L2/3 Dendritic Morphology (Landau et al., 2022)

This mechanism is potentially temperature dependent.

Reused in 6 other models:

  • Thalamocortical and Thalamic Reticular Network (Destexhe et al 1996)
  • Application of a common kinetic formalism for synaptic models (Destexhe et al 1994)
  • Activity dependent regulation of pacemaker channels by cAMP (Wang et al 2002)
  • Dendritic Discrimination of Temporal Input Sequences (Branco et al. 2010)
  • A model of optimal learning with redundant synaptic connections (Hiratani & Fukai 2018)
  • Knox implementation of Destexhe 1998 spike and wave oscillation model (Knox et al 2018)
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