Ion concentration dynamics as a mechanism for neuronal bursting (Barreto & Cressman 2011)


Cm 1.0
E_cl -81.93864549
g_ahp 0.01
g_ca 0.1
g_clL 0.05
g_k 40.0
g_kL 0.05
g_na 100.0
g_naL 0.0175
I 0.0
Ko 4.0
Nai 18.0
phi 3.0


beta 7.0
Cm 1.0
E_ca 120.0
E_cl -81.93864549
epsilon 1.333333333
g_ca 0.1
g_clL 0.05
g_k 40.0
g_kL 0.05
g_na 100.0
g_naL 0.0175
gamma 0.044494542
glia 66.666666666
I 0.0
kbath 4.0
phi 3.0
rho 1.25
tau 1000
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