How does the dendritic location of calcium persistent inward current (Ca-PIC) influence dendritic excitability and firing behavior across the spinal motoneuron pool? This issue was investigated developing a model motoneuron pool where model parameters were analytically determined to reflect key motoneuron type-specific properties experimentally identified. The simulation results point out the negative relationship between the distance of Ca-PIC source from the soma and cell recruitment threshold as a basis underlying the systematic variation in input-output properties of motoneurons over the motoneuron pool.
Model Type: Neuron or other electrically excitable cell
Cell Type(s): Spinal cord lumbar motor neuron alpha ACh cell
Currents: I Calcium; I Potassium; I Sodium; I_AHP
Model Concept(s): Active Dendrites
Simulation Environment: XPPAUT
Implementer(s): Kim, Hojeong [hojeong.kim03 at]
Kim H. (2017). Impact of the localization of dendritic calcium persistent inward current on the input-output properties of spinal motoneuron pool: a computational study. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). 123 [PubMed]
Kim H, Jones KE, Heckman CJ. (2014). Asymmetry in signal propagation between the soma and dendrites plays a key role in determining dendritic excitability in motoneurons. PloS one. 9 [PubMed]