The minimal cell model (MCM) is a reduced Hodgkin-Huxley model that can exhibit excitable and oscillatory behavior. It consists of two ordinary differential equations, dV/dt for membrane voltage and dW/dt for potassium activation and sodium inactivation. The MCM has a stable membrane potential of -60mV. With constant input current of 10uA/cm2, it exhibits oscillations of 150Hz. It is based on the work by FitzHugh and Rinzel.
Model Type: Neuron or other electrically excitable cell
Currents: I Sodium; I Potassium
Model Concept(s): Simplified Models; Action Potentials; Invertebrate
Simulation Environment: SNNAP
Implementer(s): Av-Ron, Evyatar [eav-ron at]
Av-Ron E, Parnas H, Segel LA. (1991). A minimal biophysical model for an excitable and oscillatory neuron. Biological cybernetics. 65 [PubMed]