursino et al 2020)
  10. Biochemically detailed model of LTP and LTD in a cortical spine (Maki-Marttunen et al 2020)
  11. Biochemically detailed model of post-synaptic plasticity for computational analyses of schizophrenia (Maki-Marttunen et al. in press)
  12. Cardiac Atrial Cell (Courtemanche et al 1998) (C++)
  13. Cholinergic and nicotinic regulation of DA neuron firing (Morozova et al 2020)
  14. Cholinergic Modulation Shifts the Response of CA1 Pyramidal Cells to Depolarizing Ramps via TRPM4 Channels with Potential Implications for Place Cell Firing (Combe et al., 2023)
  15. Competition model of pheromone ratio detection (Zavada et al. 2011)
  16. Cortical pyramidal neuron, phase response curve (Stiefel et al 2009)
  17. Crayfish hybrid experimental model (Chung et al. 2015)
  18. Crayfish hybrid simulation model (Bacque-Cazenave et al. 2014)
  19. Generating oscillatory bursts from a network of regular spiking neurons (Shao et al. 2009)
  20. Hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cell demonstrating dynamic mode switching (Berteau & Bullock 2020)
  21. LGMD Variability and logarithmic compression in dendrites (Jones and Gabbiani, 2012, 2012B)
  22. Library of biophysically detailed striatal projection neurons (Lindroos and Hellgren Kotaleski 2020)
  23. Lobster STG pyloric network model with calcium sensor (Gunay & Prinz 2010) (Prinz et al. 2004)
  24. Locust olfactory network with GGN and full KC population in the mushroom body (Ray et al 2020)
  25. Model of the hippocampus over the sleep-wake cycle using Hodgkin-Huxley neurons (Aussel et al 2018)
  26. Multiplication by NMDA receptors in Direction Selective Ganglion cells (Poleg-Polsky & Diamond 2016)
  27. Neural mass model of the neocortex under sleep regulation (Costa et al 2016)
  28. Nicotinic control of dopamine release in nucleus accumbens (Maex et al. 2014)
  29. Optimal synaptic assignment for locomotory behavior in C. elegans (Rakowski & Karbowski 2017)
  30. Pancreatic Beta Cell signalling pathways (Fridlyand & Philipson 2016) (MATLAB)
  31. Parallel cortical inhibition processing enables context-dependent behavior (Kuchibhotla et al. 2016)
  32. Phasic ACh promotes gamma oscillations in E-I networks (Lu et al, 2020)
  33. Phosphoinositide-Dependent Signaling in Sympathetic Neurons (SCG) (Kruse et al. 2016)
  34. Quantitative model of sleep-wake dynamics (Phillips & Robinson 2007)
  35. Reconstrucing sleep dynamics with data assimilation (Sedigh-Sarvestani et al., 2012)
  36. Role for short term plasticity and OLM cells in containing spread of excitation (Hummos et al 2014)
  37. Sequential neuromodulation of Hebbian plasticity in reward-based navigation (Brzosko et al 2017)
  38. Short Term Depression, Presynaptic Inhib., Neuron Diversity Roles in Antennal Lobe (Wei & Lo 2020)
  39. Signaling pathways In D1R containing striatal spiny projection neurons (Blackwell et al 2018)
  40. Simulations of modulation of HCN channels in L5PCs (Mäki-Marttunen and Mäki-Marttunen, 2022)
  41. Thalamocortical model of spike and wave seizures (Suffczynski et al. 2004)
  42. Thalamocortical sleep model (Fink et. al., 2024, and Krishnan et al., 2016)
  43. Theta phase precession in a model CA3 place cell (Baker and Olds 2007)
  44. Vertical System (VS) tangential cells network model (Trousdale et al. 2014)
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