From the abstracts: "Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), which survive in large numbers following neurodegenerative diseases, could be stimulated with extracellular electric pulses to elicit artificial percepts. How do the RGCs respond to electrical stimulation at the sub-cellular level under different stimulus configurations, and how does this influence the whole-cell response? At the population level, why have experiments yielded conflicting evidence regarding the extent of passing axon activation? We addressed these questions through simulations of morphologically and biophysically detailed computational RGC models on high performance computing clusters. We conducted the analyses on both large-field RGCs and small-field midget RGCs. ...", "... In this study, an existing RGC ionic model was extended by including a hyperpolarization activated non-selective cationic current as well as a T-type calcium current identified in recent experimental findings. Biophysically-defined model parameters were simultaneously optimized against multiple experimental recordings from ON and OFF RGCs. ...
Model Type: Synapse; Extracellular
Region(s) or Organism(s): Retina
Cell Type(s): Retina ganglion GLU cell
Model Concept(s): Oscillations; Activity Patterns; Development
Simulation Environment: NEURON
Implementer(s): Tsai, David [d.tsai at]
Guo T et al. (2016). Electrical activity of ON and OFF retinal ganglion cells: a modelling study. Journal of neural engineering. 13 [PubMed]
Tsai D et al. (2012). Responses of retinal ganglion cells to extracellular electrical stimulation, from single cell to population: model-based analysis. PloS one. 7 [PubMed]