L2/3 Dendritic Morphology (Landau et al., 2022)

This code has some accurate morphological models of L2/3 neurons recorded in slices from mouse cortex. The paper it's related to aimed to understand how dendritic morphology (branching structure) affected action potential backpropagation and calcium signaling in dendrites, and that's what this code allows you to study. https://github.com/landoskape/landau-2022

Experimental motivation: Understand how cable properties affect AP amplitude and calcium conductances.

Model Type: Dendrite

Region(s) or Organism(s): Mouse; Neocortex

Cell Type(s): Neocortex L2/3 pyramidal GLU cell

Currents: I A; I Calcium; I K




Model Concept(s): Action Potentials; Active Dendrites; Influence of Dendritic Geometry

Simulation Environment: NEURON


Landau AT et al. (2022). Dendritic branch structure compartmentalizes voltage-dependent calcium influx in cortical layer 2/3 pyramidal cells. eLife. 11 [PubMed]

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