Gamma-beta alternation in the olfactory bulb (David, Fourcaud-Trocmé et al., 2015)

This model, a simplified olfactory bulb network with mitral and granule cells, proposes a framework for two regimes of oscillation in the olfactory bulb: 1 - a weak inhibition regime (with no granule spike) where the network oscillates in the gamma (40-90Hz) band 2 - a strong inhibition regime (with granule spikes) where the network oscillates in the beta (15-30Hz) band. Slow modulations of sensory and centrifugal inputs, phase shifted by a quarter of cycle, possibly combined with short term depression of the mitral to granule AMPA synapse, allows the network to alternate between the two regimes as observed in anesthetized animals.

Model Type: Realistic Network

Region(s) or Organism(s): Olfactory bulb

Cell Type(s): Olfactory bulb main mitral GLU cell; Olfactory bulb main interneuron granule MC GABA cell

Currents: I_Ks

Receptors: GabaA; AMPA

Model Concept(s): Short-term Synaptic Plasticity; Gamma oscillations; Beta oscillations; Olfaction

Simulation Environment: Brian; Python


David F, Courtiol E, Buonviso N, Fourcaud-Trocmé N. (2015). Competing Mechanisms of Gamma and Beta Oscillations in the Olfactory Bulb Based on Multimodal Inhibition of Mitral Cells Over a Respiratory Cycle. eNeuro. 2 [PubMed]

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