Persistent Interruption in Parvalbumin-Positive Inhibitory Interneurons: Biophysical and Mathematical Mechanisms (Upchurch et al., 2024)

Model Type: Neuron or other electrically excitable cell

Region(s) or Organism(s): Hippocampus

Cell Type(s): Hippocampus CA1 interneuron basket GABA cell

Currents: I Sodium




Model Concept(s):

Simulation Environment: NEURON; Python

Implementer(s): Upchurch, Carol M


Upchurch CM, Knowlton CJ, Chamberland S, Canavier CC. (2024). Persistent Interruption in Parvalbumin-Positive Inhibitory Interneurons: Biophysical and Mathematical Mechanisms. eNeuro. 11 [PubMed]

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