Differential interactions between Notch and ID factors control neurogenesis (Boareto et al 2017)

"During embryonic and adult neurogenesis, neural stem cells (NSCs) generate the correct number and types of neurons in a temporospatial fashion. Control of NSC activity and fate is crucial for brain formation and homeostasis. Neurogenesis in the embryonic and adult brain differ considerably, but Notch signaling and inhibitor of DNA-binding (ID) factors are pivotal in both. Notch and ID factors regulate NSC maintenance; however, it has been difficult to evaluate how these pathways potentially interact. Here, we combined mathematical modeling with analysis of single-cell transcriptomic data to elucidate unforeseen interactions between the Notch and ID factor pathways. ..."

Model Concept(s): Homeostasis; Development; Neurogenesis; Signaling pathways

Simulation Environment: Python (web link to model)

Implementer(s): Boareto, Marcelo [marcelo.boareto at bsse.ethz.ch]


Boareto M, Iber D, Taylor V. (2017). Differential interactions between Notch and ID factors control neurogenesis by modulating Hes factor autoregulation. Development (Cambridge, England). 144 [PubMed]

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