Role of synchrony in sensation and the basis for paresthesia-free spinal cord stimulation (Sagalajev et al., 2024)

We showed that DC axons are activated synchronously during c-SCS (50 Hz) and asynchronously during kf-SCS. Through experiments and computational simulations, we explained the basis for and consequences of desynchronization, showing that asynchronous spikes are sufficient to mediate pain relief whereas synchronous spikes are necessary for paresthesia.

Model Type: Neuron or other electrically excitable cell

Model Concept(s): Synchronization

Simulation Environment: NEURON; Python; MATLAB; NetPyNE

Implementer(s): Zhang, Tianhe []; Abdollahi, Nooshin [nooshin.abdollahi at]; Medlock, Laura [laura.medlock at]


Sagalajev B et al. (2024). Absence of paresthesia during high-rate spinal cord stimulation reveals importance of synchrony for sensations evoked by electrical stimulation. Neuron. 112 [PubMed]

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