"... Here we present a detailed demonstration of a virtual C. elegans aimed at integrating these data in the form of a 3D dynamic model operating in a simulated physical environment. Our current demonstration includes a realistic flexible worm body model, muscular system and a partially implemented ventral neural cord. Our virtual C. elegans demonstrates successful forward and backward locomotion when sending sinusoidal patterns of neuronal activity to groups of motor neurons. ..."
Model Type: Realistic Network
Model Concept(s): Spatio-temporal Activity Patterns
Simulation Environment: C or C++ program (web link to model)
Palyanov A, Khayrulin S, Larson SD, Dibert A. (2011). Towards a virtual C. elegans: a framework for simulation and visualization of the neuromuscular system in a 3D physical environment. In silico biology. 11 [PubMed]